The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

X e r a b L ADTOttow w irtwi, a i w im A» T U B U M ADLntW* O H T M M f 9 m p a o s . oftm n i t b o p « o h ip ic a k c i t o t o o . PRICE, |U0 A Y E A R COLUMEU8, OHIO, SitnU fr of 8to»» WiSkm ft Kasmsdy aanounmd tint tin taH tlt airi f esriga corpor­ ation tees aad attocaUaaeoue recipe* of the corporation division of tlx Da- partmeot flt Slat* showed a a decreeee for A t lin t quarter of lt t l when compared with U m correspond- Inc prated in 1987 and a subotanttol dscrrara •when compared with th* fomepmdi#* period i«TISM*■ >Total raceipte for January, February and March of the current year amounted to $77,064, while a year ago the total waa $116,110 and the total for the initial throe month* o f 1988 waa $88*., 688, Secretary Kennedy said. He a t tributed the decline directly to the business recession which started late last year and'continued into 1938* Total transaction* registered by the division in the initial quarter num laired $,634 In 1938, 2,743. in 1931! and 2,801 in 1936* Monday megjringto aeowuidy was under the direction of Mmmnak <e- portment, After th* derations ted by StopL H, p . Fund, the high school orchestra played same spatial num­ ber* and aecoatpoated group ringing* At ednehudon# reviews of the tour o f senior civic* elab to Chutbua were given by Donato Fields, Joba Hein* bard, Robert Dnnevaat, jay Peterson, Ruth Ellen Dennehy, and Alma Brewer* 6 w . Bmjr Through the State library a special collection of more than 109 boohs per* raining to American journalism .will ,he wade Available to Ohioans about May IB, according to State Librarian Pant A> T>Moon. In compiling the 'collection, Mr.' Noon is .carrying out a suggestion made at the last"Ohio Newspaper association convention, by "Direct# James >E.\ Pollard 'of', the school o f ,journalism, Ohio State un£ yersjty* la making ftwtf suggestion, Director Pollard’ pointed out'that the literature of journalism hail gro ni and been developed in recent, years to such an extent that even practicing newspapermen can well afford to eon- sulfc boohs on the subject.' The vol­ umes wilt be dispatched throughout the state, through the- traveling library division of, the State library and will be useful *» not, only news­ papermen hut to laymen and high -- FORECLOSURE ACTIONS Three petitions to recover mort­ gage foreclosure,judgment# have been filed, a* follows; Peoples Building and Savings Co. against Leroy, and Ada Duerson, for $4,601.14, involving Xenia Twp. property; Harry D. Smith against Jane E.,Lee, and others, for -?2,439; People* Building and- Savings 3o* against B. H. Slagle, for $2,048.- >S, involving Xenia City property, •PARTITION CASES .Partition o f.real estate has' been authorised by the court In the follow. two eases: , ' ' . , _ >> Mary;Gpeckman-against Sarah ;E,' •dhope apd. others,-with L. N» She]#, herd, Charles Bell and &. W, Prugh named appraisers. CharlesPortman and 'others against Blanche Cunningham andothers, With D. A* Magruder, Sergius Vemet and Bussell JStewart designated apprais­ er^, Tha ranters wader tha direction c f Mka Rifa art very busy on their play—•♦Maet the MIHtonrim” which is to be givan in CedanUle Opera House Thursday and Friday nights —May 6 and • at 8:16 o'clock. Tickets will b* on sale next week. Admission for grade* i-8, 10c, All ntfaras, 20c* DIVORCE GRANTED. fti&al^fh H, Wolf lias brim award­ ed a divorce from William R. Wolf on grounds o f groes neglect « f duty, and was given custody- o f two minor chil­ dren** , I 4 thistoeek teke* you bach to -the’ day* when the outstanding hotel was im South Main, not far from the railroad,; The budding in those days bad many owners and many «or# proprietor*. At the time the picture was taken by _Clark Nagley, nowpf ^filmlwjrton,,0„ fhe'h^ 'vra* known '$*[ the “Foster Houra’,’. I n front near' the two-cylinder Jurors Drawn \ , JUDGMENTS RECOVERED The Peoples Building and Savings .school pupil* Itijohrnalisiri, Librariani*'01, I**® *?*R*?^ * $180(28 fore- closure judgment in a auft against moon asseneu* Parthenia Broughton aiid other*. ‘ Bryant Motor Sales rraovetod %■ $102,60 judgment against SamNoble* CASES DISMISSED A proclamation urging- the. observ­ ance o f "child health day” On May 1 was issued list week by Governor Martin L. Divey. The proclamation stated; "Since SAM infants andrhlL dreft of the state of Ohio died during f936 and a great number of these might have been saved to us had they enjoyed the benefit of modemmedical skill, proper 'food,1adequate clothing and auitatde housing, it seems urgent that parenta and guardian* of these defenseless wards be informed of what constitutes complete health pro­ tection for baby and child, I do here* by declare,, proclaim and dedicate Sunday, May 1, as- "Child Health Day1» and do urge that through radio# press# sown and platform, an edu­ cational attack be made upon such diseases iuid other baneful influences as prey upon ouryoung." Thebureau of child hygiene o f the State Deport­ ment of Health will co-operate with orgeniMtious and individuals inter­ ested k promoting theobservance, ac­ cording to Dr. Walter H* Hsttung, state director of health* verable to Nora Hoelacher and C. f. (lensler, defendant* in a suit filed, by theProfessional Arcepthttce Corp,, has W b upheld arid the appeal di*. missed*. „t *, * The court also dismissed a petition filed, by G« J. Gensler against ,the I’rofesiionsl Acceptance Corp., sus­ taining a defense motion to dissolve A temporary Injunction* ESTATES APFRAiSED Three estates have been appraised tih'd^ probate Court direction as fol­ lows:! Estate of Walter H. Weller: gram value, $6,260; Obligations, $1,186.67; net .value, $4,064,33. . , Estate of BhelUe Blackman: gross value, $160; net value, same amount* Estate of Adda K. Weller: gro*s value,$3,600; netvalue, same amount. C.PieasCourt Grand «ud petit juror* for service during the May termo f common pleas court were drawnfrom th* jury wheri In the coupty clerk of court* office Monday. Thirty-dive name* wsr* lekctsd In­ cluding twenty fo conkpoee the petit jury venire and fifteen for the grand jury venire. The grand jury will be convened M»y 9 for investigation wf eases on the-criminal docket and the petit jury will report m notice when • civil suit i? assigned for trial. The grand jury venire: Marquis Regard, New Jasper Twp,; Joseph Hackett, Bath Twp.; J, E. Lewi., Boss Twp.; Edna Bhephcrd, Sugsr- creek Twp.; John Evan*, Ross Twp*; J. £* Brawn,. Xenia Second ward; William Jobe, Btigatcraek Twp.; George T* Simpson, Xehia Twp,; Jane Anderson, Xenia second ward; G, E Buck, Xenia first want; Elmer Hat- sri;. Xenia Twp.; W. W, Wamock, Jefferson Twp.; Guy C. Goy, Beaver­ creek Twp.; IK B. Bagett, Xenia Twp.; Augustus Wright, Xenia fourth ward. The petit jury venire: Edgar Chandler, Sugarareek Twp,; Roeeoe Spahr, Miami Twp,; Elsie Graves, roadster ofvnnrient vlntigestaiubt Dr* Foster, ; rise taught in the phblib schols. Just who the'the-Mr dltrinhhi'ed/' At the pe^, take note of the coal-oil system ip vogue, f due ■McRMlam/now ';.The building ^ houdriTtkl 'Co^‘ti»atre andthe ^tdware and ement storq of CedarriBe Fam-fmptemient, Inc* .-Tww.eiMi JSmfRtOWn ; Heavr Fite Los* Wise'Nirid ; AFPOlNTMUmrAMADE ^ - Fredietion Of a bumper 1 0 » Om i0 i m a tr ix of the eetate of D r .f^ w w t k Twp.; Ada June*, Cedar- beat trap of 48, m i 000 bushel* waefMJrmt R. Marah, late of CedarviUe, !»** New Jasper ■ “ without bond. stw p ; Wilbur Weaver, Xenia Twp.; W. S. Roger* has been named ad- Emma Ibrnrarararie Tap*; H, minitirator o f the estate o f Larila * * * * - Hamilton# late of Xenia, under $1,206 bond- % J, Watkin-, filtiam Fish- hack-awl G. MrMihw^wira-. appointed 'appraiser*. , . wh made her* by Glenn B. Ray, Ohio agricultural statistician for the Untied States Department of Agri­ culture, Th* 1967 crop totaled 46,- 066,000 bushels and th# ten-year aver­ age Ohio yield is 34,686,900 bushels, Mr. Kay said. He reported that pastures *r# in better condition than ' they were a year ago# *«d that the stacks of wheat and corn in Ohio E, Bate*, Ca&'arcreek Twp,; William Syne, Xenia first ward; Howard Fairchild, Xenia Twp.; Willis Glass, Silveitteefc Twp.; Joseph Hunter, Bath Twp.; Hugh Chilly, Xenia Twp,; C, IK Coulter, Cedatvjlle Twp,; II, F, Stedman, Beavercreek Twp,; Gerlrude Devoe, Xenia Twp,; B. A. 1‘chdry, , Jefferson Tap,; Louise - SUEto FOR $iM 64 . Phillip Terensi, Osborn, aoqutUed granaries are neariy twice »» by » Common Flea* Court- jury re-. . , * -■ ^ . as th*y were this tint# last year* Un--; ^ *w^^4e«r«e manslaughterfTrierase, Sugarareek Twp,; Charles favorable weather between tww and jft connection with dridh m last Tutnen Bath Twp.; O. H. McDonald, harvest time could cut downthc 1938 ##f-Ra**rii Locke, 14, waaj ***»***£, c crop materially, Mr.- Ray pointed m *?*.** $86,814.66by the boy’* G.M. Truck Trai* A t W a s h i n g t o n < i H , ,S"S Agricultural Iwhea. astride a hkyrie* In-the erim-| |.i;Ay n a l , i f n i r r*41% ina! trial T<mml Mm ed «*dd*a ill-1.'‘ •' -# *©W * W f JW W jmws tost losaad m tM of Ida rar. In I. «« ,« «. \ the damage suit Lock# charge Tetemlf A^ Agricultural Field .Day will be A special m ss omfctiF'tfutk nmm tm In driving 86 wilespeld at the O* 8. and 8, O, Howe, exhibit o f «d*General Motors i^ddactsW hohr, {Friday, M«jr 6, The activities of th* wiUatop SaWatihtaghnrdXnrBrMsTaf lon^day bvetit will center In and April St*'Th* entire fitiHiies o f Motel I GEiwLD R»BMtT LINK DEAD' around1th# New Dairy Bard, The 'Waahingww wW be taken over % #*=* U « » program fa being planned by Mptite* a«4 avMMtgrs in the General! OeraM R«b*rt l.hik* thrae w**»Vi! the Horn# t>wmitiee in conjunction Mmr* party. Tha pub!* from sur.;oM ^ *? Mr. and M «, Alva tMM ^ toanty Vocational rounding titfe* will H entertained in *di«d at the h*mr * f hi* iweants Thwrs |Agricultural School*, the County Kt a city wid*. eatahratinn, Mitt FRACTURED Ml# ift* . R om lltMHr waa takaw *a McGlatiaw WaipRil. Ranlu, ftatatdwy fur a frweturud hip., which aha WtiMd WudMaday in a fall at how*. W i l h d p r o w J ^ Tha county »owwi«*leners plan to day nlgH at SI o’clock, feWowfug an ill«a*g of thma wuaki femn psta* meaty. Bstii m hh» patynta ha laavt* taw beytiwie, Jkumf anti Dunabb at Sum, Fmmryl sssstiis 'war* hrid at the hew# Rulwedny aflemonn Ih, a m « » o f Ret* C, M* W !, Birial la nWim ffOTMMI TD FA ltN L i Farenti ar# hereby notified that children WU*t n*t tidy tdeyrimi m eidewmlka. day «e nigkt, ThW »• oguhwt a vilTag* oHInsncn *»d tension Agent, the Grange, the Bell Erosion Service and with other f*rm group* and individuals. The «n*day program **111r*nsi»t of nmnarai* e*hibti*, dsmomrlrattmia, livestock and term-wrap jodgtug, fhn moving pichirm. marie, speaking pragram and awarding .of prism,' The program wilt bath* Rt |«s00 A. M, and desk at 4:00 & M. improve tmdk |*e.dt«g tofaum M ugshm « l l farce ar* ©»uak Cemetery, The «Nh dm*, Mar ghrmi a east of tag mala If tUa waning la Wot R f mm 9 , A. Therii will, alfOi he an evening pro. gvam, ftm 8:00 P, M, «* SltOOP. M-, hi chatgi at Me. Drake, Gram Ocaaty RafemUon Agetri: Th* poKUe is cordially Invited te Uttm»d the Field Day Program OMI mti awl <g* mwtiiinted with urn twgeedapeak- wrt I*, riewmmm ■smew pesgumsL ar*. ham* goad ; J—HUM imi fa* Fire menaced the eauiral business section in JmwwRtwu; Friday, night and did damage estimated at $30,000. Fir* detriment* fimn XMria and Bdweraville gave aid and adjoining property. 1 <■- Fira brake w itfag twe ibmy frame buiMfng, formerly known a* the Bain- er Mock, but aewflsd hy the Fwlriey Bconmny HeirdwanOa, Tb*' •wsnrowned by J. O. An unoccupied building owned by m /or D« ,E« Bafley wa* imdly dam* "aged a* wa* the wawrpom o f the Wickeraham Hardware . Co. The Fairigy Company suffered A lira loss twoyiarsago, , , Common Bleu* Judge Robert L. Gtfwdy, J2# o f Greene eo., died of A, heart ailment at hi* farm home on the Upper Bellbwok pike two mile* of Xenia, Thuraday night. H# keen ia failing hmdth for rix a*W •-, , - c .*7-Xi ~^•'.•.-•.-.T.: Miss Margaret Baker -of the Cham­ pion Chemical Company, Springfield, Ohio gave a very interrating talk at the regular meeting of the combined Y. M. and Y. W. C. A*.Wednesday morning. Mia* .Baker gave a very vivid description o f Rumia -its pre­ sent condition and people ** she saw it in her recent tour of that country. The College Male Qaartet, the Drang# A Blue .Watblers (Girls’ Quartet), and member* Of the- Col­ lege Dramatics Club gave a pro­ gram at the regular meeting of the P. T. A. o f R6** Township on Tues­ day evening April 19lh« Members of ike College Dramatic Club have been presenting “ The Wed­ ding Present” throughout th# differ­ ent counties before th# student bodies of several high schools. Monday morning this play will be given at the £alpha? Grave High School, Dayton* Ohio, ■ •_ The Court Beene (rash th#Merchant r,f Venice will be presented Monday evening at 8:00 o’ciork in th#- Y, W, Hal!, Members of the Club playing in thf* seen# ar# Mary Margaret McMillan, Neil Hartman. Elisabeth Anderson. Cecil Thom**. Fred Lott, Bennett McNmi. and Richard Mac- knight, Mi*s Gk»»«a Bseorc 1$ th# director. Dr, W. R MrThewrr addressed th# Hayward School at Bprinffleld, Chin, m Tflsnday evening April 18th and upnke JMore the TJons’ Club of Rprlngfjeld Thnruday jwnft April 14th Tamutey srunhig of this vt*k. Dr, Medmeiwy waa a |m t of the Cnm- aterdal <Tub of Otimii 'at a dinner given by th# Americ*# Legion Fairftold, WriniW ti aeon he attend «d k luncheon In Rto Iron Lantern, gtonia, pf the H liirlw l Ctsrietp Of Ora#** County, Dt. MeCkesney la a msjrnbor of th* itoafd o f Mrtotora of thit oegenlutlaii. No dlnfte# will b* Callage Rating CHR April rath at. .the Baiting atom Mr#. Aw O la aa—dtig fat devalaatf. Since last October judge* frtvp Clinton, Madison and V «m » con; hay# served op the Greene «o, bench by assignment, in 'place of Judge tlowdy. ’ Judg ti Charles R. Itonchant o f Lebanon I* kefving at present. Judge Gowdy was completinr Th'» third term thin year. H# was Corn on a farm' welt of Xenia, son of Robert Gowdy, sr., and member of a well-known and pioneer Gi#en#. co. famUy, He waa educated 1ft tit# Xenia ptddic schools and Wa* graduated from Xenia Central high school' arid from, the Cincinnati La# ■rtiooi,. now the Jaw college #< th# University of Cincinnati, In 1889. He begad.tfi# practice of law to Xenia by himself but later affiliated with' the late R. W* Douglas and the firm .continued for five years until the latter**death, In 1891 h#was elected City solicitor of Xenia and served two terms in that office, retiring from public office in 1896. Ho held no further office until nit election in 1920 to th# common pleas bench to'sneered the lat# Judge; e . Jit Xyie, ‘During his jftcombcUcy he had oc­ cupied th# bench In other counties* frequently in ’Cleveland, on assign­ ment from the chief justice, He is survived by his widow and on# son* WilliamGowdy, who operates the hem# farm* * Cleeteg Ev#ate * 1 , The. calendar of the closing events o f the public school* hss been com­ pleted a* follow*t \ High Sckocl Danes—April $9, SepiprWay-rMay 6 and 6, ^ - 80y Bcout,BenMit • '• " ’ Picture Show—May 10: Juhior-Beuiur.Banqueb—May 13. Senior Exam*—May 19.-*; ‘ t» •All other Egama^-M»T'i'*0’**I -^8' Baccalauraater^-May 28. > J Gommencement-AfkF '-rXK's\ . Lasttiay of ecbrnd-^May 26.1 - f , <*:?. AhintnpBanquet^-May 27, ''X)pm*t^af Wat; . ; v ’’ We should lik# for’ all to notice that wp ar# making>, little change as $o the place for the Plats for our 8enlor PliV. " ' V 1; ,0n Tuesday, May 3, at 12:60 o’clock the Plats fok' both Thursday a » j Fri­ day nights wiH. open at th# school building/-■)’ X*4 fj \ /Anyone wishing seats resemd may send*in their ticket* for rraervation or bring themin any time on Tueedayj May 8,"fram-:12:80i«4:00M P /;M. Oa ilFednefdayi May^4, from 4:00 P. M.^Fram WednesdayEvening toFridaydhe Plata wiUbeat Broww’a Drug Rtora where yott nmy get seat# Iwifwfw®* . . Fellmsiag pariy eommintee recem- ramid Prabate Judge George H. a#IA as Judge of ih* Common PJea* Ckmrt to fill th# vscaacy caused by t i» death o f JiMgu % U G «w ^ JudgeBmtth km ra^gnml aa Prabate Judge .and Gov. Davey appointed Homer Henri# to this vacancy, ha being only on# of two Democratic atiomeye that -were eligible. Judge Smith wilt aery* until the November election when th* regular MOftiV* wx year term will atari e#n -, ditioned upon his eleetioa. Judge Frank L, Johnson, Xenia, will be a candidate for tb# same honor, bavimr mmounced some week# ago, . Judge ‘ Homer Henri# Mao ’ m ust; s#k; election in Novenriber; hi# ap- ' pomtmeot bring until that date, Jn a« much a* the atgiMlaw newpravttep that only aticramm can serve-as-pro-.' bat* ju^re, th# Hat of candidate# thU Iril wiU be .narrowed, to RrabaMy , dd# RepujMican candidate to ''oppos# Henri#. 'fn *■ Thursday eveninrt $bh' & H<- B- baseball -squad played at BowerariUe. The local nine playing errorless ball returned with a R-ti victory. . ' In the second game of th# season the Red and Whit# team defeated Spring Villey 19-4, on t it latteria diamond, Tuesday evening. • ( $ -- - Don’t forget Senior Play May and 6; ■ BeaverHera Today •- The local baseball team will try to continue their winning ways ibis evening When Beaver plays here on the high school diamond. The gam* will begin at four o’clock. Come to (be Opera Houa#' May 8 and 6 and “Meet th* Millionaire”, NewXeniaCity OfficeBuilding The- -Xenia City Commission an­ nounces plan* to finance the building o f a new city tiwll after » long-pend* log $106*000 Works Progress Admin- iriratien project f'»e the same purpoift had been abandoned, City Manager M. €■> Smith waa instructed to Invite bids for M*Y $S on the designs sub­ mitted by Harsh ami Davies. Co>um» hue architects, for an office-type of structure. Th# Iwd-almry struetora swill be er#ct#d on the ■ alt# o f Xeala’a oW cMnblnatinn city halt^nd Opera hmis# at a downtown #<>rn#r. and ale# srill areupy adjacent propmty raeently ##- q oM by (he city- Fond* acemna- of fisted front torpham in the general. waterworks, *nd (nteraet, and sink­ ing fhnda, and fBa iaatMiice o f wnthilfm terjr not*# aa W#ad*d, will supply Ih# $86,990 tathnetad en#t. It l# said. A kraia onnlraHor and loral tabor will be ap#<iftod The boildiug wfll hops* pdminlatratlr# office# for th* city, the waterworka, a connnlasio* chamber. Municipal -Court, police bendquertera, and a etty prtoon, and will include a basement gsraga bp -*' ramp. Tb*' rity baa elty opsrathma ’CitolaWmeY#I|W Twenty-fotir F. F. A , h*ya plod to frit# a fishtsg trip to O'O opww ’ s Landing, Friday night, and all day Saturday, Th# local vocational agri cultural tracker Mr. Georg#, Mr. Orty Mr, Dram and Mr, Burnt wm ac­ company the boys, Several focal-ex­ perienced fishermen plan to help th# boy* with their fishing, Senior doe# .Flay at the tiperg1 House, May 6 and #. t :t t oVlocfe* Art ■ ' Tb# riadmte la th# high school art c I om ar# making psurara to advtrtis# tb# mnior ciaaa- play. FriSra were awarded to Atom Brawer, Edward Beaton, and Craig Criman for the b#dt praters for tb# junior dam Local Delegation Ckies T o D . A # R C o s i v e n t t e i i T$# national eonventirai of tk# Daughters of th# America* Revolu­ tion is bring held in WaSMagtea,D, C. this week* Th# loeri ^driagates ara Mra. J, K Ryle* tsgi*t of Cedar CUR Chapter, Mra. David MeRIroy. lira. Fred Dobbins, Mrs* fi#o« Brad, Yel­ low Sprint** and lira, S. O. Erie, Ionia, t t r e e t l i The riltog# to tmprerfng Rw iwnra, Wmt CkfUtootk# etraat aad WeakNrath street, bp grading*ad to* rarfaring, CMsflt tot been sraamd ora uf tboeopaty raid raltoir. r r*f firitff mlpMag Eat at oar h a d oomtey «r bring mrintoi bring tto •paad Rm dap. . v . ./ INDORSEMENT . ‘ *V 4Che Green# County Democratic " fadPreemeni; Boifd Wri | Mondap tF” indorse Prabate i Judge Gerife H, Bmltb for app^tanimt i f '-' Govuritpr Dav#y to Criwau* Pi#*# ” Court to fill the l«et right moato* of thetormof Common"-Pl#a# J|ri«# / . Judge Smith is. Serving hja first tour-year term in Prahato Court, which expire* ip February, 1941, and ha# indicated he wiU accept tb# ap*. Printmept and will b# A coodMate fo r election to tb# bench next fall, Municipal JudgeFranh L, Johpaoa, • Republican* had declared hinwelf In the Common Pl«as Court rise#. Judge Bmfthds one o f but three Democratic. attorney* In the county,'only twp of . whom are eligible for appointment to Common Pleas-Conrt under th# law that raqrira* candidate* tohav* been Attorney H«im#r^H.. Maari*-wa*-«n- ^ admitted to th# bar at least al* year*. >; ds***d -for ^PWtori# Jttdge In. one# ; JnR|« Smith j* named by Gov. Davey a# Judg# « f Comma Plea# Court. K e p o r t D e n t a l E x a m . . • ( I n liQ c a t S c h o o lB The fotiowing raport js submitted. ^ by Dr. Vrikeri, thelocal dentist; Total enrollment............. ....v.,660 Total Examined ...... .......... 316 Per cent examined... I.,........... 67.3 Mouths found in perfect condition 28 Months foundin excellent condition48 . Mouths found in good condition .420 Mouth* found in fair condition .,.,117 Mouths found in poor condition .... 20 Total 816 Cavities found In permanent t*#th....................... ........... 1120 Cavities found in deciduous teeth 268 Total rarities ................ 1878 ♦Caritiss per child examined....... .4.8 Permanent teeth to fa* axtracted 4 1 Deridaous teeth to h« extracted ... .61 Prophylaxis needed ................... 160 Orthodontia needed........................10 V-ray diagnoei* needed ......... 2 Sapemnmerary teeth found........ 2 Toagae tied - ...,............. 2 Aieraded teeth (whole mouth) ... 2 Mriposed teeth .... i* Dead teeth ........ .. ............... . * PrJgnathm tendency....................... 2 Partial# in ##rrie# .. J Permanent teeth found extracted 100 Penntoamt teeth found filled ,,1 7 4 Fflllngi per child............... .68’ ♦Exclusiv#of mouths found in perfect conditions DEATH DCUUk C. EViRHAItT ^ Mra. Della C Everhart. 64, died at her horn* in Springfield, Toraday, at It;J0 pm, after an lirneea of pn« It. She suffered from bronchial pnepmoula, The decrarad waa a na­ tive of Cedarriitos Sarrlring .*r* a stapfather, Uoaapk Harrtoi BpriagftoM: a balf-brotlMr, John Harris,’ Tramoni CHy, O, ROTICm TO RELIEF CLIENTS IN CRRARVILLE Vt wilt be te araeeaary far gR M mv R i t r a i ls# at th* Ctork’a vffla, Saturday, April te fO* a Dwaasial faflteg te eamply wHh be « , # » Cedar- 1 F. M. wtn Oriarrflle TtemUs A. R “ - J. M. APIA