The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

MEW THINQ8 ARK AOVERTIRED BY MERCHANTS FIRST. 0 A0V1R TISEMENTS KEEP YOU ABREAST OK THM TIMES READ THBM1 § She Afraid. ADVERTISING IS AS THE HEADLINE* OH PAGE, OFTEN I f IS OF SIONIFICANCE TO TOO sixty raar year NO. 18 t i r « t t i NEWSLETTER FROMSTATE BffWnWENTS COLUMBUS—A new motto, lor* yea to » frees light; trie it not dowNed," iw tun ■at the OUo Xefbftastary for Wenra »t Marysville, Mrs. Marguerite Roil hr, cental aup*rinte»dent of lint in- etitattaa, told wwafeir* of the M*n-j agtag Officers’ aaeoeiation of th# State Diparttasnt of Pufolk Welfare ftt their vwitiri; March meetiag. 3k#fttfowd tk# rehabilitation of the inmates, and said: ‘‘I keep in mind that a penal institution i# primarily for the protection of aocicty «caln»t th# crwnitwl, but secondarily, its ob­ ject 1#jelraffe—the eulvage of human In knocking down ft v**e'«nd ,of the ritotaioa *f misty and hygtoft* |of the Utattatrisl flaanttmiimof Ohio !r«l«t«d that cwutructioft work w«a jibe cauM of mow fatal aeeutoate to {workers Aorta* 19*7 than say other fhmarit of iagwstry, Ctatate for ffateHttos IIMi by tb# dependent* of ;eeneururttaw work*** for th# year ftotaled- 14*, Saperiadeatant Kearns Iannounced. C E D A R V IL L f i , O H IO , H .G . ► > A P IU L 1 # 1888 P R IC E , H A O A Y E A R UNITS** PRESBYTERIAN CEUSCM brcak’-ig it, <>n«*may pick up the fragments and glue themtogether sc. that the v«wl may performth* aer- . vice for "which it wft* originally in­ tended, fIn picking up the pieces of humanlives thatcomeintoourcharge «t Maryavilie we aticicthem together so that they may go hack into the world and perform a# they were in-» tended to do. The’ tat?8 will slwayy 'Show, hut themis no reason why the woman, if she is normal, may not forget her past and with .new ideals am) near Incentives reenter society oh A higher plane than when she found herself « woman criminal,’' Mrs. Reilly, s former Cleveland attorney and assistant county prosecutor, has gained wide recognition for the sys­ tem- of rehabilitation Which- she has established at the reformatory dur­ ing the last- three years. ‘While only twenty-five per cent of the highway traffic moves at night there are thirty-five per cent more persons killed in accidents than dur­ ing daylight hours, according to date in thebulletin issued by the Govern­ or’* Safety Coordinating bureau. Combined with high speed, reckless ' driving anddriving whileintoxicated, three additional major factors, head*’ light glare, restricted vision and fatigue, were listed aa the principal cams* of the extra night-driving haxsrde. TWfu««tio*#of thebureau ate to premetosafety campaigns, w- neihuto toe..ri*eai*~ri -alt- stoto de­ partments activei* « highway safety program, and to;cooperate with all civic, safety groups in a- state-wide campaigh to lesean the misery and echnomic^loss suffered by Ohio citi- xetis through traffic accidents. State Treasurer Clarence H. Kris* leyreported a decline of $1,292,508in sales tax collections during January and February of the current year when compared with the collections during the corresponding twomonths in 1987. The'total collections for 1938 was 85,037,712 while the cor* responding 1937 total was $6,330,- 220, Treasurer Knistey announced* “Thebiggestboontolibrary service inthehistory,of thestate.” Thiswas theassertionmadeby State Librarian Paul A. T. Noon in referring to a statewide WPA library project now mm U t ssay, "Although Ohioleadsthe nation In library activity, we still have a ceodttteawhere 1.900,000per- eettedo net have a library within a reasonable distance of their homes,” Mr. Neon said, “the goal of the WPA library project, sponsored by the State library, is library service Her everyone in Ohio’, and we are positivethatthis goal will be achieved eventually” The projectwill feature branch libraries and deposit stations in isolated district as well as the DIVORCE SUIT! . ■ ' Beatrice Btuhnall, plaintiff in a salt against WUHamBuehimU, whom she married June 16, 1937 At Fast Jordan, Mich., change* non-support and request*' restoration to her maiden name of Lee. She is sepa­ rated from her husband, according-to the petition, • Marie Lucas, seekinga decreefrom T. II. Lucas, chargescruelty and non* support and requests that the de- ’endant be barred of interest in her -eal estate*. They were married in 1924. . •. ■Cruelty is charged in Adivorce ac­ tion brought by Eire Turner against Ruth,Turner, They weremarried in 1924. APPEAL IS PILED ~ ' ,G»»l Littlehasfiled an appeal from ^ judgment of B. E.-Bailey, $ilv«r- •feCk Twp, juatliee of the peace, favorable to C. O. Hettingen who suedLittlefor 835.12and was award’d $17.58for labor' services. FUND TRANSFER SOUGHT Trustees of Jefferson Twp, have madeapplication tothecourt for -per­ mission to transfer $508 from the toadand bridge fund to thetownship general fund, to pay hospitalization bill* and other obligations. There I f a $1,713.48 balance in the4ro*d and bridge fund, the petition- recited Prosecutor Marcus Slump represents thetrustee board. DIVORCES granted Three divorces have bean.granted by the court as follows: Stolda B Karri* from William H. J. Harris onground* of gross neglect, with-ihr plaintiff awarded custody of minor children; Belt* Oglesbee from Morrir Oglesbec, ongroundsof grossneglect, vith the plaintiff rc^toml. to he* ‘owner name of Barnes;. Mary Vane ,’rom-William Vance, on,,grounds o gross .neglect and her husband’s con finement lit th# pehitentiSry. “ CASE! DlttWISSED The followingoases have beendi - missed, on motion of the ptatatlfte1 Kenneth W. Dice against Myrtle M= Dice; Laura Mae Parker, admm istratri*, against PatttChapman. '- ESTATES APPRAISED ^ , To ascertain whether| • inheritance taxes should bepaid, six estates have been appraised under probate eour' direction as follows: Estate of Frank Compton: gro3? value,. $5,989,443; obligations, *|2»- 126.21} net value, $3,869,22. Estate of O. M. Earley: grosr value, $14,378.83; debts, $5,716.81; administrative cost, $539.26; net valu^$8,099.76, Estate of Nathaniel S. Miiritf: gross value, $700; obligations, noth inEstate of Hester A. Bcatyy: gros? value, $803.25; obligations, $832.91; net value, $470.31. Estate of Hebert Toewa: grosc value, $8,164,22; debts, $708.14; ad ministratfve eort, $172.76; net,value $6388.32. „ - . ..... Estate of Margaret C.;i Miller: grow value, $12,503.58: oblirattons $5,008.20; net value, $7,495.33. APPOINTMENTS made Amo* J* Ruaiaugh h*e ho amed administrator of the estate beer- n , f Thomas E. Sumbaugh jMeef Xsaia Twp.. under $1,006bond/ Chat, Kin* sty, Ross Harner and Andrew Gra« ham were appointed apprateers. James L, Murphy h*s been *p* inled executor o f.the estate o Sabbath Bcbeet 1« A. M. Rapt. Storyl toemmat. Preacbiag 11 A, M. Theme: “ The Fire on tea Attar.” - • Y. P. C. U.~4:f6 P. M. Tka atady oC "Behind tke (tontea of Allak” Leader, GroupNo. I, Jams*Anisesaa,. Captain. Union Barrlee to ear Ctanwk 7:81. P* M. Message,by lev. Reajanto M. Adam*. Choir Rehaarsal as usual Saturday 7:30 P. M. in the Church, A toll at­ tendanceIsdesireda* Easter U draw-: ingnear. NextWednesdayeveningit Urndate of bur Annual Congregational busi­ ness meeting, precededby the Cover­ edDish-Supperat 6:30P. St,TheSap­ per nvrangymentoareunder thedirec­ tion of the Ladies’ Aid Society. Mr*. Paul Tbwiudey Is the newly elected President. The business: meeting is under the care of the Congregatkmel ChMrmen, Dr. Demid F- Kyle. Ite- poris will be given by theTreaauireiM of thedifferent organizations,. A full attendance is desired. Timsessionmet at the parsonage Tuesday evening. Mr. W. D. Thomp onwa* chosenclerkof thesessionto fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr* M. I, Marsh, who had been clerk for nineteen years. Mr. Boy Waddlewa* chosendelegatetoameet Wig of Presbytery, to be held in the FirstXeniaChurch,April 12. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cbarlee B, Hitt. Miaiater Church Schooi, 16:00 A. M. L. J, George, Supt. , Worship Service 11:00A. M. Sob- jeet; .'The Power of Example/’ Epwurth League, 5:00P. If. High School League 6:30 P. M. Union. Meeting 7:30 P, if. in the U. P. Church. ,k Meeting of theXadies’ Aid, theW. F. M. S., and theW. H. M, S. at the Church, Wednerday beginningat U A*M. Prayer Meeting; Wsriaeedey amra- ’‘mem -vAA-Rtaaa’- JHHP VMVflb *-• ^ • rM U I ff Mr, H CL rmsteb j riTh* EapaflMPN l Id * tower Ciwpepy, tomf r i j i i N teadtorpe»- WedYdlB - top-"' en HV m Rper MMe, Biwmsiptsft, MwhririH Mr. Fuaseit samei d i.saw* then « year age teeat iM Rfipstoiand wa-nJi-^-jeaa^- -EYRWIEPNTpMNtoEBMmf E m peats n E totoa tetiMeteeritoe im SHtodtsBtori ftapsrCo., CtotHiitotodUYhpMsgar Uempsnybs#beenejidMl mtiwytont to work up whet tenSrs Ms eutoute at thetimeri toeerie. J that titaatmwmMfigM l ptotonste- edasm#tim#'nestmetobl . fiefar aakbewurayM abnejabaeu made by tbe iiew pwaatei f toawiU m tofriaom.iffemtipto'jMPtotof da* to the tort tlmt to* mfijs] msmi am not yet la toll peanaariH(*•** ■.MnFmwett ritt m m ftoffiftps to Browjutown, altosMfej Us to* aad daughtervdHresariMM| ■Mtoesri tbepublieacheels.'’ 'YI m HpHRstofri Go, maimfactnrera a JtoffMiRperisitg m m * oeite'toe*#bang iMffsptogsn- iesritbekkto fa ¥)A' MMtoyvV « fegret that Mr.''fba>irii phi tossfip meat leave tbs eeemjiMi b tost Witt wishes~ of.mtoritodtoti#ri Mndetot- Jaaler Oaea flay Ttodakt "Hi* Beet laveetment,” the tlaea play, directed by MSee Jteke,wilt begivenat tkeopera tUs Friday evening. Members ef to* .teat todud* Am Smith, dan* Jolley, Netty Irvin*, Iren*Eckman,Margar** jtoray,DoevthaBobbitt,RuthCopMaad flriea Andrew, Jack Preeton, Moot gooMory Weat, David Samsey, Joe ftotter andMironWiUteiuaoa.Aeaiet- ing Mis* Robe to the directiagof toe play are Miss Wilma Cheaowetkaad Mr, JamesWatron. MuskwiRbe fur- she# by the high school orchestra directedby Mr. Robert J. Bee#. -■ ' ' '' Saturday pocniiig, -. April t, eight fenier toy* and gb-kof the localh%fa fsheoi will partk^ate to the ewsmal Iteater Sekolankip Tset, te be gtoea *t Ceatnd High febeoL Xenia, .the IPWIWCTOwH*WVfK tVWIB0 flWlimt 'M(tl eehool to Bnglisk, matoeatetke, Ate- tory, aeteuae and current events. Alt toniors rankingto the upper toted ef torir respective desses *r* eligible to hater.ttotooteet, Dc«aMFtelde,Jokn Bdahar^.'Jtobert.'Dtmeirant,, Wayne Andrew,JeanLambLucRteCurl,Nan- #yFinney, end MaryAlice WhiNtog- tonwill represent C, H, S. WM. A -PAULK f HBHh-i . AT GARAGEAM Faaernl aervteea toe Panley, 61, brothee ef SMngtedecker, ped .dead from keark garage at htehemeto day evenlftg, Tuesdayaftomeen. he leavee-htecridew, taw .softo- Fteyd.-ef Tndlatiapotte, toAi .. . Ftete'Abtmthef Hstoi brother*, Cftmtoe, e f Prwl; o f West GandMnto % IIIN k * ng," f i . : FIRSTPRR8BYTRRIAN church : Rev, Beniamin N. Adams, Mtobter ' Sabbath School, 10:00 a, m.' Lc*t- «s : “Serving Other Race*/’ .Mark 7:24417. CoWen Text: "God is no respecter of persons," Act* 10:34, - Morning Worship, 11:06 -a, to. Theme; “Tbs' Secret of Power." Junior Sermon; "Believe." Christian Endeavor, 6:30 m. eader: Dorothy Bennett. Topic: ^Central Ideas in Jesus’ Teachi i latt. 5:43-48; 6:33; 28:18-20; 1:31,. ’UnionEveningWorship, 7:30 p, m. Dr, C. E. Hill will speakatthe U. F. Church. ' Mitpah Bible Class.Tuesday, April V at the homeof Mis* Jpsie Charie- on. Choir Rehearsal*; Junior Choir, Wed. 4:00 p. m>, Senior ilhbir, Sat, 1:00p. m. Preparatory Services; Friday 7:30 % m,p Rat. 8:00p, mi. Spring Cmnmunkm: Our regular toring Cammunien Service and re* wptlon xrt new member* will fake ilsce on PatesSundays April 10. CEDAEVILLE COLLEGE BOARD MET WEDNESDAY Drs, Leo Andewon andRalphKeanen attended themeeting. ........ .............. , HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL •“VETS" HEARDEL -f. GRAY Tlte'SeutlisritOlda Dwnrer Haldk eeshtot f : ftrv^U Bl„.andR.C^Ja>tem,>isdIaiiapsite,Xmi.1 Wet# ttoreptohmte ef tb# imwtog. mmteriate for^ spring drs«tee. Th* - HmwrSeetetyfnttlatte 1 - TlMOmawaClnwterof theNational Honor Society held it* aitefal buri­ ns** meetingand initiationceremony, Fridaystoring,March26toth*school auditorium, - Th» candidate* for toi- tiation are chosen from toe aenier elate-each'year ou.tbe basteef *chd- grriilp, teadenhip, *erric* and ehar- acteri'rTh* °ww mamiben from th* riaw ef' 1938 am Lete Andenkm, JeanetteBootee,DotwMftekte, Nancy ftoaey, 4tettofftew\F«»ftteMt# Loris* Grabfivaad MaryARmWidttittotoB. H#tt Hartman wa* sleeted prerideht of the soetety for the emmtogyear; Mary Alice WhlttingtoU, vte* presi­ dent; Jeanette Bootes^,'tecretoty- ftopsure*,. • •' . <x, , HemeBcNewa ^ ' ' MarehSI, th* girl* of teetetdand yeerhiwri (ifoamtiliT*cteeees,'Uu-: ef MlmHary Lou sseat.'toDaytemtosriwt patterneand Rbrary-nti-whtels, cording to plans, or bookmobile, ac- Superifidendenfc Thomas F. Kearns APPRAISERS APPOINTED Owen Rock, J, F. Glass and Sam making of these drestea constitutes theirnextetas*project. ; •'' RtgMk GradeVteiteCouatjrBeat Members of theebtothgrad* civic* class, aeeompanfedH Mim(tea Hrit- SCHEDULEANNUONCEDlna iad |fr..Howard Swain, student teacher, visited the countyseat, Frl- day,aftowwon, While to Xenia, tjh* group.vlrited tbecountyriRc**^.and theG«toh*Uritoty;Mtoirin: Xenia HoMvPaU Will Greene the Can Hill — XtearyUtoke astoath aaaual Rekhy Frir opens at 1 p. M, y to toe Atsaerr hew. Fred Haines is genaenl ehrin sad Jay Bnraett ce eimisniau of toe aseeritwu, whidi will be open to she puMk Friday and Satarday between to hear* o f U a. a* and 11p. m. Sshoal bands free* Csdarrille, Xenia CentNl, Otoeen Bato and to* O. f . and S. a Hem* will provide murieel entertainment fer viritots duitog to* Ptodsfy eveat- FREETRAINING COURSE FOR GIRL SCOUTTROOF MteaJo Fox, Dayton, O., will give a Nattoual Training Course for Scout Leaders, Tuesday eventog, April 5th at seven o’riodk in the High Scheol Gyawasium, This eeurss is open to anyone in or nedb Ctedaryiiie interest­ ed to youth leadership, t w m m CLMMSTAUJEfi MONDAYEVE LINOTYFE OPERATOR IN VETERAN HOSPITAL Mr, B, w. Rmithers,Riudng6a%<wi»>: has been itoutyp* operator to the tee- chanfeal department of The Herald, entered the Veterans’ Hospital, Day- tun, last Friday for observation and treatment for; gCitre. His trouble de­ velopedwhile in service InFrancodur­ ing th* World War and h* underwent an operation after returning home. LOCAL FAR IT TOUR TO WASHINGTON, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dobbins and Mto.'.Carri*T<tensley left Wedpeaday morning for Washington, D, C. to get picture of the Japanese* Cherry irees now to full bloom. While there hey will girit with relatives o f Mr*. Townrisy- Mr. Juriin Northup drove the party throughto the Townsley ear, April 8—Bellbreok—Hete April 32 (open) April 16—BowersvfiW'~There April JB—Bpthw'VaB*y--.T«»« April 22—Beavercreek"tier*" April 26-r-Belibcook-~Th*r* April 29— (open) ' May 8—Brwurill*—Hew May 6—flpetog Valley -Her* ' May 10—Bedvertrsek—There * XENIA PHYSICIAN HEADft DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY , :Dr; Hateli Mdafenger* Xenia, -was elected preridtot-of toe SeeeniCoun- riter District ef th* Ori* 8tateMedt- cri Aock^r Wednesday at an all-day meeting toDaytonStateHoepitel- If* succeed* Dr* A, Q. Woodkouae ef Pleasant HHl Dr- H. It Hasten, Day* tMt.ltos re-elected secretary arid -Dr. H. (XHsnninf,Dayton,Wasre-elected treasurer, Dr- D. W. Hague, Rpring fieldremains as emtocilor ef the die* Itriet Hirwhwidreddoctorsattended DOCAI. STRAW VOTEFAVORABLE TO SEWER AND DISPOSAL BOND ISMJE The roW* conducted at the mayer^ eflke Wednesday under direction of village tiK'nfii tmblie gentimeniona Imndissuefor a n estimated815,000 for material for lateral aewera and a disposal plant car^ tied hy a large majority, the vote was not aa largo ab btttin m muchu , « vol«* h«d witto th*t such an election was to he held, there can he no objection to the proposal if it tocarried nut, m t ut am bw u v - ■ A special meeting of to* Beusd of Mary Ann Murphy, late of C »«»r Trustees of Cedarville College was cretk Twp,, without bond. ^ ^ (held Wednesday sftemoOrt to the cel (leg* office. Dr. W. Clyde Howard, of !,Chicago, chairman o f the beard was ul I S S m e r i f c g - «jjiK d is trir t praisers, preliminary to sale of real {the faculty were all re-elected for the . .... - ........ £d*te t0 e,tRtc ^ year 1938**39, and other twstows o f HI-HMNIOE C lfKM CLUB MartimKingwy* j%genera! naturetransacted, I , ■ _ Mr-W-0,Uiffwaselectedviceprei4 riM-nt OBtil th- m a in t- All the vacancy caused% the death off * »* * * » ™ mmn * * * • ^ 1 L . . . . . . . _ (|Dr» Bt I, Marsh. JOHN HALL PASSED AWAY DAYTON HOSPITAL, THURSDAY John H a ll , 75, Springfield, f ormer rerideut e f Clifton, died to a*B«0toft at 6:I6 o’ m ri-n m SpriagReli twenty, ytete i*8°. ^He Is Arrived by his widow, Mts..Amy Hall andatx daughters, Mrs, Hugh Grtodte of Cedarville; Mrs. Clarence Davison, Cincinnati; Mrs/ Alla Marshall, A l­ pha; ; Mrs. Orville Thompson, Mrs. Ralph BobUtt and Mrs, Clarence Mil- boan of SpriMpfieid* Fiincrsl services will be conducted at £ P. M. Sunday, with burial In Clifton Gemetery. The tosteilatiouef chartermeudbeis of ike newly farmed Co-Opemtive Club latematioaal, Monday evening at Alford Memorial Gym, wasattend­ edby ninety-twoguests, There were delegations from Columbus, Daytoet, Springfield, Jamestown, Middletown, andLimn. Themeetingwas to ehargoof Pari Noonan, Dayton, vk* president of tke natlenal organisation, lb* grogs was favoredwith toe presenee of the National Secretory, George Mason, Kansas City. The installation took place follow* inga dinnerserved bytheLadies*Ad­ visory Board of Cedarville College. The local club atort* with twenty members, Div Paul J, Volkert, acting Chairmanof the localclub until tbs < organisation can be perfected -set » : meetingMondayevening, April ll. Greeting* from visiting cWb dele­ gation* Were extended By different’ ' .MHtokemand Dr- Volkert reapended as chairmanof the local club. Dr. W. R. McChesney, as guest speaker, madea talkon themerits of co-oper­ ative efforts and what<*n he accom­ plished. His talk wa* highly compR- niented by the visiting delegations, many of whomhadneverheard Mm before. 1 W , W . GALLOWAY UNDER­ GOES NASAL OPERATION Mr.-W. W. Galloway returned Tuea- day evening from Chicago, vbers %* underwent a nasal operation by a specialist to that city. An operation several years ago for toe sates trouble did not prove permanent aad the growth came back, much to hi* dis­ comfort. It is thought the last opera­ tion will remedy the trouble for good. I BIRTHDAYS CELEBRATED AT KNOTT HOME, TUESDAY Mrs, A H Uglesbee, and Adams, Mrs, Haney. Mf» Writer H it were |daymomtagi Th# riub dlaeuasteu*wn» |ter about Emeoptwi affair* as writ as affairs of our- own emmtey. fh te ffL mm o f th# club aet m Mtewis pr*#- Idem, Ma t f Alice WbRtiugten; visa preiident, Eobart Dwsevant; t a B e t t y Judy; news reporter, Jay I’eteraML One h u n « f« l * n i tw ra ly -fon t•v jt e , w ' ,v ,n 1B« fm-nrinirlhs honrt « " P P ^ -N « 't k « man dteem that the* vote Would not, be binding on council r “ <£ns a teri tf sentiment. It to no* gnruln ysj that a gto-SSI “ iRtewffi bwS c a a w at thteMaa. yriH 1* cer­ tain that we must have teirh a plant If the paper mill raaenroira are no longer available, Rev- aral rireot* In town bave no sewer* anti yH have fnuntel- pal water. If the project to undertaken newetage amice will h# ptAvitied property on aurh ntreet*. Th e Whole propoiition y e t b m :to go before the T O A ,.„iboriH«a but from tofori«*tion of engineers council baa is sro?e«d to A point where certain informal ion can be riven the government . Yhe^tim.ted coat « f imateriato which the village must, furnish is f lfi.000 hut ajl labor wbl he fumiaheti from WPA at no cost to the village, {Ignesto e f honor at a dinner party at |Jthe Knote home, Tuesday storing, .Ike being their birthdays, PR |J felling on the rime day. Twenty-*** guests were present, Among the mNe of- town guestswere Dr. and Mm, W, HLff, o f Chicago; Dr. and Mrs, W* ft8» Graham of Lafayette, ImL and Mr and' Mm Harry F, 1 III#, of Louden* TAX EXEMFT FROFERTY f EXCEEDS | | 11 The tax esempf property to Green* {county, tori estateonly,ha#a valueof |id;i67Ali, seeofdteg to a report to­ ll suedbyUo«ntyAuditorJamesJ, Cur> jjteit, Fubho lends and huiMtega, all ||chsirch and school owned property ar* j*if* this Hat.,Tbefast esempt property ife r th« inwnkhlp* was aad li||2,?#6Aid In the mualdpeWtiee and JjntXlo In two aehnri.diigriet*, w . c . f , ®. m r m ef Artaneea dranktoemaeteeato deathleat yeev, accordingtowash pirt «S fM kg' thaBtete Boart at VHst AlcatelThatVto . AaecmMy Pregraai \ During the weekly assembly TUe*- day menitog, thetetohto grade .gave the fellewlsg frogram auammeed by (lari MatobaR: Beripture, Lois Brown Piano Duet, Jeanne Wright and Doris Gonley; Talk, Scout’* trip to Wright; Firid, Howard Frame; Foem, Mary McCatapbell; Talk, Cteles Claes VMt t* Xaria, Frsnces Jriley; Girls Quto- t«t,Krtel Brewer, Jeaiwn*Wright, Lois era, Margaret Aadenam, .Doris Townsley, aecoskpaaied by Deri* Con ley. Tuesday mornhtg at the esaemhiy Coach Grr prevented athletic letters to G. H, ft, athlete*, who bad played the required member o f qwrtato dtur tog tit* 1987*38 beaketimtl aeaeon. ^ The seven glris receiving tetters am Beth Ellen Denneby, Betty Judy, Hel­ en Rove, Carrie Stewart, Irate' Xek- man, Veralfae Fteldi,' and Etieu Mb- linger. Alma Brewer was awarded a 'tetter for acting as gifts’ swangw. *■Seven-members o f to# varsity stped earned letters during to# peat asm They sue Donald FteM*. Jay Bet#ram Donald Brewer, Paul Wieecup. Xeith Hetty, Jack Preston and Harold Cool­ ey. Boy* who earned numerate by participating on 'to* re##*v« aquad are Montgomery West, John tetoterd. Jack Heppfig* Junior Judy, John Nrieon, Robert Wteeman, Elton Fruwoe WilUem iVrgwmh, Elmer Brewer, Edward Irvine, Vincent Rfgio, Willlam Glasi, ^ ' Boys? mMoagers, Bhon Frame and Vincent Rigto ri*er# were ateo given to the two chap*tinder* Ann Smith and Jane] JoiN* who had m fritofnlly- servedj HIGH SCHOOL FRBBHMAN BIRD FOLLOWING OPERATION John Roger Bailey, 14, high school freshman, who underwent an opera­ tionfor appendicitistore#weeksago, paused -away Wednesday - right at Miami ValleyHospital. He Isa son.of Hr. aad Mrs. Stanley Bailey, Yellow Sprtoga-CUftaapike. Funeral service* will be conducted at the Littleton ftmerel heme. Yelknc-Springs, Iklsi- day at * P, M. wtto herial to Oten Forvet Cemetery, YetteWSprings, COLLEGEBASEEALLTEAW STARTED PRACTICE Cedarville College's baeehalt team will teax aa teteitepwa ateiteate etiteL. Un «qwfi number o f games at home" endadhsy. th* college announced Wed­ nesday. Home-end home contest# have been arranged with Wilherforce, Wil­ mington andEluffton. , , ; . A large squadof candidates report­ ed to CoachJohnW. Ault for spring1 diamondpractice. Theschedulefollows April 29—Wilherforce; May 7—ri Miami University; May 10—At Wil­ mington; May 13—At Bluffton; May 19—At Wilherforce; May 23—OMo State University reserve*; May 27 Bluffton; June 1—Wilmington, COLLEGE STUDRNTft ENJOY BPR1NGVACATION The annual springvacation for stu­ dent* of CedarvilleCollegestartedaf­ ter clause*Thursdayandwill continue Until Tuesday when work resumes. Members of the faculty and students haws returned totheirhomesoverthe week-end, » . ef ears, net only i hew tha item .ef serf htori extracted aieehel tert. bet the seeped to such ae eeeideet the seme it o applied to him. wey, H Is hoped. wfK he whether tlriwedesUrtoe tog A During baa tmpvwwsda greet tisel; imwmr » gteei eueiberef tbeympttserestigHI. Oe Wedeegdeyof teet week, thetotal ef abeenteea etea 156; Wad- y thl# week the absent itet la this My! How Warm Springs Bleeds Sympathy Per Afflicted—Where Does Charity Start? ’ o X ^ ),N .Y ., March 24, IR88 Dear Editor; A recent Imme of “The Herald” came I d me and I enjoyed reading at least * few familiar name#, Many mentioned are now strangers. In the closing paragraph of an editorial yon ask a few pertinent 4 U**tions regarding the Warm Springs Foundation, 1can give one answer which was the exper­ ience of a son of the late Hr. W . A. Wianfc of Springfield. A little daughter of this son, who is a profeasor of music in Yenching University, flhiha, was stripken with infan­ tile paralysis, When In this country they made inquiry a- ,jbout Warm Springs and were informed the girl could be admitted upon payment of 1800,00 per month for not less than sig monthsand must furnish her own practical nurse. For good r e a s o n s they could not accept this liberal (T> offer but found a place at Elyria, Ohio, where thew could place her at a rate they could pay, She is now in China and slowly improving according to late word from them. 1trust this wiii give you an answer to at least one ques­ tion. i <7 • This comment to from a New Yerker where wa ora just about to get from under tNl $8MBO£BO dafct and- died on Us by the former gaaawRn, weH fctteftmnow tn the whole tiation, Mow 1 shall arit you a question. Oak you guess his name? With best wishes, Tremain Sincerely yours. TK* abov* tetter w#n**nl ta« Riittnr hyri, w*ITtown mtoto- ter *M apete# ter !te*l t. Dr Wiuit nwnttonri toth* totter « m • for­ mer Metiiwtoit nstnfMrr In SpHnfftoM ami at nn* tim* Dtatetrt tatewtont. In m m«rbu th* totter m ■ pemonteon* w« tri th*nan* of th* tmm um I themtototer’# m iw . Beth riR be i pHri »t thtosffto*. tesay mm j