The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

M A M U J mmAjukt- 9 VSft 4 Ti SWTMQIHI U, UNI T H * C 1 D A R V I L L E H E U A L D pgAEU f H U , - --------- KDITO* AND FUBUJBHBl tf* ‘I& smmk ** Ba fawd x i tk « Poafc O f ie i , Cadarvilie, Ohio, Ootohtr S I, 1SST, m second c!*e» matter. Friday, September IS, 1940 CONSCRIPTION CERTAIN TO PASS Now th a t the Rooeeveit-Hitler form o f m ilitary conscrip­ tion bill has pased the House and a similar bill having passed the Senate in somewhat different form, both bills are being considered thfe week by a conference committee from both H ojummi that is under the control o f the New Deal. You now have the reason why Candidate W illkie has taken the stand he has on this measure. Weeks ago we were informed by one o f authority that cer­ tain Democrats would jo in with the Republican opposition on the conscription bill. This was to keep the measure in cold storage aa long as possible and even though it would eventually pasa before election day, there would be few i f any boys called by that time. This would please those who want war declared at once and those that opposed conscription in one form or another and not cause the New Dealers trouble election day. Id canvassing the vote Ohio was almost solid against the Bill in the House' and both our senators, Ta ft ,and Dpnahey opposed it in the Senate. Thus it was not a political issue in this state although the New Dealers are making plenty o f political capital out o f it both 'from a business standpoint as well as trying to catch votes. I f the result in Haine is an in- Alex where both Republican Senators voted f o r conscription, then the New Deal is in fo r a licking next month. Only Tues­ day last the voters o f Arizona retired Henry Ashurst, veteran Democratic Senator and fo llow er o f the New Deal, by a. two to one vote. _ The Ohio delegation in Congress has just grounds in op­ posing the Hitler form o f military draft. ‘First because it would place the new army at the command o f Roosevelt, who under the. constitution can send our boys anywhere on earth he chooses, regardless o f a grandstand play he has been making and in view o f numerous other broken promises. Second the government is unable to properly provide f o r the 800,000 men now in service including the volunteers numbering several thousand. . . . ' . . We have it from the testimony o f Mr, Knudsen, head o f the Civic Military Affairs Committee, before a congressional committee that it will be at least the middle o f 1942 before the government w ill have the necessary supplies and equipment fo r the army o f 1,200,000, let alone the two million men wanted by Roosevelt. The Ohio delegation stood on good grounds in demanding The sixty1 day clause and then fo rce Roosevelt to issue a call for the volunteers. If there was not sufficient volunteers then con­ scription was to follow . Republican and Democrats in Congress accepted this plan and it. won by a decisive vote but will be ^eliminated due to the fact that the Senate not only wants con­ scription but intervention as. well'. It is argued that i f Roose- Velt will order the war .and navy departments to cut red tape, provide a $30 a month pay basis and one year enlistment, the volunteer system will return enough to make even more, than two million, a number fo r which there seems at this time to be no need. , , „ ’ * , .. Ohio citizens regardless o f politics are against the Hitler Form o f conscription now demanded by Roosevelt. The mail congressmen and senators receive proves that point, New Deal politicians are fo r conscription. Henry Wallace says every Re­ publican is a Hitlerite and against conscription. This is a typical Wallace utterance. W a ll street, like manufacturers o f War sup­ plies, demand conscription and hr most cases intervention. Ohio iS as loyal to a ju s t cause .today as she was in the days o f the Civil War. H er citizenship .knows the difference between pa­ triotism and poiiticaljbimk and the. vote in November will prove this statement, to be true. ELECT ROOSEVELT AND YOUR SON GOES TO WAR Out o f all the hysteria and propaganda issued b y the New Deal With European backing things are gradually being Sifted down to facts in contrast, to New' Deal promises. . O f alt this bunk the*American people have heen fed from a ll sides o f the war issue it must be accepted as .true that either the American people are being double crossed by the New Deal or the leaders in Britain are purposely misrepresenting the leaders o f the administration in Washington. We quote from a recent speech’ o f G. Howard Ferguson, former Canadian high commissioner to London and former con­ servative premier in Ontario. “ I f President Roosevelt is re­ elected fo r a third term the United States will b e in the war be fore C h r i s tm a s " '“ „.......A11 that was required to lead the United States into the war was “ a little leadership in the right direction by some outstanding man like Roosevelt'". --- The dollar sign has been dangled before American manu­ facturers to win them into backing the U. S. into the European war. The hand o f the unseen with an appealing influence has fired the Ohio Chamber o f Commerce to back the Hitler-Mus- solini-Roosevelt plan fo r conscription. Ninety percent o f these leaders have no sons within-Jbhe graft age limits. Most o f them f o r the past six years have damned every move o f Roosevelt and the New Deal until it came t o big profits fo r war supplies. When conscription o f wealth figured the Chamber o f Com­ merce began a back d oe r campaign appealing to Congress to eliminate it as a dangerous precedent but at the same time urged the legislators to immediately pass the “ conscription o f your son. f o r gun fodd e r " or Hitler would land on oUr shores before a fortnight. The Roosevelt promise o f no American soldiers leaving the Western hemisphere is taken With a grain o f salt. Few o f his other promises or even respect fo r national laws governing foreign trade pacts and treaties has been respected. Over in Canada his promise is taken only as sop to the .American peo­ ple. Even a group o f Communists meeting in New York City has suspicions that Roosevelt's promise to England carries with it every fighting force abroad that we can muster. The much heralded New Deal threat, as well as the slimmy sop handed ou t by the Ohio Chamber o f Commerce and its stuffed-shirt dictator, that it is either fight Hitler in England o f fight him on these shores, is not frightening the average American citizen. Following the giving away o f fifty o f our destroyers to England there is ample proo f that we have entered the war even at this early date. The trade fo r supposed naval bases, which does not exist as a trade, is that England leases these Bases to this nation and she gets the fifty destroyed fo r noth­ ing. The people should at least have the truth out o f Wash­ ington. I f this is wrong then Canadian newspaper accounts at* false* <■' Every step Roosevelt has taken is an Invitation fo r Hitler to carry on his warfare even on these shores, The whole world knows that King George came here to make a secret bargain f o r support not from here but over there, and speeches to that effect have heen made in Pariiment, I f what aid we give Eng­ land cannnot stop Hitler over there such aid will be useless. Accepting the published statement and that o f radio com­ mentators that England will probably fail, why give away our fighting cra ft when it may be needed a t home? mmtmrnmmmmmmmmm A bit o f radio news last Friday from Argentina, South America will be o f interest ta farmer* and especially cat­ tle feeder* la thla country. The head o f that government boldly made the atatwnant that condition* fo r stock­ men would be greatly improved after November when President Roosevelt would lower the bars to impart Ar­ gentine beef in thi* country to feed th« new army. He also said it was a pledge o * the part o f Secretary Hull in form ing a trade afU bmaet during the recent Pan-American conference. Just a few week* ago the government let another big "contract fo r several million pounds o f lard substitute. So far a? known the New Deal has not purchased a pound o f lard fo r the army or navy this year. CelhfrWW H ate i 10G Knrollwent New Dealers have little to say over he election results in Maine Tuesday. Not a Democrat was elected in that .state from governor and state offices to senator and congressmen; The Re­ publicans received from 09 to 68 per sent o f the vote cast after all the "big tops”, except Secretary Wallace, had canvassed the state. Maine grows mil­ lions o f bushels o f potatoes and .the farmers were a unit in registering their protest over the New Deal plan co control that crop, Down in Florida the Daytona Beach News-Journal in a straw vote gives Roosevelt 122 and W illkie 579 on the first returns last week. The Richmond, Var, Times-Dispatch gives Roosevelt 1403 and Willkie 3547 in its poll last \veck. Three small city newspapers in Washington state show Willkie lead­ ing by more than a hundred over Roosevclt’in .th e combined straw vote published. Even the Greenville, Migfe., Oemocrat-Times in its straw vote just started shows Willkie receiving a two co one vote ,over Roosevelt in a re- corn o f 192 to 82. According to the Cincinnati Times- Star there is a wholesale resignation U medical ranks o f members o f the 47th Infantry, Ohio National GUard. Major Christiansen stated it would be lifficult to get physicians to enlist for tear o f loosing their practice 'i f rc- jUired to remain in the army fo r even no year. , A ttorney George Smith, a write-in democratic nominee at the primary, lid nat choose to qualify by putting jp the required fee to gee his name ott the November ballot as required by (aw. This, leaves prosecutor Marcus Slump, Republican, the pnly candidate No other candidate can file as Friday last was the dead line. A new Democratic-New*Deal propa­ ganda outfit has opened headquarters in the Neil House,^Columbus, to'flood newspapers and voters with dope fo r Roosevelt and Wallace, on the theory the public cannot see through the "non- partisan* sign on the printed matter. When we check (he names o f the state committee we find the w ife o f a form ­ er Democratic state office holder; the second name on the list from Demo­ cratic Darke, county and the third a Democratic state representative* from Pickaway county. Lifting the lid the American Farm Bureau Federa­ tion is Democratic controlled by an Alabamian who ju st recently came out >n support o f the Roosevelt "draft your son” for,the European war. The public has a right to know just who rs who in politics whether it is in church circles, labor unions or farm trganizations. , Speaking Of playing all cards on the table -one must admire ExGovernor George White, who has takjn the lead­ ership o f the W illkie campaign in his state this year from th e ,Democratic angle. Gov, White has' had enough >f the Communistic New Deal and op­ en ly has said so. It was hinted in the Democratic convention circles in Columbus last week that the White for W illkie movement probably had more support than did the New Deal. Among delegates newsmen found open expression against the Roosevelt con ■tcription plan and Gong, Sweeney was •omplimented many times fo r his in. Impendence in thought and action on this issue. The convention however wanted to be “ regular, it being in Con­ ti ol o f office holders or office seekers” , $o no mention was made o f White or Sweeney. Neither was there anything said about the “ Davoy-Willkie” move ment to organize such clubs in the state, A representative o f the move­ ment made a trip to thin county two weeks ago. The rrtiwrjn ssamnter o f the 4*th year o f C*4arvilie Collage opened with an enmUmant e f mere than ninety students in elawur Wednesday, which is expected to exceed 100 or more sepn, The flr f# dormitory was placed in use fo r the first time thi* year, the dedication o f which will take place later. “ Soumtltiiig Funny fa Cgfcig Ox* fkm w m Rev, Retaken F , Pieter* o f the First Presbyterian Church, .Middletown, O.. was the speaker at the opening chapel service Wjfinesday. Rev. Pieters uset1 fo r his wrigpet,41An Aristotelian Lool at Edneafipn.” His message war greatly appreciated by nil those, pre­ sent, ■’ Convocation services will be hpld in the First” Presbyterian Church this Sabbath evening sfc eight o’clock. President Walter S, Kilpatrick w ill be the speaker. The college choir will furnish music fo r the occasion. The F irst Presbyterian Church en­ tertained the students and faculty in the church parlors on Thursday ev­ ening. Rev, Walter S. Kilpatrick will occupy she pulpit at Bradford, Ohio, this Sab- oath morning, Dr. W. E . McOhestoey will be in charge o f the services at the Oakland Presbyterian Church in Springfield .hit: Sabbath/ September 15, Mr..and Mrs, Metyl Stormont and. ,‘amily have returned home after a isit with relatives in New Carlisle, :’a. Mr.- G. H. Creswell celebrated his ightieth birthday last Friday when elatives gathered with well filled askets to join in the celebration. WASHINGTON LETTER (Continued from first page) year's service. A s predicted in this iolumn two weeks ago none o f the. ' )hio National Guard were included in the first call. It is understood that approximately the' same number o f guardsmen w ill be called into service t intervals, with the last group being iducted December 10th. General Staff 'dicers testified that it is impossible o equip and house the' guardsmen lore, rapidly. > As just a little tip to the taxpayers: " according to' present plans the outlay Or national defense during the next ix years, exclusive o f present appro­ b a tion s, ,J4 to be "approximately hirty-six billion dollars. O f course, itese figure* may be Changed consld- rably, depending upon what happen* .o Great Britain, the future actions ^ the Axis Powers, and upon develop­ ments o f some o f the policies o f our ••wn government. p u r g e f a il e d a g a in fiumlMf up the situation it ifi this. Re-elect Roosevelt and you to te* th* Hitler force* to thee* shore* a fter England haa ©ten nriaed. Nothing ta more certain and probably Hitler would be jawtified in few vlewa with a feeling o f rereng* against A oM a ra li K e c t Wendell Willkie and you have a iaader w h o . pnm bm not t o lead this nation into a European war and one who will fa ce Hitler knowing that he haa no old tcorea to nettle. Press reports from the Georgia primary election, state that u flood o f voters frohi the farm districts in that state swept Eugene Talmadge into tht governorship nomination against two rivals, by a two to one vote accord­ ing to early returns. Columbus Roberts, state agricultural commissioner, had the endorsement of Roosevelt and Wallace. Talmadge served tw o terms and was defeated four years ago when Roosevelt urged the voters to turn him out, He had re­ fused to swallow the New Deal, In hi* campaign Talmadge was pledged to bo regular as a Democrat, but not aa a Nnv Dealer, He haa campaigned against the Wallace con­ trol o f Georgia crops, REPORT OF BALE Monday, September 9,1940 The Springfield Live Stock Sales Co. HOGS—845 iOO-225 l b s ------------------- 7.00 ’25-250 lbs........... ...... 7.00 150-275 lbs..................... i-6.75 575-300 lbs. — _____ 6.50 500 lbs, up — *____*____6.30 down 80-200 lbs........................*6.65 60-180 lbs......................... 6.40 '■40-160 lbs. —— 5. 65 120-140 lbs_________ — 4,90 100-120 lbs. ------------------- 4.10 Fat S ow s_______________5.50 down S t a g s ------- .......------ 3.50 down Pigs — __ ________ -_.-4 .75 down SHEEP—898 fop Lam bs__. — — — 9,85 ■ Seconds---------8.85 Medium —___ ,—8.25 E w e s __ _3.00 down CATTLE—143 Grass Steers — __— 8.85 Best H cjfers ___ _9.00 Med. Heifers ____ .7.00 to 7.85 Fat Cows .____. . . __ ,__ ,.6.15 to 6.85 Mod. C ow s___a .— ___ .-5.30 to 8.00 Thin Cows . . . __. . . . _____5.00 down Bulls _______ . . . . . . . . ___6,85 down CALVES—150 Top Calves - —______ ...11.50 Good St Choice_________ 10.60 to 11.10 Medium Kindt$__________ 8,10 to 9.G0 Culls ... .... .... ..._ _ ._ 0 .G 0 down For Sale—Several head o f choice Duroc male hogs, priced reasonable. Phone CedgrvillC 6-2784. LEGAL NOTICE Virginia Shouse, whose place o f enidence is unknown, will take notice that- on the 6th day o f September, 1040, Fred J Shouse filed his- petition ygainst'her ipr divorce On grounds o f extreme eifUelty, in Case No. 22366, before the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or rtftor October 26,1940. MARCUS 8HOUF, Attorney for (9-13-6-1048) Plaintiff mm FARM 4% LOANS No application fee. No appraisal toe. Refinance your leans at the lowest Interest rate* ever Offered, McSavaaey A fe , lamdoa, O. Can m Write- LKON M. EL1NQ Cedarville, O. PlHMMU 16' NeWMSMMMMNMMiNMSMMMMaiMWMWNMMl m L; M “NO TIME FOR COMEDY,” starring James Stewart and Rosalind Russell opens a weeks engagement at tbe Regent Theater. Spring’ field, On Thursday, September 18. In “NO TlMgi FOR COMEDY 'Rosalind has her troubles trying, to win Jimmy Stewart from Genevieve Tobin. In the cast along with Rosalind Russell and Jimmy Stewart is Genevieve Tobin and Charlie Haggle*. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS LEGAL, NOTICE Sealed Proposals w ill be received by the Board o f Education o f CedarviUe Township Rural School . District, Greene County, Ohio at the Office o| said Board o f Education in the Town­ ship Building <at CedarviUe, Ohio, un­ til twelve (12) o’clock, Noon, Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, September 27, 1940, for furnishing all materials and performing all labor necessary fo r . the erection and construction o f "a Garage according to plans and -speci­ fications prepared by Marlay W- Lethly & Herman T. Hunter, Associate Architects, located at 352 East High Street, Springfield, Ohio. . Bids will be publicly opened and- read. Plans and Specifications, are on file in the Office o f the Clerk o f the said Board o f Education, CedarviUe, Ohio, and a t the Offices o f said Architects, Springfield, Ohio, All bids must be made out in ac­ cordance with the laws o f Ohio and upon bidding forms which will be fu r­ nished by the Architect. Each bid must be.accompanied b y a Surety Bond or a Certified Check on a bank doing business in the State o f Ohio in the amount o f ten percent (10% ) o f the amount o f the bid, con­ ditioned that i f the bid is accepted, the successful bidder wlU immediately enter into a contract and give bond to the amount o f one hundred percent (100% ) o f the contract price fo r the faithful performance o f the contract. * The right is reserved by the Board o f Education to reject any or all bids and to waive informaUties. x By order o f the Board o f Education o f CedarviUe Township Rural School District^ Greene County, Ohio. - John W . Collins, President. A . E; Richards, Clerk. Dated this 27th day o f August, 1940. (8-30-9-27) Effie Humphrey, whose ptace o f resi­ dence is unknown, w ill take notice that on August 23,1940, Walter Humphrey filed suit for' divorce on the grounds o f wilful absence before the. Court o f Common Pleas, GreeUe county^ Ohio, in Case No.- 22,341. That said cause will come on fo r hearing on o r after- October 5, 1940. F, W. Bunkle, Attorney. (8-30-6t-9-10-4) LEGAL NOTICE Court o f Common pleas, Greene County, Ohio Dale L . Lockwood, Plaintiff, * • . vs, FeliCite Lockwood, — ■ Defendant. 1 i Felicite Lockwood; whose last knqjgn address is care General Delivery.May- . tons Beach, Fla., will -take notiwf that ! oh the 29th day o f July, 1940, Dale L . Lockwood filed his petition against her fo r divorce in the Common Fl^as Court Io f Greene County, Ohio, on grounds { o f gross neglect o f duty and extreme tcruelty. Said petition w ill be fore hearing on and a fter the 7th day o f .September,. 1940, at the convenience ,o f the court, and unless answer is filed ,b y said defendant prior to that date, Judgment may b e taken granting a i divorce to the plaintiff. j • D a l e l . l o c k w o o d , piamtifc .Sm ith, McCallUter St Gibney, Xenia, IAttorneys fo r Plaintiff, (8,2-6t-9-6d) .- LEGAL NOTICE Common Pleaa Court Greene County, Ohio Ruby E. Faulk No. 22,325 Plaintiff, vs. , Elmer Faulk, Defendant. Elmer H . Faulk, residing at 1232 $ . Belmont Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana is hereby notified that Ruby E . Faulk has filed her petition against him fo r divorce charging gross neglect o f duty, and praying fo r custody and support o f minor child in No. 22,325 o f the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, and that said causeiwill be fo r hearing on or after September 14, 1940. Dan M. Aultman (8-2-6t-D.-6d) Attorney for Plaintiff F. L. NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Jamestown, Ohio Especial Attention Given , * SCHOOL-AGE EYES im im m niM«w n iwiiiilii>iHWMnmHfii| A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD F U R N I T U R E BUDGET FLAN AVAILABLE A d a ir ’ s N. Detroit Bt. a Foot Specialist NTS OF THE FEET. I nm now devoting all my time to my Xenia office. d r . ir v in s. H ym an Chiropodist . . . TREATING ALL AILME Open daily—9 A. M. to 5:60 P. II. Evening Hours, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 19 Allen _ . ' Phones: NewLowFee* “ ‘“- “•'r*1;* Xenia, O. • House—Main 41Q-R iil.rtnnww»HimO,wtiHwOMHHWiHH>».>t«M i,KW «wm -»ilwHH,HiiiO w.,iHiiliiihiiiitniiiiiiim iiiiw m iniiiiiniiMiiiii $ . » A N N O U N C EM E N T . . Z 0 BA WE I G H T Has just completed a post graduate course and has now joined our organization* LUCUETS BEAUTY SHOP 12% N. Detroit St. Phone 234 Xenia, O. ns<*nHHnnw>wwHnwjiii<»www>iii>iHHii«iiM<HW>iiiUi)niiM)n<w>w»wwwti)nW(ii>i>un>ni»siiniii»nniimw»iiiinii mnnm M a r i e t t a ' s Beauty gflwppe f o m a n e m t s FINGER WAVES m a n ic u r e s Xamia A m . N»»a» tS .r.i :« r t WSBTTBlBSSSr" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ILLNITES1 M anno Phiil at 6: arly ' ’ Pkone W (HMiamSMUIIIWl 9 9M Screen JEFFREY — BRENDA LYNN— MA3HALL . * 1 b * - ‘MONEY a n d the WOMAN’ SUNDAY, MONDAY TUESDAY — W ith A — PREVUE SAT. AT 11 :30 Come at 10:00 and STAY FOR BOTH SHOWS w. work M. I T ! FRIDAY AND iATURDAl KITES! Bo son Tesig wher SNDA rlALL VOMAN Mr terta Club Setui TUESDAY T 11 :30 and SHOWS Ofl** f**o m m i-m a n d f u j e y t i I OOOD s h o w ! Mi has i o f th •after broth Mrs, i Ogde ley C Y Th' byter i ' arvil) ■ a so . chure ed at xefre ■ James Stewart Mr and spent •with retui way. their Yhi/ra. i Sept. 12' \ 7 W . Rosalind Russell . In “No Time '*For C o m e d y ? With Charles Ruggles Pius Dr , San ■first ’ broth Matty Maineefk and Orchestra ■ Klin| ; tendii ' land. i e • '! Mr. ‘ ‘ ing j .99 ‘ , ‘ ,N . A g le s l . Colle * 2, < will moth !Ck , him t ra - rThUM,Y* Shirley. Temple Jack Oakfe “Young, People” •ing 1 sail " S. S. f cisco. Mr. urda. with and i ie Mi ed h Mrs. Prevue Sat. Nile Allan Jonea “ The Boys From Syraciise” MAJESTIC h e na MCM A*’ *UM, MON, ’>Toaa. /