The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

A D p MJ&WK99&K& HUT. ADYWt- M I T A H M 1 A V f l f l f i i S I ATV TO VU t ajurmhqi ifcBin .i.f AJn>fl &i A P A t n cm TAm mom m : ma B T Y W W i t T P l 't W A 1? O l A I * -A T f i JftJ J IftL A J K Ho, It W o T W w ifl W M M M U fW tP flH F Iw w * M i l B y CLARENCE J . BROWM Member a t Congress, S tw n tii Ohio District A* iheee line* are written five House o f R*pre««*itetiv*s is in it* fourth day o f consideration o f fh c Wadsworth' Burke Conscription B ill and the battle still goes on, The leadership expects to have legislative action completed in the House by late Saturday night. Present indication# are that the hill w ill pass,, but probably only after numerous amendments have been add' ,*d . A tentative amendment postpon­ ing the draft fo r sixty days was voted into the measure early in the debate but is subject to a final roll .call vote, Representative Wadsworth,' in speak­ ing On the Floor o f the House, stated that the first o f the young men draft­ ed would he called into service between November 7th and 10th—or ju st after the gendrsVelection, th e debate has been acrimonious and" heated. Differ- , ences on the hill are not along patty lines, as was attested when tw o Demo­ cratic members engaged in a fist fight on the Floor as a result o f a strenuous debate. The fight ever; th e Conscription B ill " has brought thousands o f visitors to the Capitol. The halls and galleries are jammed and long lines o f those await­ in g admittance are ‘ formed daily. Demonstrations are not permitted. Fifteen hundred women, headed by a * group o f Ministers, who 'attempted to bold a prayer meeting on the steps o f the Capitol Thursday night, were disbursed by the police after a near riot occuredi -Parades and so-called “ marches’' by large delegations are broken up and not over six persons are permitted to assemble in any one group to call on individual Represen­ tatives. Police and Federal agents, literally line the Capitol arid the HottSe Office Buildings. Capitoj guards com - pare the present situation with the famous Bonus Army march o f a dec­ ade ago. ' M ost o f the demonstrators a re opposed to the Conscription BIB. 'Th ose supporting the measure have •done their lobbying in a more subtle a B r f a t t t »a The onnofftwemtent to the Congress by President Roosevelt o f his sale o f fifty so-called over-age destroyers to Croat Britain in exchange fo r 'Atlan­ tic island air and sea bases fe ll as a bombshell within the legislative halls last week. While most o f the national legislators were glad t o ' see Great Britain obtain aid, and expressed their realization o f the value o f the bases obtained, there was, and is, a general condemnation o f the methods used by the President in eonsumating the deal. Regardless o f the results, and whether we become involved in war as a result thereof or not, it is contended that the President has shown his distrust and contempt fo r constitutional methods and fo r Congress itself. Charges have been openly made on tbe F loor that ’ “ the methods used were the methods O f a dictator.” Congress late last week completed aatien on the live billion dollar plus Affgappriatitm B ill fo r national de- fto s e Tbe bill carries funds fo r ap- prtxhnatSly two hundred new fight- ships fo r tbe American Navy, ap*’ pwximatriy nineteen thousand planes, modi- eorisfclerable. mechanised equip­ ment fo r army Use. The National De­ fense Council annneunoed that con­ tracts fo r defense needs are being placed more rapidly now. Labor De­ partment reports show that employ­ ment has increased over the country in the last trio months, especially in Hi* area where war equipment Is be­ ing manufactured. Indications point to the “ war boom” getting under way. Prices are begming to rise and the neat problem w il iprobably be the high cost o f living. The Senate is this week holding hearings on rim Bxcem Profits Tax BUI, which was passed by the House last weak. I t It thought that a num- lari o f changes w ill he made in the bill by the Senate Committee and that rite measure wilt then be brought to rite Floor o f the* Senate fo r delibera­ tion later this wade. Many objections m ifllhi Mjft CEDABVHXE, OHIO ar, SEPT. 18 , 1940 d i y o k * ( u r r Lamar Armea has Mbd suit la men pleas court, seeking a dtvoree from PhytUs Armes, near Osborn, ®» grounds o f cruelty and free, neglect o f dtuy. They were married February IP, 1040. EASEMENT BOUGHT Booking an easement fo r highway purposes, Robert S. Beigktler, state highway director, has brought suit to appropriate .114 o f an acre o f land in Xatm Twp, Defendants named in the petition are W . E , Boring, Ada C, Boring, Xenia, R. R , 5, the Peoples Building and; Savings Co. and the Springfield and Xenia Railway Co, The land owners rejected an offer o f $27.10 compensation fo r the land sought, ao cording to the plaintiff, —**V— . PROPERTY SALE ASKED ‘ On the grounds a $2,010.33 judg­ ment recovered,last July 8, remains unpaid the Citizens National Bank has filed suit against Chester M. Preston and others, to marshal liens and sell Clifton real estate involved in tbe case. Eight tracts are listed. Smith, McCallistcr and Gibney are attorneys for the plaintiff. ' DIVORCE. GRANTED Mary Ream has been awarded a di­ vorce from William G. Ream on the grounds o f cruelty. Under a separa­ tion agreement, each party to the case is barred o f interest in the other's real estate, CASE DISMISSED A t the request o f ..the plaintiff, the case o f .the state o f Ohio, against W. W. Andersofi and others has-been dis­ missed, The plaintiff's claim has been paid, according to a'court entry. SALE APPROVED Private sale o f property belonging to the John H, Bates estate, to Miriam" L. Beard fo r $3,800, the appraised val­ ue, has been „confirmed by probate court. T* Ope* Friiitjr Eve The Republican Campaign opens in titit county this Friday evening with a dktnar m oetiag that is open to the public in tbe Xenia High School Field House a t6 ;80 . , Tbe speakers o f the evening w ill be Congressman Dewey Short o f Mis­ souri and Governor John W . Bricker. Congressman Short is one o f the lead­ ing Republican campaign orators and the only Republican congressman from his state, having served several terms. He mode a great speech last Friday evening over the radio on issues per­ taining to the welfare o f the nation. Gov. Bricker will speak on state Issues and no doubt defend his own administration from attacks a s com­ pared with conditions o f the adminls tration o f former Governor Martin L. Davey .who series a third term. The campaign in this county is in charge, o f Attorney Robert H, Wead, Who himself is a candidate fo r Pro­ bate Judge, having been endorsed by the Republican Central and Executive Committees. Mr. Wead has named the follow ing committees in connection with the meeting this Friday evening; Welcome committee fo r Cong. Short; L . T, Marshall, Judge Frank L . John- son,' R. O. Wead, Harry M. Smith, R, W. McGregor, Jphn R. Titlow, Earl Short, Ernest, Beatty, Charles Greer, Clarence Caliman, Prosecutor Marcus "Shoup, Warren Roberts, Walton Spahr and James C. McMillan. The welcoming- committee; fo r Gav. Bricker is ; James J. CuriettJHarry D. Smith, Dr. W. R. McChesbey,. Otis Chaney, Ralph O. Spahr, William Shields, Harold Fawcett, George D. Ackerman, Karlh Bull,’ William Rog­ ers, Judge D . M- Aultmab; Dr. H . C. Schick, and Henry Barnett. Dinner will be served at C;30 P. M and the speaking program a t B P . M. The public iB invited fo r "the speaking fo r those who d o . not have dinner tickets. The doors will be open to the public fo r the speaking. votes, relief, tax-eating* Jar politic* W H f , XRE1PPM » U m wy f o r jw In Twenty-five years political efflcea neat' issue as the vekkte Today it ie old age welfare and - a schemes that ar* purposes than tbe wriNaring o f the public. The state law provjla* that N ight Club danse* or pwMtifttoaosa o f any sort must have a ttsesjm from a pro­ bate judge in tbe eemririj* which such dance is held, The pA taU judge is sues such licenses spdfw a the.power to annul same at any $ » * . Now that tbe PernsStatic candidate fo r Probate Judge bye opened, his campaign before a ritfcrch group it might be well to find oe* who was re-' sponsible far. Ueene** $eh»c issued to 1 Give* Membership Justin Hartman, eon o f M r. am Mrs. G. H . Hartman, o f this place and Paul Bassett o f FairftsbjL with Hugh A . L iggett o f Medway and Raymond Basis o f South Vienna, were among the thirteen pastors on trial and re eehred into membership o f the Ohio Methodist Church Conference at Lake aide, O ,t which ended its annual ses­ sions on Monday. Mr. Hartman is a graduate o f Ced- arvifk* High School and Cedarvttle College. He was honored by receiving the highest grade o f those applying fo r trial membership in the confer­ ence.. > In addition Bishop Smith paid i high tribute to Cedarville College fo r the splendid work it was doing. iiM^w»Miimiinii»nnMMi[miiiiiiiM»iiiimiiMiii SCHOOL NEWS the "Midnight Ban” Heft o f Xenia tiff county seat. man-, action b§-! Democratic NO ADMINISTRATION The estate o f Mary Palm McGee, valued a t less than $580, has been re­ lieved off administration by authority Ditch Case Continued Until Later The.petition o f G. H, Hartman and others fu r the cleaning, widening and and another east o f Both operated In a. ner fo r months ' ing take by tbb Probate Judge, Conditions became s^bud under .the “ Midnight Sun”, farmers and church people appealed tot&ie author!tiesand! much criticise was directed innocent­ ly against the prosecutor and sheriff until it was learned h$et„ both night? clubs were being operated under m license frotq the. Probate Court*., Prosecutor Shoup stiffed a raid on! the “ Midnight Sun” wwh the aid at. Sheriff Hedkel, and theproprietor was arrested and after pleading guilty to a gambling charge was fined by Judgu Frank L. Johnson.-Meantime no action! was taken by tbe Prdbate Court tot annul the Might Club Bcenses. Prose­ cutor Shoup sen t« ’ transcript to the State Liquor Conmaisslen, under coh-i trol of Jbhn W. Bricker as governor,; and the Equbr license Was immediately cancelled and will not to .renewed. Even tiiongh the Weft side Nighfi Club wgs closed the east side con­ tinued to operate andLftequmitly the; dance continued until fip* rising o f the sun pn Sunder professitmal female Young Republican Club Rally The rally fo r the young Republicans as sponsored by the Greene County Young Republican Club at the home o f the late U . S, Senator -S. D . Fess in Yellow Springs was attended- by more than 150 young people from a ll larts o f the county. The garden party planned had to be abandoned due to a down pour o f rain. Those who could ,not bU accom­ modated on the large porch took shel­ ter in the automobiles. Attorney Dean L , Stanley, Lebanon, Spoke fo r'tb e national ticket and on national issues. Dr, W. R. McChesney spoke fo r the state and cduhty ticket. Eugene Drake o f Yellow Springs was in charge o f the program, being president o f the. county'Organization, A trio formed o f Xenia colored citizens song several ’selections, and an origin­ al Wendell Willkie solo .sung by Miss Charlotte'Drake, 16, sister o f the club Resident. Light refreshments were seryed follow ing the meeting. Openfctg Assembly The Cedarville Public Schools open­ ed the 1840-4- term, Tuesday mousing, September 6th with Chapel in the auditorium fo r grades 7-18. Seated on the.platform were County Superintendent Harry B. Firimring, D r, W , R. MbCheeney, Retiring Preai dent o f CedarvHl* College, two o f our loeal pastors, Dr. R . A . Jamieson one Rev, B . N. Adams, and all o f the high Zehoel faculty. G if pew County Superintendent Harry M, pfekering addressed the stu­ dents and faculty on the subject, "Youth to-a Demooracy” , His address was not only interesting and . edu­ cational but, also in line with the pre­ sent day trend in secondary education, The program was us follow s; Opening Song .America Salute to the Flag P rayer----------- Dr. R . A . Jamieson Scripture —Dr, W . R. McChesney Address, Co. Supt, H. B, Pickering Sonfrrt"——Star SPangled Banner Introduction o f New Teachers— -------------— ,— .Supt. H , D. Furat Announcements Two new high school teachers, Miss Muriel Goodrick, Commercial, and Miss Janice Woollard, Home Econo­ mics, were introduced to the students and responded with brief remarks. A l­ so, the other high school teachers and guests spoke briefly. - Other high school teachers and their departments are: Miss Carrie M, R ife, Principal, Latin^and Public Speaking; Miss Or* Hanna, H istory; Mrs, Anna O. Wilson, Mathematics; Miss Luella Robe, English; Miss Beatrice Pyles, English; Edward J. Baas, Music; Paul Orr, Coach, Boys’ Physical Education and B iology; O .K . Swollen, Vocational Agricuture; Ralph Moon, Industrial Art# and Chemistry; Miss Dorothy Nelson, Secreary; and H. D . Farit, Superintendent'and advanced algebra, ( rising o f tbe A t timed in almost . ditch, in Ron* nude attire featured t b f programs. Y et alarmed under hi* 'JynMVIPP' MARRIAGE LICENSES (Granted) Robert R. Storm, Omaha, Neb., Uni­ versity o f Chicago student, and Elea­ nor Osborne, Yellow Springs, . Warren E . Barton, Bellbrook, factory worker, and Helen Elena -Luttrell, Dodds Apts., Dr. J. R . Fields. Robert M. Tate,, Bellbrook, landscape gardher, and Irma E !n0ra Wakely, Xenia, R . R . 2. Cyrus J. Hunter, 633 W . Second St-, grocery clerk, and Dorothy Jean Con­ klin,' 003 S. Detroit St-* Rev. E . A. Wall. Glen R. Johnson Jr., Fairfield, store clerk a t Frigidalre Corp., and Mary Gertrude Vbn Tuyl*, Fairfield. Edward / . Clifton, Springfield, R . R . 2 , laborer and Mary Elizabeth Gejs, Yellow Springs, R. R. 1. Marion E. Faulkner New Burling­ ton R . R. 1, trucker at Frigidalre Corp, and Minnie Louise Hoyle, Spring Val­ ley, R . R. 1. Mrs. Sarah Butler Died At CortsviUe Mrs. Sarah Butler 72, widow o f W. H. Butler, died at her home near' CortsVille, Saturday evening after an illness o f several weeks. She is sur­ vived by four sons, Stafford and George a t Columbus, and Roscoe and William o f Selma; a daughter, Mrs. G rice Graves, Xenia and two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Brown, Springfield and jStrs, Mary Peterson, Jeffersonville. The funeral was held Monday after­ noon from the Cortsvllle ' Baptist Church with burial in BldXom Ceme­ tery. Frances Hutchison Occupied Pulpit Bun* The Columbus Citizen reports that Miss France*,HutcbisoP, daughter o f Rev. C. A . Hutchison, pastor o f the South Methodist Church In that city, Cedarville townships that empties in­ to Massies Creek, which came before the County Commissioners fo r a hear­ ing Wednesday, has been held up on the advice o f attorneys until the orig­ inal petition can be amended to care fo r certain latterals that are needed. Ferndale Farm Gets New Herd Boar Ferndale "Farms, operated by Dob­ bins and Evans, announces the pur­ chase o f a 425-pound Hampshire boar from Lester Jordon o f near Richwood, a member o f the “Model Boy” fam ily. He is short legged, long bodied and o f the type o f standard set by the Hampshire Type Conference. Tim ani­ mal will head- the Ferndale herd. Board To Consider Transfer Of 600 Acres XENIA—The Greene County school board has under advisement a request­ ed transfer o f 600 acres o f school territory from the Xenia Township rural district to the adjoining Cedar­ ville "district. Four separate tracts o f land arc involved. The transfer was petitioned fo r by parents o f a half dozen children who attend school in Cedarville district. Wot permitted to operate Jn^fact no license was issued follow ing an Infrac­ tion o f the law. - 1 :. , _ , The next church group that desire* to aid in the campaign fo r the re- election o f Judge Henry should have an interesting topic in hearing the part he played o r did not play in the recent closing o f the “ Midnight Sun.” It might be of" interest to Greene countians that the operator o f thq club east o f Xenia was * candidate fur nomination for county Uffice on the Democrtlc ticket a t the recent pri­ mary but was defeated. Elementary Grades Pupils in grades 1-6 assembled', lit their rooms fo r their own opening ex­ ercises. Books were distributed and lessons assigned. - Pupils in the fifth and sixth grades mye two new teachers this,year. Miss Bernice Bryant has the fifth grade Home' Room and teaches Arithmetic and H istory in grades fou r, five .and $dgl»Hna,'.aC:tfa»- ttoartiisfaG i .vhe* tm , .jig Conference o f the Methodist Church, signed the fourth, grade Home Roont ' ' This new organization brings' together teachesEnglish, Hygiene,W riting and all o f the women’s work in the. cburch' Girls’ Physical Education in grades under one head, thus uniting ,groups four, five and six. NEW CHURCH ORGANIZATION On Wednesday at noon a lovely luncheon was served to the women'of, the Methddist Church by the Study Committee for* the Women’s Society o f Christian Service. A t that time $he' Society was'organized in accordance Joseph B, Masecq wfco the AAA in tiu» om atf ft * j « * yewr* was elected again Taeefiep i # a meeting in Xenia, by town gate* chosen Monday night. David C, Bradfnto wfta eieetod chairman; R . Roy StomAwener, Valley, third membw at t i l e _____ _ tee and Herman w . Xavey, Twnij, secretary-treasarer. Tbe follow ing ware chosen f a w HS* townships in this section at ield -Monday evening: Cedarville Twp.— Delegate, X lffs r H. L ittle; alternate delegate, J. Im te kin McMillan; chairman, Edgar Little; vice chairman, J, RanMa IMS* idillan; regular member, Raymond'Ty Williamson; first alternate,' J. Townsley; second a lte rn a te ,lf9 bw ; Cooley; secretary to conamnHff eees- mittee Raymond T,' Wfiliameon. ; Miami Township—del^gnte, A bM I D. Hutslar; alternate delegate, R. Huston; chairman, slar; vice chairman, neU; regular member, Ralph first, alternate, Benj> Ertiimi ond alternate, Edward Bittner; tary to community committee, ius^Grinnell. . >• Ross Township—delegate, L> # n > sel Long; .-alternate deiefeste, Renter McDorman; chairman; It. B eseel Long; vice chairman, IAster MaDev- man; regular member, C. Rag -Reid; first alternate, Paul H . W est; second alternate, Herbert F . Smith; secreteng to community committee, Lester .Mc- DorhJan. .* r Silvercreek Township—4 « l«ff«.tt% - Grover C. Tobin; alternate Carroll :W Clq anier; cha£rmam'GHmsr C. Tobin; vice' chairman, CarceU W . Clemmer; regular .. member, ^Jeha O’Bryant; first alternate,' Chortle Leach; second alternate, Geiy.IjE. Genf don; secretary to community cqmmitiv tee, Chai'lie Leach. '" - w ^ Dr. D. H. Markte fo : > Returned»^ have been made to the provisions o f j and a form er pastor o f the Cedarville the bill as adopted by the House and IMlthudist Church, filled the pulpit 1ft testotices brought forward where en actment o f tbe measure would work irreparable harm* to some basinesse* and industries. Tax legislation is always invatvad and difficult and it is praeticady impossible to prepare uny sort at a peeper or fa ir tax bill in a hurried manner. President Jteesevelt has called the first at the National Guard into Fed- the absence o th er father last Sunday. Her subject Wte; "The Use o f Power.” Miss Hutchison is assistant librarian at Oberlin Graduate School o f The­ ology and attended tbe World Christ­ ian Youth Conference in Amsterdam last summer. D. A . R. MEETING Dr. F . A . jtirknt, Cedarville Collcgo history professor, addressed tbe first fall meeting o f the Cedar C liff Chap­ ter o f the D. A . R . at the home o f Mrs. II. H. Cherry, Tuesday evening. Dr. Jurkat spoke on "The Constitu­ tion in a Changing Age.” ! Mrs. Fred Dobbins, regent, presided and Mrs. M. J. Babin, Chaplain, con­ ducted the D.A.R. ritual, Plans were announced fo r the luncheon meeting o f the southwest district meeting in Greenville, Wednesday, Sept. 25th.‘ The chapter, will outfit a room for the Cedarville Boy Scouts a’nd Girl Scouts. Mrs. Harold Reinhard and Mrs. Warren Barber being named to direct tbe work. Mrs. Paul Orr spoke on national defense. , A dessert course was served by Mrs. Cherry, assisted by Mrs, I. C. Davis. * $1,300 Iti Check* Disappeared But Are Worthless Someone evidently expected to get rich quick last Thursday evening when they picked up a hillfold with some­ thing over $1,300 In checks in the office o f Frank Creswell, coal and grain dealer. Mr.JJreswell was closing fo r the ev*- cning'and had taken the currency and silver from the drawer as usual and placed the checks in a billfold. A t that time a customer came In and’ before filling the order put the money in his pocket and left the billfold on the counter, There was no ohe in the office at the time and when he returned later he discovered the billfold was missing. Miss Murdock, the bookkeeper had a complete record o f the checks SO that payme.* t on each was stopped and so far there has been no clue. Sheriff Henkel’s office was informed but so far n<•i*,of tbe checks have been pre­ sented to any o f the banks fo r pay­ ment, No doubt the fslleW that lifted tbe billfold thought there was cur­ rency in it. The checks may yet turn Up or they may have been destroyed rather, than risk cashing them. They ran in amounts from $S to one fo r more than $500* whose property assets run into m il lions Of dollars. During the enroll-' mept ceremony conducted by the> minister, David H. Markle, some 07 o f the women took the Charter Mem-' >ership pledge o f the new society. The follow ing officers were elected; Presi­ dent, Mrs. Kathleen Creswell; Vice' President and Chairman o f the Pro­ gram Committee, Mrs. Earl Richards;. Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. C . Brew-: er; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.' Carmon A gnor; Treasurer and Chair­ man o f the Finance Committee, Mrs.; Katherine Orr; Secretary’ o f Mission- nry Education and Service,“ Mrs* Es-' ther Mae Reynolds; Secretory o f So­ cial’'Relations and Local Church A cti-1 Vities, Mrs. Lelia Arthur; Secretory o f Supplies, Mrs. Robert Nelson; Sec­ retary o f Literature and Publications, Mrs. Charles Kimble; Secretory o f Student Work, Mrs. Jane M ills. RESEARCH CLUB MEETING The first meeting o f the fa ll and winter series o f the Research Club was held last Thursday afternoon ah the home-- o f Mrs. Jeanette Cooley, Mrs. Mrs. Harold Reinhard was in­ ducted as the new president, tbe gavel being presented by tbe vice president, Mrs. J. Lloi;d Confarr in tbe absence o f the retiring president, Mrs. Frank Creswell. Roll call was by naming a book 'worth reading. The speaker o f the* Afternoon was Miss Mildred Galloway o f Xenia, Who talked on “ Rare Edi­ tions” . She displayed A number o f in­ teresting Antiques And qbly pictured the description o f eAch, During the social hour that follow ­ ed the program light refreshments were served. WILL DRAW JURIES SEPT. 21 FORD FOR WILLKM Henry Ford made a trip t o Rushvite, fnd., Tuesday where he made s friend­ ly cell on candidate Wendell Willkie* The follow ing day Mr. Ford isaUed A statement endorsing Mr, Willkie as his choice foe preetihat. Jurors fo r the October term o f com' mon pleas court will be drawn in the clerk o f courts office on Saturday, Oct. 21 at 10 A . M. Forty names win he drawn from the- jury wheel fo r both 1 trend and petit ju ry service. SELMA SCH0OL FLOWER SHOW TAX COLLECTION CLOSED County Treasurer Harold Fawcett FINAL GAME TONIGHT ■ #* 7he final game o f the soft ball tournament will be played this Friday i *° K -S ? : Adams-Thuma team, Jamestown, and to m att, m September Itoh for •s^ r d e d good but the delinquent ewt- ^ Xenia. Weather permit- net be estimated until a final cheek Is t{nf this will b* the largest attended ***** ■ im m a t $Ri se iwn. > iu.namwti'toWiW’ 'A rt wwg The Fall meeting o f the Springfield District Presbyterial has been ad­ vanced to an earlier’date la order to obtain a missionary s H n r . The date is Sept. 80th and the maettog w ill be held at the Fveehftorian Ctateh to YeltoW Syria**, wtiwe Em . Barnard Lee is the peatoe. The children o f Selma Schools in vite all to participate in their Flower Show to be held today at 7:80 P. M. Exhibits must be in by 11:*0 A . M. Prises awarded fo r best exhibits. Dr. J. Alvin Orr, who resigned his pagtotote In Pittobnrgh abeut two peart age to teaching In Srrictee Ced* toga and tonnfnary a t .Dae West* tf. OuroinA, ’ Other elementary teachers.are as follow s: Misg Ruth Chandler—first grade; Miss Florence Ferguson-risecf ond grade; Miss Mildred. Trumbo— third grade; Mrs. Vesta H a lstead - Special Room and MiSs'Ruth Llwis— sixth grade Home Room, Geography and Reading hrgrades four, five and six . ■ - • Other employees are; A , H. Barlow, Custodian; William Fisher,' Superin­ tendent o f Buses and Mechanics; Mrs. Rebecca Spencer, assistant Custodian, Mrs. Donna .Finney, Cafeteria Cook, ; Bus Drivers-f-Jamea Northup, Bus No. 1; Ned Brown, Bus No. 2 ; Robert Reed, Bus No. 3; Ralph Logan, Bi^ No. 4; William FiSher, Bus No. 6; Layden Wilson, Bus No. 6; and E l- wodd Shaw, Bus No. 7 .. > Enrollment by Grades 1 . 'F irst Grade, 38; Second Grade, 32; Third Grade, 36; Fourth Grade, 45; F ifth Grade, 80; Sixth Grade, 38; Special Room, 20; Seventh, 38; Eighth, 42; Ninth, 54; Tenth, 59; Eleventh, 41 and Twelfth, 38. Total enrollment— 600, Many Change* Mads This year, students found many new ideas in effect especially in the high school. The hour period is being used this year fo r the first time in all classes. The hour period provides for both class work and supervised study. This gives the students the advantage o f studying their- lessons under the direction o f the teacher In charge o f eaclt class, which is a distinct im­ provement over the former plan where students had to prepare all o f their lessons in study halls and at home. This reduces the total number o f class periods from eight to six. New Study Hall The stpdy hall this year is located in rooms 200 and 201 instead o f the auditorium as in former years. Also, by using the hour period, the number o f students in the study halls has been reduced considerably. With thto new plan high school students should be able to prepare most o f their work at school if they budget their time properly. I f is not recommended, how­ ever, that home work be eliminated entirely. Students who expect to de­ rive the maximum result* from their school work should expect to do seme heme work. Handbook A handbook has been published and a copy threw to each high aehort at*- dent. This peWksatten yrtrridea the student with a R b llfta in a - dosed Mqpday after being in sessfeW a week at Lakeside. Tbe assigntneMta were announced Monday and In tide locality are as follow s: Rev; V , E. Busier, D . D „ former ocal pastor,-was named superinten­ dent o f the Zanesville district. Dr. D . L . Markle was returned to the local pastorate as was expected. M. fill fermely located here (was retaste- ed tp Catpwba, G. L. Gowdy to Love- land. Rev, W , N,’ Mantle to Trenton, There were hut three ohahgee Iff the .county, .new assignments being made in Xenia and BoWerayUJe. Rem, R„ ,Br W ilson, Eaton, Succeeds Dr. J, Fields at Xenia First ChUreh, thp Wo exchanging pulpits. Rev, E . A . Wall, Trinity, Xenia, to ML Wasto- ngtort, Cincinnati, while Rev. E l T . Acord,, o f Williamsbufgh, comes to ' Xenia. Rev. C. A."Arthur, Bowersvflto, gees to Leesburgh, while Rev. W . G . Neel, o f tbe same place, nxchangaa •with Rev. Arthur. * Those in the county returned ars, Rev. J. G. Laughlin, Jamestown; W . A. Moore, New Burlington. Rev. L . A.4 Donnelly, Fairfleld-Osbom. R*V. J. S." Williams, New Jasper, Rev. d|. T. Kinnison, Spring Valley. Rev. C. R . Doty, Port Williams. D r. O. X . T «r- ley, Wilmington is superintend#** at the Wilmington District. (Otmmtm Ont a fmm) g o l d e n r u l e c l a s s The Golden Rule Chuui Of the M. E . Church, met a t the beam, at l if * . Charles Kimble, Thursday, August i t , with thirty mamber* and tbrse gwests present, ’ Very interesting devotion# w*r* sate- ducted *by Mr*. C. E . Brewer . A fter the busintos msaetteg owe- ducted by the president, Mrs. C. E. Masters, the meeting *djMW*ed ter the social hour, , Refreshments were served by fh* fal­ lowing committee: Mrs. Kimble, Mr*. B . H. Little, Mrs. Joesph Gane, M to. W . B. McGalHster and Mrs, C. B , Brewer. LARGE CLOVER LEAVES 0, A. Dobbin* hMkrtbra <Aoaae leave*' with us whtok ato Hie torseut » U_ m MMSiiiSa cgwidk f%UkJk . aave ever, asen* w s i wmamwaa better than two and an* quarter taefcsa fat tongtii and- th* «H «r Both exceed- am amt Emm ateUmMi inebss hi wMth. CORN CROP m P .ilillW Thto aectimt at Ew iianiter *aam veloped InA ertd apA afft at Qaegiii tbea mmm atom to the SEEK mak Most «f the owm *•» mute * worn late te i tor me wwtiwrIfR km toy1 i « t e 4a.