The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1960

..:,-.;:.. .. e:..:.:p;.c..te_m_b_e_r_l9_6_0__________ TIIE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST EDITORIALLY SPEAKING DO WE WANT A REPUBLIC? OUR TREASURER SPEAl(S AGAIN "Since assuming the r esponsibilities of treasur er of our A ssociation of In– dei:endent Baptis t Churches nearly a year ago I have been u sed to seeing our financial incom e just barely meet exrenses. "However these past two month s have found m e anxiou <:'." ly opening the ma l f ach day with the hope that funds may come in to make up a mounting deiicit which is becoming serious. ' In comparison wi th the growing num 1 --er of church es in our association the increase of financial support for even the minimal needs are woefully f 1ll1r g behind. This ought n ot to be sc. If our association is worth having it is worth supporting. "Is it the wish of our church es that ,ve come u p to the annual association meeting in Octaber on the r ed side of the ledger? My r ecords show that 40 churches h ave not given a dime this year to the support of the a ssociation, yet some churches are most generou s and regular in ih e ir giving. Will the readers of this magazine please convey f h e r ews of our financial need first to the Lord in prayer and then to the churches they r epr esent in the ex– i:ectation that this financial deficit will Le wiped out.." Yours in Christ, T. Fred Hussey We wi"h we could leave it with this fine statement from Treasurer Hussey. Aug. 15 th we wer e faced wi th another crisis of which h e knew nothing. First a letter from Mrs . K autz arrived writ– ten by the n ew president of Higley– Huffman Press at Butler , Ind., saying after January first the cost of printing must approxima :ely be doubled, for Higley Press h ad lo.: t an average of $350 a month on our paper! Since the August issue was a week over due, we called long d istance and learned that we must find another printer as soon as possible. We do not yet know what the price will be, but at the best we <'an expect the magazine to cost us $50 more a month. I t means w e will need at least 300 more subscriptions even to maintain a 16 page paper or get considerably more support from our churches. The association should have more su pport for mission work, and we fully agree w ith our treasurer that an association worth h aving is worth su 1por:ing. We still insis t that the be~ t way to make our paper self– rupport_ng is for each pastor to get · "Orne sam i: le copies and go calling in all of his homes and asking for sub– sc1 i piion s- ei ther that or get some one l~e to do it. Let's h ave a big fall camr. a · gn to go over the t op for 2,000 Eubscription :. ! All i:atriotic Americans believe that our form of government is the best in th e_ worl?, or at least they think they believe 1t; bu t w \;; often wonder if they do. Just n ow many in Fostoria are un– employed because a factory in Con– n e~ ticut is shut down over a strike Yet most of them do not blam e th~ man agem · nt or union in Connecticut -u t Pre. ident Eisenhower! A working man with mor e than aver age intel– lig"nce Eaid h e was going to vote the opposite ticket so h e could get a job. We felt like asking h 'm whether h e expect ed the next president would hire him as a gardener , a chauffeur, or as a guard , or possibly as his cook ~ ince those are about the only job~ th_ r resident h as to give. However we k ept still because we knew it wa~ h cpeles-s to a r gue with a disgruntled man, who felt <-om ebcdy el~e was to hlam e for h is misfortune and [ O blamed the p r esiden t . We are not electioneering for either :i:arty in what we say, but only decry ing that sad ignoran ce of our form of government that makes us blame a m an instead of facing the r eal cau ses of our troubles and seeking to r ure them. If w e ar e beginning to suffer in the midst of th e biggest and longe: t boom we have ever h ad in our 184 years of history, it could be that it is becau se we h ave all been too gr --edy for profits and wages and the extravagances of worldly living, and r a,·e outpr iced ourselves in the world ma rket. Only military spending and giveaway prc·grams have kept us from paying for our economic folly, and the longer we put off ihe day of r e– ren tance the worc- e the punishmen wi ll be. Yet we don't want to r epent bu t want ever greater extravagances, and 5: 0 we blame the government, or ra th er the top man in our government. L ?st Sunday we dined in the home wher e a cou ole of bright young people of the Litchfield Baptist Church were a t the table, and we ask ed them if Government is still being tau ght in sch ool . They assured u s that they s tud:ed the Cons titution in the eighth g-r ade and will h ave to study it again in thei r Senior year. If th at is true, how is it that most people forget that we h ave a government of check s and 'balances, and that it is the Congress fhat makes our laws, that the Supreme Court inter nr e ts 1hem, r1 nd that the Preriden t only enforces them? More– o,,er do not a ll grown people know tha t our pre~ident h as a terrible time getting the law enforced, not only be– cau se Congress makes too m any un– work able laws, bu t because v er y few reople will r eport v iolations? Don't 1hev know that our cou1 try is so big a nd our r ociety so complicated, that on lv a president with aln1igl1ty power and the abili ty to b everywl1er e ores n · could no s · bly ru11 the gov rn– rr n t perfectly? Wha t do we want- n f)r siclen t or a m ssiah? Could it b th qt w.. really want a di et ,tor? Tl1 Pr s1dent coL1lcl sto l a strik if the 011grcs -; J)c1 s·~ cl t uch a law, and tl1 St1'1r 111 rout t ( ( 1 o 11 t i 1 111 t1 t I c) 11 I) it g· e (> ) P age Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f P u blished Monthly by 1,I-1E OHIO ASSOCIATION OF RE.GULA11 BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 11 8 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor TIALPH T. NORDLUND 53G Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Ci1·culation Manager MRS . JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Vlellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Sub cription Rate: ""'er sin gle copy .... . .. . .... .. $ .15 P e r year ..... .. .. . ..... ...... $2.00 DEADLINE FOR NEWS: 15t11 of each month Allvertising Rate: Per column inch .... . ....... $ 1.50 Per ha 1 f page ..... ..... . . . . .$21.00 Per full r a ~e . ... . . ... ...... $40.00 Second class postage paid at Butler, Indiana. P o tmaster: r lease send form 3547 to Tl~ c Ohio Independent Baptist, t1 ·~ 19 \ '/ elli ngton Ave ., Parma 34, Ol1io. COUNCIL AND OFF1CERS Cl1airman I {ev. George R. Gi bson :J.350 \V. 25th St. Cleveland 9, Ohio Secretary Rev. Adam A. Galt Spe1 cer, Ohio Trea urcr Rev. T . Fred Hussey 2'i E. Chu rch St. Niles, Ol1io ~ i. S i (! l13l'. hm. Re v. n. l{cn11 th Smel~er 123 li'rie11dsh ip St. Med i11a, Ol1i o You tl1 Director Iiev. Gle1111 Gre n\vood 315 K c1\si11gto11 Plac Spring fic l(l, Ol1i o (lier l\Ien1ber ' II0 \ \ '1\11D G. YOUNG AI"'J.. A N E LE\VIS G}i:C.'RGE O'I(EEFE IIAI _.L DAUTEL EAI~l., V \~ ILLETT •