The Greene County Guardian, March 7, 1957

Miss Broderick Engaged To Marry Robert Matejovsky GI RL- - Fo r Mr. and Mrs. Rob e r t BeAir, Feb 26, at Haines Hospital. The baby girl weighed 8 p o und s and 7ounces and has been named La v i n a Faith. The BeAir’s live on Route 2, Cedarville. BOY--Born at Haines Hos­ pital on Feb. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burba, Route 1, Xenia. He weighed 8 pounds and one ounce. DAUGHTER- - For Mr. and Mrs. (Rosie Sexton) Warren Little, Jamestown. The baby, weighing eight pounds, was born last Tuesday at Haines Ho s p i t a l . The maternal g r a ndp a r e n t s are Mr. and Mrs. Ward Little, Jamestown. BOY--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cold, Jamestown, Feb. 27, at Haines Hospital. The baby weighed six pounds and 13 ounces. The mother is the former Palmeta Curtis. DAUGHTER--Born to Mr. and Mrs. (Mary Lou Daniels) Arthur Griffith, Cedarville, March 4 at Haines Hospital. She weighed four pounds and te n o u n c e s and has been named Sandra. The paternal g r a ndpa r e n t s are Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffith, Jamestown. SON--Born last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell C. Mi l l e r of Cedarville. The boy was born at the Greene Memorial Hospital. DAUGHTER- - Bo r n last Tu e s d a y to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Truman of Cedarville at the Greene Memorial Hos­ pital. SON - - For Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Hagler, 629 Lucas Dr., Xenia. The baby was born Saturday at the Greene Me mo r i a l Hospital. The Ha g l e r ' s have named their first son Dale Ro l a nd . The ma t e r n a l grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Moody, Xe n i a , and the p a t ernal g r a n d p a r ents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hagler, also of Xenia. SON--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones, 4331 River Ridge Drive, Dayton. Mrs. Jones is the former Jane Creswell of Cedarville. This is their s e c o n d child. He was born Feb. 4 and we i g h e d eight pounds, one ounce and has been n a me d Mark Edward Jones. The engagement and June wedding of Mi s s Elizabeth Ann Broderick to Mr. Robert E. Matejovsky has been an­ nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Broderick of Jamestown. The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwa r d Matejovsky of 1424 Vancou­ ver Drive, Dayton. ALL INVITED A graduate of Silvercreek High school, Miss Broderick is employed by the Ohio State Employment Center in Day- ton. Mr. Matejovsky, a graduate of the Fairview Hi$h school ofDayton is the owner of the Perfect Cleaners in Dayton. The wedding will be sol­ emnized June 22. Launch Cedar Class For Weight Control A weight r e d u c t i o n class will begin at C e d a r v i l l e Wednesday March 13 at 7:30 p.m. The class will meet at the school with Dr. Gordon Savage, health'commissioner of G r e e n e County, as the first session s p e a k e r . Dr. S a v a g e will speak on the medical aspects of acquiring and maintaining desireable weight per body structure. The next three Wednesday night sessions will be devoted to a d i s c u s s i o n of weight control through diet and ex­ ercise. Mrs. Alfred Townsley, home-economics teacher at Cedarville High school, and Mrs.Myron Williamson, for­ mer home-economics teach­ er at Cedarville, will assist with the discussion on nutri­ tion. Some time each session will be devoted to demon­ stration and practice of pro­ per e x e r c i s e s to assist in weight reduction. Giving assistance to the or­ ganization of this class were Mrs. Phillip Buck, G r e e n e County home economics a- gent; Miss V i r g i n i a Jones, nutrition consultant of the Ohio department of health's S o u t hwe s t district office, s t a f f of the Greene County health department, and Miss Frances Williamson, assistant chief, d i v i s i o n of public health education of the Ohio department of health, from Cedarville. Also participa­ ting is a group of eight Ce­ darville women who attended we i g h t control c 1a s ses in Xenia last year sponsored by the Extension S e r v i c e and Health Department. An y o n e in the Cedarville area wishing to enroll in the class should phone Mrs. Jack Huffman, chairman of th e group at Cedarville, 6-2682. * Your International Harvester Dealer $AIE$ SERVICE M INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER * mis It is recommended that any person joining the class dis­ cuss t h e i r plans with their f a m i l y physician to deter­ mine the advisability of their participation in such a pro­ gram. Plenty of free Petking !Hall J .Hill Farm Service Jamestown, Ohio Ph. 4-9691 Twins' Moms Next Meeting At Jamestown Mrs. Willard Clark of Bow- ersville has been named the new president of the Greene Co u n t y Mothers of Twins Club. She is succeeding Mrs. Donald Jones. A n umb e r of area ladies attended the recent meeting of the club in Xenia. They included Mrs. Tom Harner of Cedarville, Mrs. Roscoe Spahr of Ross Town­ ship and Me s d a me s Owen Hart, Dell Fite, Willie Pratt Lee, Richard Lovett, Noah Knisley, Myron Fudge, Ray Grooms, Albert Liming and Roscoe Bowers, all of James­ town. Ne x t meeting of the club will be March 19 in James- t own at the h o me of Mrs. Richard Lovett at 52 E. Xenia Street. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Noah Kn i s l e y , Mrs. Owen Hart and Mrs. Roscoe Bowers. __________ the greme county GUARDIAN March 7, 1957 Page 3 W ill Take Part in 4-H Club Week Dances Upcoming Two 50-50 dances are up­ coming on the social calen­ dar of the Greeneview Par­ ent-Teacher Organization., Both will feature the music of Butch Brock with Roy Corn d o i n g the C a 11 i ng for the square dancing. F i r s t e v e n t will be held Tuesday, Ma r c h 19 at the G r e e n e v i e w North school f r om 8 p . m . to 11p.m . T i c k e t s will be on sale at the door. S e c o n d will be April 16, also at the North school, from 9 p.m . until midnight. Pro­ fits from the dances are ear­ marked for purchase of fur­ niture for the home econo­ mics r o om at Greeneview South school. National 4-H C l u b week, t h r o u g h March 9, will be highlighted by an advisors' meeting at the Greene Coun­ ty 4-H Ad v i s o r s Banquet Tuesday evening at the Trin­ ity Me t h o d i s t Church in Xenia. Janice Marshall, Cedarville, will lead group singing. Judy Ha r n e r will give a safety talk and Lois T h a y e r will present a safety demonstra­ tion. C o me d y act will be performed by Sarah and Sue Starbach, a musical number by the Cedarville 4-H en­ semble of the Happy Workers Club. The Cedarville c l u b will do the d e c o r a t ing and the Venard Theater W. Washington St. Jamestown, O. Presents : Friday BUS STOP Marilyn Monroe-Don Murray Saturday RUNNING WILD William Campbell-Mamie Van Doren-Keenan Wynn Sunday HOT BLOOD Jane Russell-Cornell Wilde women of the Trinity Meth­ odist church will serve din­ ner. Merrjbers of the plan­ ning c o mm i t t e e are Ann Bickett, Tom Griffis, Mar­ garet Stover, Virginia Ca­ hill, Jim B a r t l e t t , Janice Marshall, Imogene Johannes, Do r o t h y Bittner, Virginia Co r wi n , Carl and Kenneth Davis. Donald Glass, Jamestown, Route 2, was Greene County's delegate to the 24th annual Ohio Farm Bureau Coopera­ tive Association meeting in Columbus last week. G A S 1" OIL — cxT MANY nmt y u a m « Tires-Batteries Washing Lubrication Accesories Gumm and jBradds SERVICE STATION State 72 at Selma Pike ANYBODY SEEN THE CHIEF? The KYM Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Lewis Lillich on Friday, March 15. Watch for Jamestown BARGAIN PAYS! HEAP BIG HUNT FOR CHIEF BLACK HAW K . . . OLDEST BLACK HAWK CORN PLANTER IN THE COUNTY NOW GO ING ON! DO YOU HAVE IT7 REGISTER YOURS NOW! YOU MAY W IN FREE SEED CORN C e leb ra tin g the in tr o d u c tio n o f a r e v o lu tio n a ry new 1957 mod e l, we’re lo ok ing f o r th e oldest B lack Hawk c o r n p la n te r s in th e coun ty . If you own a B lack Hawk , get in touch with us, Yo u rs may be the o ldest, a nd y o u ’ll win f r e e FB seed c o rn . And y o u ’ll c e rta in ly want to tak e a lo o k at the 1957 mode l . . . on d isplay now. I t’s loaded with f e a tu r e s to do the , jo b f a s t e r , a n d b e lte r. Such as h igh -speed p la n tin g with \ u n e r r i n g a c cu racy . And % many o th e r s th a t we’d like to show you. Tall Deal Time At Smith’s 1We’re Stretching Trade-in Prices forlheiNew Massey-Harris, Swap Now ! GOOD TRADE-IN BUYS 1—Oliver 70 Tractor and Cultivators 1—VAC Case J ra c to r 1—Massey-Harris 35 Tractor 1- M a s s e y -H a r r i s 3 -12” Plow 1—Minneapolis-Moline ZA Tractor 1- M a s s e y -H a r r i s 2 -14” Plow 1—Dearborn 2-14’’ Plow 1—Ferguson 2-14” Plow with new bottoms -SPEC IAL . - :..- 11—Massey-Harris No. 11 Spreader on rub- j ber. (Brand new). Greatly reducer' price. GREENE COUNTY FARMBUREAU CO-OP ASSN. XENIA Bellbrook Ave. & Walnut St. Xenia, O. Ph. 2-3541 BOWERSVILLE Short and Xenia Ph. 3-8501 LELAND SMITH'S Farm and Home Center Yotir Massey-Harris—Ferguson- New Holland Dealer Jamestown Phone 4-351J