The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

U - / !k £££ 2 m£JEE££J££i£L£££m£ 2 £m* T i l l C t O A A V I L L * H I A A 1 0 I BU L L --------- EDITOR AND v*u« X U m F t * OM«e.Cu<iftrville, Ohio, Oetobur *1. l « t t . | M MCOM^ elM i TO D A Y . APRIL 22. 1»S8 PUMPING BSD DOC PROM THE WELL Th« Rog*»v«ik Woo o f in****# to th* w oM tvw y tin u tA * scoootmte w hooli •tew up W a rn out to bold roliof thgt hi* p to»- nod ocoftomy program ha* faitod, y*t h« U so etfriJMk** h* w ill ( moot admit hi* orrar. tetoatiwtol or th* reeuh o f stubborn**- ftooh tog to tho Baton too spondtag o f bilHone with a notional dobt boyotad our aMoty to pay only add* to toe torioawitoo o f too futaro and buaiaem in a ll part* o f too country 1 * now atiffor* toff from toe noatrum* o f toe brain-trustor crow d that w ould p lace u* on pas with lu io ia on a second’* n p tice .tf y o u jo o k b o - htod the Boo*ev*lt fam ily record you w ill read ijy undw-rtand just why the fam ily fortune wa* placed by hi* father beyond the *on’o roach, at least during hi* natural lifetim e. The fath- er>* w ill indicated the future trend o f th e *on *0 fa r a* hi* abil­ ity to aolve econom ical problem* were concerned. It ie interesting to read the viewpoint o f Democratic paper* follow ing to o “ llreeide chat*'. The fo llow in g comment cannot be regarded a* Republican by any mean*. Each paper is known fo r it* Democratic stand but New Dealers w ill ge t little com fort in reading the fo llow in g : The NewYork Times, New Deal supporter says: ♦'The Rowtvelfc ad­ ministration ha* once more confueed dense **d *ff*ct—This confusion, if persisted in, promise* to lend to o tragic s o d .- The country will grow no richer, no nutter how many I. O, U.’s the govermnaut signs.* Scrippa-Howard New»p*pers~«W* do not store the praridant’a hope ttot the country can borrow end spend its way to permanent recovery. ” Atlanta, Oa., Constitution: '“There is little doubt the JVerident's appeal for national unity to meet an emergency will fall on fruitful soil. <jpe thing, however must be remembered. Private business cannot pat its shoulder to the wheel, for the common good, while wearing the shackles o f punitive taxation and too-restrfctive legislation. The program o f’the President cannot he viewed as anything hut inflationary " , The Miami, Fla., Herald gay*: “Spend, Lend. Borrow. Pile up debt*, start the printing presses. Write figures in books. Sled figures, Such a \ simp!* solution of economic problems. Towardprosperity. Toward nation­ al bankruptcy. And .collapse. Toward repudiation of federal securities. It is termed priming the pump. To'bring up water. From, an empty welt. .idiotic.. Disastrous. Tragedy, Of a great nation, It is the same medi- > cine Dr. Roosevelthis been feeing his sick patient for years. He must \ he of the old medical school. Civ* pink pills no matterwhat the ailment.- Confronted by growing depression, the President can think of only one course to follow—pouring out money, imaginary and real. There are - definite methods Whichwould help restore America. Bat Hr. Roosevelt prefers to ignore these, . He listens only to the advisers who rub their hands xn,anticipation o f the juicy divisions of billions o f dollars. And there are those who secretly hope for the crash of the American capital­ istic system. So they may establish Communism or Fascism. Dictator, feip, . , The Mobile, Ala., Register says of,the “fireside chat’*; — - Thus when Mr. Roosevelt asks the nation to practice self-restraint, be is mak­ ing* perfectly valid and thoroughly admirable appeal to national good ’ sense. ButWhen that appeal is studied wlth reference to the rest o ffee Roosevelt address, with it* specific proposals for new legislation, it is seen fe ft it is Mr. Roosevelt’s critics who are asked to practice self-re strsinf. He himself is not included in that appe»to„He must be p^r- mitted to spendmillions of dollars as ha sees fit, to continue his pro- His critics, meanwhile must *it by and practise self-restraint, —Hi* definitions! a “ strong government” is one in which all men do ex. petty as Franklin D. Roosevelt tolls them, to db—The question is whether Franklin D. Roosevelt is any longer ateader totrust. And the fecord seems to to that he Is’,not a leader to timai*. , 1 7 • - ' ‘ Sit ■MM . I t w as amusing to boar Lowell Thomas relate about Roose­ velt'* p iano player, Cochran. Court jestor, econom ic advisor, fireside speech writer. m M m I H A V E M O V E D . . from 27 1-2 W att Hi*B Street to 271-2 S-LIMESTONE ST. Springfield, Ohio . . over W oolw orth ’s 5 & 1 0 w h e r e ! w as form erly located PHONE MAIN POD DR , G E O R G E A. S M I T H DENTIST Open Daily and Tues., Thurs. and S a t Evenings BU Y CHKKS-STMTED CHICKS BloodTested - "CustomHatching H om e C i t y H a te k t r y ■4U Hubert Are Phene H i Spring**!!, O. Number 1 Distillate Nigh Grade Kerosene PureWhiteGasoline Tractor Oils Tractor Greases Prompt Delivery Tricghaae IS The CarrelPBiiMterCa lea- i i « ib * Mato m r**b? ow* Ctorisy rhau Id* priHicel D m s io II i party in tU» yi quieh n*Hen in Gov, Dnvsy lag dude*, Tuesday? jpm in petttke and it asujr Wto n tot « f «sptotaiag to make iewyar He­ itors hi* ship hes ><a been akutUed to this eauaty in hehelf o f a unite! firm* for Devey.TlM Smith fhetfene! Dm oernts has net entellei the msrtu e f the Davey admtototretie* See to the activity of Sheriff George Banket, who has had call at th* Governor's ear. The Smith faction ha* been circulating Sawyer petition* for governor he* whet wee the trading stock fer iss- medfato eppointMent by Her. Dnveyt Sawyer petitions, atcordtog to well-known O u e e n t are newheaded .for the courthouse feme**,. Judge Frank h, Johnson, mnalripel ‘ court Xenla, wot be Die only Repub­ lican emrildato for Common Ham >Judge at the primary and this meant i seat without conteet fer tha regular ticket in November, AU Repdtiiean factions are endorsing feoJrimson mndidaey by signing petition* which ,'fey# been in rireutotijon th» past tuw^ week*. Judge Johneon iwd Judge ?mfth will tonteat this felt AUai| mint to a United front fer the Rapub- icaue an! • dfvfriou among th* Dem- iocrsta. 1 . . “ ^ 1 P*e#s reports say RooMvslt has ex­ tended an invitation to Henry Ford, through n thirdparty, asking th* mo­ tor magnet to visit,him fer n confer­ ence. FDR probably want* to- M Henry how to make a'bertto Forth A .few mouths ego he W*nt*d to'IUmi1 Heh^ ahoqt the time tht.Urt o f wealthyfamilitowntmade pUhUnTha SOS sign is out at th* Whito KooSo / prospects o f a third cartdidato ln the Republican list of candidatos fer Mitgress in thisdistrict developedlast week,-Ted Brown, Springfield^ eewdd- »iiigentorlng.1fith CJa««tojjkpwn and t . T. Ifershall in fee faem feeiu is toon* fer Roy IfamhaU, flFriUffAsId to cent hit hat in the ring, $Hh *** 3rowns and•"• two, M^ir*l^eR* out tongnrew, it would he bard fe teU where the lead pencils Would laud hr tiie. vottoF^ths/llife^lfergwsit .Ba- . jLrasu*•, ,-*a6rtana*mitotto^^ .^JPfilJjMwIwptoFgJ^kjUI.p*B®Oa|0*d^^pwMm.' h.T. Marshall eamoahni. dtolwtotiM Herald that she was rcsponeMiiTto faim..;pfUCOI*®nwnurv**uf feet sba made R pMa- |a tha .wrttor that she hardlykn*wwh*tto think o f fee latest mofement She did admit feere'wfe 'a Roy IferslnilHn Spring- field, connected wife fee Crowell Path lishbig Co. Republican factional pol­ itics In Clark county haa about eclip­ sed the congressional Contest,' From aaothwf tource we learn“petition pedi lers in Clark county are bfrg paid five cents a name. - ■ the BeotoveHpeal* to tabs fens yuu wars told R >panto, nor a topi is>ton, just a title mnenton that would disappear * * few days. In tha tost ‘fire-ride” chat wo feu to find much about the tueoaetoa* but more about the present depression” and neeuerity o f more pump-pristiag Gov. Lafellotto, Wis , an aarly Rooesvult hacker, has left fee New Deal ship, saying *11 this planning hi spoag and would never re­ turn psoepwity. Whwi th* Socialist mtoded caanet ugrse ecndltiena must hainhadeeudMun. Rooaevrit haa fee distinction of being fee only man that ever ooutd lift hbaertf by hia beet- atrapa and henow has the opportunity o f duplicatingW* fwnmeirfee*. He h«i^ riwnys had,a« abeeity fer red ink in Me system o f bookkeeping, something •very other sound-mindedmen fan*«£• ways tried to avoM, ■ Oneat th*feature*o f fee NewDeM dm of«, th# real butfeago* feet# f with th# Ohio taie situation was it* f Slat# Tax Cowunisaion ordering **».| appraisal of real a»tat* in Ohio a t « ] cost, o f aama'l. million dollar* Th* ] hadidoor inform*tk»n t* county *u- dit#ra was that if ymt do not as* that appraimrs boost value# tort per earn, then th* eommtiaion would do m with ■ ft bit more add«d for flater, ffo much I opposition fisc grown not of Ut^Clark ; <W«n»y reappratoai: that fee county au= \ dHov nowaimouncmt« rriwth* o f ten f pw «wnt on r*l»atlo** to hneom# t f-i fwtlv# o**t Jammrr- th# aoooer all * to*, matter# are put back in th# j tie# »rvi th# *ta(# ta* eommMon # ,] bohehorf th# sooner Ohio can have ni , mm to* program, The «oafc « f the! IftS eommlaaion to taspayen* fe > greater than any othm?departmeet o f^ atot# government un!*«# it fa th#high.I way ayetom, „ | Clov, Martin ■ J>, Davey ‘ a*rtototy smiled wh«t be tea4 th* itomoeratl# a! farrign wari it *. T * gave ito to * ri|mw>nin gf lergeet meeefestorees of 'leg to tha asutory. Thl* Mid Ms eomfuny wet set' buytog nar tiv# # am U •y. Tha piaimad mommy you hear sheet to nefetnff meet then free trade with fee wool grower as tha gnat, Some weeks ago when we asked a southern puMtoherwhet ha thought of Diuu(Bu*lty# <uka#i*#aM*wklAaa. * - j,imeJfce*i RwMUNwTNIlia NNGPvNgy JMlgMIMmMNNCjnNgNN it as feUoms:wXaeomy to tike fee fel­ low feat stipe down fee alley to get hi* first narcotic shot I* fee *mn» He felt so good nothing would do but try a second. To recover from the second fee fallowing day be had to have fee thirdand feon the fourth and when it was too late, ho had lost himself and from then onwas h«ipto*s, Tbe “needle la fee pumpfo# economic ilhieae. Tha cure is worse then fee dtoeaee. and •efe tima tba ramady to wad we are left in a wprse eoaditioto Peat* tide in your hat fer future reference. We loan money fee painting, repeir- July 1st im eggreprietieu MR Th* Xfwjf euaw 1*9* « N O T I C E Made *f Midi will bs far aria at WrighV* White Vllto Gtaaesy. G B O .’ 8 H E E L Y BU Y CWCXS A HATCH EACH WEEK Pultortm TurikMI nuff CtoHeoi FI* CUSTOMHATCHING 2 Vic PerE?r O t t f i r ’ i H i f e h t r y tAgMg. l i l fto #■BPWW . . YeBew Sprlag*, Okie . W*eJI a * i 'C rn iilu , ' cuaMf-'fisMB mwpjpuuc ■ musww! Baby Chicks jDw*ma,$ Latest Picture 1 P c h a v e c o n n e c t i o n s w i t h t w o h a t c h e r i e s t o f u r n i s h E m b r y o C h i c k s . B e e u s b e f o r e y o u o r 4 e r y o u r C h i l i s , •it w. /'A1'1 JPAEi E l I ffljEfJByii r : W e Will teat you r soil to determ ine Grade and amount o f PertHizer needed. See iis Abbot testing b e fo re ordering yonrFertiligep , - / '* - * ’ \ ' '• * I),M.I.IIP#.I i . i , imi . i I' u II ..................... . linnIIlljll I, ................iW ililllH ' : V I f U I N f i P I G S "r ^^ ;; Ctoft gn the PurifiA Pimffygm ifed nlUiit y o m f i i t Higlit . , riIGTAM CBIimiVG Rnd MIYItfR . YfSI 9 A"ISIwipAOIMIUOwrmME 1 MlgfllJIBIM . _ *-><■*!* v' V toFtototoft,’• an e s ^ bGirl*?pl' la bar latest musical gin of ”Threo smart Girla^ and • hanilaoma Herbert Marshall for her motion picture feHli “M*« ^ * DeaoM n feM M S Mddv i h Murid* vfelch wlft open am # bo&ntlfiui Regent thesfer in Mrid, Ffidiy, April ff, for a wookts , QaA Patrick and Artnur Trttt&esJysid' feo btilllant C. L.McGuinn Maria” :w ife.fee accumpahlmeat the famous i\ * > •ss ■ ■ m “AVa Vienna ««oir 1b «F ti-R i,N A Sforw 3*g lb MIHtr Mr C odaw ill*, O . A T * -|v• / m 'r\ '■ 1 \ ■ 1 t - i !' r r Th# RepuMlefe. Lrigmu or' F<wnnt composed o f business and professional men in Springfield, an organisation feat Is said to bo growing so fast, causing alarm to old line polHictons, this Week endorsed Cbtunce J. Brown fw the RepuMksn eongrtorionsl neat- {nation. The endorsement wee unso­ licited a* th# organisation makes Its own decisions without political organ­ isation control. tiu^toSMauM & Wo rued o f a northern enterprise near Boston, Ma*s„’fe*t will ioe«t« * new paper mill near Mobile, Ale., to employ % m people.. The plant will cost f*,OO0,OOfi and feeoampMy get* * ft*# site and free tagae for twenty yaaw, Northern labor ««n get on relief If that is fair exchftage under th# New D m I, Inditotry catutot b# criticised far accepting *ueh tempta­ tions white both fedtrri and northern state governments tty to tog businees to death, Th# Mobile, Ala., Register speaks in Rowing towns o f fee recep­ tion aecottfed th# many iwrtham -itt- dustries that have located in that vl= cinity. The situation in tafetane# to i northern industry migrating south Is i so had that Rev, Herbert Bigelow, I Cincinnati fexteffetJtentoerat member [ of eongw* has introduced' a hill to I check this movement, The minister« may b# stepping on Roo#«v«ltfs tot#, i f / •**» P few » a#?. aad aod, of a m suite) feati Mr## heelr mnt'> alter. Co, vsseto Sevir C E j K I Mrs. p*nie< m Xmu Yelte Spriei they Loo^ Roach M*»* Visit 3 homo 1 Mrs who, ^ t»! Mr, t he* 3 where H er Heigh -plete ®y® verate .•1 Mr, guests Gregoa )i home feroug - > . turned spendi 't , ,'ftmmer .tl| . Mr. ^-“ Fa., sp -*'•< ,, Mr- ar amo s ore geHi m » Mr*, i Ml Ba) former our { Tariox * turned ", Miss i »pent i. parents, .it - ‘ <■ i : r sihm Rev. C FM - i resided , few yet *” * berdauvhu.t 'jfewflr. -.. v.4P'JIS!W4-W> rungem hour of I I 1 lie, a Own help yo- Cedai Awocia ■ Prof. Duratlc ) o f Dr. ' Wednes. Ritchie High & He is 0 lege. Dr, o motored his fcrot) R. Jamil friends. Rev. f day to ’ law, Dr. ill, With t , ary, For E - two lar« r # # # ' s i mm m - i I im d*