The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

Y, APML U Vm T H E C E D A R V 1 L L E H E R At . O WAMJi BULL — --------- — KiMTOR AND October SI 1887, FIUSAY, APRIL i, 1»88 v o n w l N l n X i t c i NO w p a m o n e y The na#on m treat*! to * apectacle Monday when the uppar to ta l* off tkh fthtioial Coagreea voted for the so-called ro» orftwl»htitoi MR oft'* pio* of economy. The first item of the bill provides for six new secretaries for Roosevelt, making it pos­ sible to name' more member* of hi* household to salaried jiow tione. Several days ago Senator Vic Dooahey announced that he would vote against the bill in that it placed more power in the hands of Roosevelt to make cOagrew’a handful of putty that could be moulded in the hands of the White House. Congress would he delegating legislative powers to the president, who ever he might be. Of idl the dictatorship proposals that have gone bafore Congress with the “must pass” attached. Vie al­ ways informs the electorate abedd as to how he will vote. Contrast the position of Senator Robert Bulkley, Prob­ ably no senator from Ohio has ever played double, ducked and offered more excuses than Buckltey, On the dictatorship bill Bulkley voted to recommit and then later voted to pass the bill, . riding double. Bulkley must run for re-election in this state this year. He must have the influence of WPA funds and to get the free spendingmoney Bulkley boWed to the crack of the whip o f the White House. To vote no would cost him administration backing, Donahey has always played In the open with Ohio elec­ tors. Bulkley comes from a family of millionaires in Cleveland- a brand of the “silver-spoon” element that dotes more on the Harvard “A” than on the wishes of those he would havesupport him at the polls. Bulkley also has his .hands tied in that his . wealthy family has numerous large buildings in Cleveland rent­ ed to the government at enormous rentals for New Deal money spending agencies. Bulkly to savie his face had to vote with the New Deal, Donahey voted for the interests OFall the people but no one suggests voting the Junior Senator out of the party for his honestand sincere independence, * * * f t ' < 1art DEMOCRAT INDUSTRIALISTS PRACTICE “FEUDALISM” When the General Electric Co. announced Wednesday a reduction of wages for all employes a thrill must have passed upend down theNew Deal spinal column. The company is very * * * « , tftUtealer : a Democratic “economic royalist” cutting wages, especially . whenit is in the New Deal family*. It was only last week that . Roosevelt hurled a charge of.“feudalism” at southern farmers andbusinessmen. .■ 1 * . . Wage slashing Is how under way all over the country, fhe Roosevelt hot air bubble has wilted and we are now in the midst of the latest panic— Debts,; -Debts everywhere, govern­ ment; states, smaller taxing districts, business and individuals.. Manufacturers in Springfield, Dayton and this week Xenia Joins the caravan when at least two firms announcewage cuts, April - where but business might just as well be on a strike as to wear outmachinerythat thegoverrtme 1 " * " " cent of the net profit along with 4 score of other federal and state taxes. Business and farmers eveiywhhrd haveAs much .right to low wages as the Roosevelt family has to the benefit of dollar day wages on the Georgia plantation, . ^ ' V * ’ f ........ , ’ ' , , , , t " Someonehas said that a safe place to stop when on an auto­ mobile tour, is at the railroad crossings. — 'MM III! , * T ' L • If some fellows didn't have a few enemies nobody would be interested m them.—Meeks, : ' For some the happy ideal married life is where the wife goes her way and the husband goes hers. . ...... . ... ^ * The higher pien climb, the longer their working day. And any young matt With a streak of idleness in him may better make up his mind at the beginning that mediocrity will be his lot. Without immense, sustained effort* he will- not climb high; he would notstay there. For to keep atthe top is harder almost than to gefcthere, There are no office hours for leaders, — Cardinal Gibbons; . " .... . _IJ.W , - ■' ■ Vr : ■.'t, ... ■ ’ . Th* Jfo*****»t-Hril W*d# thway with -i;k*«ku“ permit* #bipm*iu r f i xtohoo pair* v f jnW th* U. H.uv«r»k* qotta last ye*r. A lot «C hot «ir w«s WMted on letter* and Wle* •NMB* seat to ilowg: Arthur Akahtee, II Congress him little to Co With trade treaties * new » m for tariff*1 and. free trade* Gottgresa gave'alt it*, power over to KFil long ago.Th* shea industry and labor will suffer. Already ihoe manufacturers aro reducing w»- to meet the c-b*ap »koo* that will ?om* in each month, We bear that the company owning the Xenia plant has wage* reductions in view and now ha* a strike on at Logan aa a result, Farm interest* have objected to free potk from Poland and a Sc a pound '(ill is being debated in congress, It fo unuHual that See. Wallace should xrgue for'free pork from Poland and sveijt intimate* a1Presidential veto .if such a bill is pasted. , gome day* ago th* writer took ad­ vantage o f a tour about the largest laval-alr base in -the world below Pensacola, Fla, I f the New Deal is mt preparing for war a Joto f money a bring spent for nothing. With pile*-of water frontage and tha Gulf it Mexico almost surrounding the 2,300 acre camp, the SHMwya in the. Aviation school have plenty A f room -'Tor training. When it coins* war supplies the enormous supply build ?ng» were bulging with everything teeded^ to "maintain peace.” Now rirplanes were being unloaded,by the hundred to he assembled by the 3,000 resident mechanics. Machine guns; ^ploiiives o f All kinds; regulation unb form* by'the thousands, leads,one to believe there is somethiftgin themak- <ng In the near future,. I t wa* only a four evenings ago When a Tadk> news ommenUtor remarkedthat Roosevelt had ordered the whole army draft system rerived and made ready for sail in each state in case It wa* ne*d ad.. AH yon tidy*'with flat feet can lertainly smile. $ifc months ago Xooaevelt Was traveling in Fottth America in the Cause of world peace. Today he.Want* more than a billion - forwar. Visit the Fairfield campand me If it look* like A peace program a- head of you. Wien go to- some other .■urmy camp and see What is taking riace there, ‘ . - ’ ' MPT £(HPwlUl94fll aitornt* ptaei u ia» Momtrew WilCwf Later Haary W take ever tha pla* ataka low yrlewl farm fvrtlUaar foul ferttUaar, aa w«U aa Siurta- ebjactad- Tha Kaw Deal ia anWag fartilitar foul no oot oa tKa eataMe kaewe wbar« it i* bring marketed. The plant employ* Mvaral thoaaewd am a*id tbara is a high wo­ ven wire fence arenad mmm o f build- ing* eoenrtsg eeverat aeretr, I f you think yeti caa find out anything Just slip down and try i t People out in the state 4u not knowmuch more. A %m& salat* man iafomed the writer U m »t one ,goe*a wa* a* good m anoth* or and that aeotham fertiliser manu- facturera pnbaMy knew more -about tH* plant operation thaneveit the New Deal. BABY CHICKS-STARTED CHICKS Blood Tested Cu«tom Hatching B o m C it y H a tc h e r y 4U Hahert Ave Phone Sit Spriaglell, a Baby ChickSeason We Bell Embryo ( hicks, all lunds, one day# oneweek or twoweeks old. COMB IN ANI> U JTH TALK CHICKBN Spdnt pigs*Oetalartedonl^urlna^ program QILAIdf¥ GRASS SBBH, COAL, FEBil ANI> FBRTHJXBR See ns toTe«t your Soil before ordering your Spring Fertilizer* FARROWING TIME le t u* figureyourPigand tfogChowforyour Free Stratena with Every Order of Chicks In feeding your hogs, cattle and poultry. C. L.McGuinn Th#Fw-RMfii Stmff) TRW lfONR^i CWe^rvOU. 0 , While inspecting the Ifuscfo Shoal* PVA.pnwer plant we a*ktd aw engi* neet how soon TVA power could he expected inlJincInnati. "Not aotm” wa* hi* #eply. When asked why, he In formed us that .the'distance wah too jreat. We had learned that in mid- unimer the water was very low imthe civeri thus reducing the possibility dt iven power throughout the year until noye dams ate built. Congress fol- owing the TVA~ g rift charges last veek defeated the bill for money to oay for another dam a t Gilbertsville, rennessee ritiaehs o f all classes look mthe TVA «g a greater pfodeo f graft ,han Tea pot Dome ever Was. It must lave some car-marks for Sen. George U Bony, T>., Penn , Wanted only five million fora fake marble deposit, Dr, Morgan used government expert* to prove no marble existed there am with other charge* wa* kicked out the hack door by RoOficvelfc When you attack one o f Roo*evcltfo labor leaders you intuit Roosevelt, Berry 1* head o f the Pressman's labor union and ha* White Rouse blessing. Even JohnL, LeWls, headdf CIO hat openly Jefnanded that Berry clear his record at often of the Charge* but the Sets, must be in hiding for ho make* no 'public comment. The Roosevelt plan row is to put the “ lie* oh Dr. Morgan to save Berry'* face," , koOMWlt kturid th* »p»Mh aa if K wx-d Bruaa M eas. Tk* Miami. Fla, Uinidi b., an th* riaum l yaga uh i a nasty quaattm af liwaavrit. "Why dove th* wug*: aesri fur tk* Baafk ia yiMir w*g* and .knur MU p**rid* ia* a lower rat* than tor tk* Nq*tk!" Tk* Miami papa* aright ala# kan, f DR if th* wag* aaate waa raoto m dollar a day on his motkarfo —tat* In Georgia for what hia Mgtkarp aap- portery ea|l "'niggar lakur?M Thar* is m quartion but that th* South wfll handle th* labor probrim t* fr it it­ self Juft aa it did tk* NRA but Boo**- veil had to make a grandstand play to cover the TVA smell that waa cover­ ing ih« nation, 1 t Gel rid o f doubt and Hatty Hopkirts, New Deal brain- truster, who, i* depended Upon to find new way* to spread the nation's wealth says the nation should have 000,000 men ready now for a stand­ ing army with the CCC stocked up with'college andhigh school graduate* where they would be forced to get some disciplinary training. ^ A -pahr o f ladies gloves, Finder plea** notify Mr*. Rati Walk-, esr, Cedarrille. than yog sewsamel' n » vaiua, To operate a certain kind of fertil iter plant there must be certain kinds of material and phosphate rock f* one of thp necessary requirement*. The New Dealers that sold the government « plot «Mand some distance from the plant for mor* than|600,000.evidently did not loose any money in the d «b if reports,among' farmer* and real citato people in Tennessee can be ac- epted as true. A t any rate the land was tkken over by a syndicste hut no farther received any great profit for hi* pile of rock* Congress may or may not uncover, the deab that put morethan one New Dealer in the in, some payingclaw. Downheairthe-Norrfo 'dam i* a new town which was erected by the TVA for gbvemmsnt employees and heads o f departments. Millions were spent to give the salaried list free light and water, The toWn to ho New Deal has a city Manager*-a New Dealer, that draws ffij0O0 a year salary. In the rity .of Knoxvfite, Tem>„ nearby the city manager gat# only *7,000 a year. Yes, there. Is much the .average cltiren can leam on auch a trip hut to get.the Inside story—that is some­ thing else nWiirCongress he'able to ‘ hold Roosevelt and Berty with .one hand and then lift the lid on the graft rith the other? . J Edward G. Robinson is th* star of the comedy riot “A Slight Case of Murder" .which will open at tha deluxe-. Xenfjfe Theater In Xenia. „Sunday, April 3, for a three dky engagement, . ■* • m m . ?* DEMAND . ^ M A N * 4 iwmmm. €N«t*Clm Xlrit’fMft CEDARVILLE FARM IMPLEMENT, INC, SouthMailt Cwdgnrille, OM p G tl PROOFOFGREATER SAnjyGs, FRininni rnitiiUHi new SILENT METER-MISER I? . H We taided a “net**butcher" in Cpl- umhu* « few days ago trying to pick up a doum or mote southern daily, pipers to see how they treated the VESMOREONCURRENT FOOD ICE UPKEEP 51 var'w , CEDARVHLE FARM IMPLEMENT* L ib * Phoite 78 h r C 'S E £ O t lR -j$ -y M ¥ r h SoMlf» Molts Strool t i £J .grirw aM t ^gBMBMaBicw 0 i»agt'—ngriTniTli iiiiiini H i FrWtr — Bttnrflftjr “Bank Night" -TH* KI0 c JSST b ACK" Wsyne ■ «terri% 4 »m Travla ___r;_: r. . ...... Ganuniriu* Shews .Dehy Adrita g!*y 11a *Til g P, fit, *£NI£ STARTS SUNDAY THRgg DAYS mmttm AiumiiUkm* 'Th*: day, April v , m m Mrs, Ha* IriPri adfor bar Ifrs, S- H», Th* Go church mrt church par' For Sal tion, P . Mr*. M, I, end in Wes. ffistariimlaw her daughte Mr. and ile daughter the week-e McMillan, home near Lawn Mo reasonable. , hr. A. G. er, has rent to he vaea H. G. Funs been a resi many years with the sal Ford Autom Mr, and: • .their guests, jeson and s' lan, o f Farm ham of . Robert Tov and M^s. Mr, Jamieso been earing, . roersville, fc McMillan to Washington; „ for Califor-' ; S. MAIN m i s s Daring Thril A Regtil THE «TheP SUND WALT