The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1958

February 1958 g·iv $230 111or) a . ,11· a11 1 l)' 11 c> \VOl' off 01~ lrivc t }1 Ill f Oll r r al'~ • i11 ._ tead of t ,,ro a11 cl g·i V a11 cl l - clitio11a l $100 cl >r 'ar. Ne, e1· h ,1,,p 111 1·i ·a11 ,v 111 11 a1· 11 cl ._"o 11111c· l1 111011 ,r 1~ ,,,a~' t l O 11lll ·h 011 • fla h}'" d1·e~ 11 dl , , sl1 ," a11cl l1a11dft1l of g·al1 ly j w 11·.. ,, t1l l the 11ot loolt 1no1~e lil< ~111·i. tia11. a11 l b 1no1· lJ i1·i tt1al if t 1 y ga, , .) l1alf of ,vl1at th y \\ 1 ast to 11 cl)' 111i. io11a1·i ? ., 0111e of ou1~ 1~ a lei· 111a1r ex- • elai111, Tl1at a 11·ea h er fo1-- ) ' Olt - al'-'ray b g·gi11g· ! Jay ,v a11- ·~1e1-- ,vitl1 tl1 ol l ~ to1· of the · 1- ~ . or d I)I'eacl1 r , .vl10 a111 0 11 1 to 1na11)T ti111e to }1i~ ,v altl1. r ,,,hit friend ? v\T 11 l1ci v to 0 11d 11,· bt1t it goe. on1 t l1i11g li1< t l1i · : r1 1 l1c ,,,hit btt i11 111a11 aicl ]1 , ,vc:1.1 ti1~ed of bei11g a l< d s ofte11 t help tl1i color d 1na11 . l1ur· 1 a11cl Ol'"pha11age a11d ,, 1 a.' @:o i11g to , top r e pondi110·. Th olcl pr a h 1~ .·at i11 tun11 d il n for· a ,, 1 l1il rat hing hi , bald bla l{ h ea l . Then h e loolced ll p a11d ai 1 11 P L1nder tood. You 1{110,v i1· I 011 1 e had a boy that ,va. al,iva)' a lci11g· 1n fo r mo11ey. ometim it ,va f 1· ·110 : ·ometin1e for chool book a11d om tim for ca11dy 01-- a ball . J 1.1 t when I g·ot him fix d llp a11 l thought I had ati fi d hi1n, he vvould come back for 111or . The eloq11ent ·olored man h e - itated wipe l . ome tea1,-. fron1 hi eye and conti11ued : Ile 11 v r· both r me a11y more for· h e i dead. nd that i t l1 ,vay i t i. with my cht1rch and orpl1anage. They wo11 t a k yot1 for a11ytl1i11g V?hen they are l ea 1 bL1t a , lo1 g ru th y a1·e aliv , they ,vill 1 0111 beQ'gi11g agai11 and ao·a i11. What do we ,va11t to i11v t i11, after all ? In dead l)t1ildi11 o· a11 l lifele, , p aper ·e t1rit ie 0 1-- in th ~·oul. of n1e11 ? 11 ly the ot1l of m 11 a1~ im111ortal all 1 ,,,ill bu1·11 111 t}1e judgn1 1 t f i1· c · of t h e la:t e,1ay. \V a r 11ot , ·ayi1 g a ~111·istia11 s l1 011ld 11ev r ·av l1is 1t101 ey, or in ,rest it i11 a 1·ea:011al)] y good ho1ne 01· i11 0 1n busi11 css nte1·1)rise. E,,e11 p1· acher,· lo that if they }1av a11y 111011 y to i11,r l8t. W l1at we a1· .·ayi11g i8 tl1at ,v s}1oul<l 11ot i11v t all i11 111 1) ~1·– isl1 al)] '.l t l1i11gs of >a,1· i J1, 01· sei ot11· l1c.1art 0 11 t l1e111, 0 1· be-> foolish c 11 <)tig }1 to i l1i11lt t l1 ey ea11 oi\'<-' llH :-:;e('Ltrit _\ 1 a11d l) 1 a('t1 of 111i 11cl. v,..r .l a r e sayi 11 g \\1 .A ot1gl1t 11 <)i to g1·u 111~)le \\ 1 11 )Ll ot1r c· l1t1r<~l1 a 11fl <)lll' 111isH io11 ag·p11e ie~ a11cl 011r S<' llools asl< t l 8 for tl o11 ,L– tio11s. 'l'll .l)' are 11oi l)pgg· i11g. rl' l1 e)' ell'(! tl1e l1CJI'(l's ~cll C8)lll 1 ll , ,,110 Hl'P <>frp1·i11g llS OJ)l)OJ'tlll litieH fol' l ttHt • • 111g· 111 \ ' 1 st111 ~11 1,. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ---------~-- Page Three • T1,lNt 111 c)11tl1 ,,,e r<111ort l l ~r c>olcsi lP of ( 1 1 vt:\ l a 11 <l ct11 cl 1 i1>1e l~ctpti.-t of 1 olt1111lJt1s as ·l1tt1·cl1 s ~·11lJ.1<' r1l)jt1g f'o1· a ll <tetive 111 1111) r sl1ip l1 111ps ,1, 11 <1 ctsl<rcl fc>1· t)10r H ,,,11 0: ,·ttl J- Her i () l io11 list c1 t1als 01· c· <10tlH 1()% of jt s 111e1nb 1't ·hj11. ' 1111is 1110111. lt 011l y t,vo 1· .port i l10110·}1 \, 1 P a r Slll'( t }1 r e ctl' (> 111 or c: ( 1 al\ 1 ctr y J~H t>iist of N'<> r – ,,r,lll< \\ 1 i t 11 +J l' lllC}l' P ()U t O f' a 111e111 l)e 1·sl1i1 of 146 ~ ,l l l l Jtosiori cl ]3a1)t ist ,vitl1 41 C>l lt of a 111 111 l)r1·: l1 i I of 2 7. l.1ct t1s 1·e11or t )' 11r 1 ht1r 1 lt 11ext 11to 11th o r ,,,orl< ,·o t hat \,'e C<lll ,1t 1 a.·t a 111011t l1 late r ! Ev ry I a tot" sl1 ot1l l l<tl O\\T }1 \\' 1na11 r }1i: e l1lll' ·}1 h ,18, • a 11 (l g· t . 1n 0 11 gat l1e1--j11 g t1bs ·1·i1 tio11 . \\T h ,tI" l)a~– to1· 13ooth of (J alio1 gi,r s a )'earl)' J) ri rie to t }1 yo1111g p r – ,·011 t hat o· t · t l1e 111ost st1b– ·e1·ipti 11, . \\ e 1 a111· por·t :Bir. ·t Bapti. t of I alio11 as ,v '..)11 a 110, 1 t l1 1 7o al lJU t Cl o 11ot l1a,r th xact fio·ur· s. \Vhe11 you lll).1 ·ribe giv , ,.ot11· ·hltr ·h o l\I1·,· . Kat1tz • t:a11 lr 1) a 1·ecord for ach cht11· ·h. La:t n1011 th ,,, 1ni ·took th i\I1-- . i\l ayo that v,ra. a l<ing· f Ol' t l1e 11am · a11d a ld1" . e · of 11 \V \\ 01ne11 Ii\' ·io11a1--y 1 11io11 offi 1 1-. i 11 t h va1·iou · ,)1t1r 1 ]1 •· . \ ¥ ho1)e l\I1· ·. I al1l Mayo ,,,0 11 t b t .oo i11co11v 11- i 11·0 1 b)r lllll 1 l1 111ail l11.1t 1{11 0,v ~· 11 ,vill 1 d it all 0 11 to ::\ l1\ ·. D a1 l\ Ia,ro 1 dar·villr ~ 'c>ll eo·e 1 l cll'\' ill hio \\ 1 110 0 is th 11 <->\V • '1' tar}' of tl10 .1\ s ·o ·ia tio11 al \\Tl\i {T. ~ J l f ~ • 'l., A ._ i '\\ }J IJI 1 'l 1 v,'o ol<l l' 1·0 11ie .· <.l citl e<.1 to <.lt) a li tt l ) ~,tlJllatl1 f'isl1i11 g· ,l 11 cl l1a<.l \,,}11 le1cl <l\' ' cl .)' lll 08t or tl1 111or11 - j11g· ,, 1 l lC11 <> l1 P of tlll\lll l t>O l{C(l clt }1i s ,,·,1tc, l1 ,t11cl t1XC' lcli111 Pcl . ' ' (}oocl J1<-1a\'CllS, it 8 cllll l()Hi 11()()11. (}\\ l ' 111 too ],tie f'or el1l1rel1 ! ' ' ' ' \\' t' ll , I ·ot1ltl11 '1, l1n,·e g·o1te cltl) \\' cl'' ' ' Scl itl tl1' ot]1Pr J ' \ ' P 0 0t cl ., ' • l""'.I si<·l{ ,vit'e at 110 111·.' ' THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. P arma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: P er single copy ............ . . $ .15 P er year ................... .. $1.50 -- Advertising Rate: P er column inch .... . .. . .... $ 1.50 P er half page ...... . ......... $21.00 P er full page . . .. .... ... .. ... $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler , Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chai1·man Rev. Earl V. Willetts 250 West Street Berea, Ohio Secretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Tl.·ea w·er REV. ROBERTJ.REYNHOUT 276 Washington Avenue Elyria, Ohio Mi ionary REV. C. C. CLAWSON 26 So. Sandusky St. Col umbus, Ohio Men1ber REV. JOHN G . BALYO REV. GEORGE R GIBSON REV. R . KENNETH SMELSER DR. HOWARD G YOUNG REV. HALL DAUTEL REV. FRED HUSSEY REV. GLENN GRE~~NWOOD