The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1961

l .\ l \ \ l1ilc , 11,, , c· .. i, , l t 11c l't' l )l'l <Jf t\1 ~ ,ltl t ,\li t l t llf' lllC'~Snp_<:' $ gi, ,- l, tl1c \ 111t' t' t i11\!s llt' l( l n t tl1t 1~1( "'(' I ll t)\)l l n1 t,,t ..,l1,11t l1 '< l t. "' a11 l l ~. ' 't' ar gla<l tl ,, rt , c lll l l()ll~ \\ C:l'l ' 111ai1t' 1 {() ll' rr·11e:' )' \\ P'"<' gi, t l\ \\ i lt' 1111} li 1t , t l l tl lt' t,, (' " 1'r i11gfil' lcl t),\l)l 1, 'l l1t' ~1111 a 11 l l '111 t ' \\' \\ t~ ~lll ()Ill\ l ltll)l' tlltlt llttr 1} l ' t l It ' l l l a11cl ()t l1t r" t c) ,, 11011 \ l 1., \\ ( )l'L' 'it' l l { \\ i}} l),l\ S(ll ll a lt('11- t ic>l1 to tl1e111. 1\ ll ,, t' ft 111cl,1111e11t :.1l J1rist i:111~ a11 cl<) i11 tl1r·,c fa t f11l cl ,1\ ~ tc) lt t t l1 t' 111 k11 c),, l1<l\\ ,, c f cc1 <1ncl tl1t 11 111 .,~, 1~111, tl1at tl1 t rt1tl1 ,, ill ,l \ \, "-L' l1 {}ll' ll' · \ \ e cl<) 11<>t l1a ,·e 1),lt' e for ;.111 tl1c c l t) lt1ti c)11..,. 111 t) t of ,, l1ic:l1 , , ere p r1s - t:d i11 ,11111lar for111 "1t ot1r , /\RBC 111e\: ti11 g ,1t \:\1i11<J11~1 L,11'.c, lJt1t , , ·e clo 11' l'"l 11t tl1 gi"t of tl1e i111porta11 t 011es , ,) tl1at )10 ll c,111 111\1)' a11cl t1se > Oltr i1 fll1c11c before 111cric·<1 fall l111cler jt1dg111e11t. '" rl1e f ir"t resolt1tio11 1)etitio1 ccl P re i– cl e1 t 1:c1111ecl\ to c~1ll fo r a cl a, · of re- • • l . " h 11e11t~111ce ~111c pr,1) er , s111ce ot1r c er - 1,:1ecl freeclo111 ~ are 110,\· facing tl1e t1111)recede11tecl p eril of 1 t1clear ,var. ' ' 1.,11e eco11cl \,·as . e11t to ecret ar),· of D ... fe11\ e ~Ic~ c1111ara to p rotest the 111l1zzl111g of tich 1nilit <lf}' lead er as c:e11er ,1l Tral1cleat1 a11cl \\ 1 alker , ,, l1icl1 pre,·e11ts A111e1ican s from let1111i11g ' 'all tl1e fac·ts , ,it al to ot1r ... 11atio11 ,1l sect1rit, ·." T l1e third ,var11ed • tl1,lt tl1e receptio1 of Red Ch ina i11to '"11itecl X ,1tio11s after sh e h acl killed a11cl 111ercile s ly· p ersect1tecl Cl1ristia11s. forcecl Bible -teacl1i11g missio1 aries to lea, ·e a11d ,, a s still l1olcli1 g A111erica11s capti,re . n1t1 t. if 11ecessar)·, b e pre– , ·e1 t ecl lJ~/ tl1e l .,.11ited St ,1t es l1s i11g }1er , ,eto p o,\·er . _r\.11otl1er resol11tio11 ,,.rarned that the , ,,elcoming of tl1e Rt1ssia11 Orth oclox C l1t1rcl1 i11to tl1e , ~·orld Co1111cil of C l1t1rches ' \\·hicl1 is almost certai1 to lJe do11e <.lt D ell1i, I11clia, i11 Dec:e1n– ber) ,\rot1lcl 0111)' ft1rther tl1e So,iet pla11 to i11filb·a te relig io11 . ! 11 recrarcl to f ecl eral aicl to edt1ca– tio11. t l1e,r declarecl tl1emsel\1'es "to , ., be i11 01J1)ositio1 ... in b otl1 public a11cl cl1urcl1-re1a tecl scl1ools. " \ \ 1 11, ? , Because .:,,,e l)elie,,e that F ecleral aicl to educatio11 , , ,il l i11e, 1 italJl,· res11lt i11 , federa l co11 trol. " Also. b ecc111se Rom- a.ii Cathol ic attemt) ts t o sect1re aicl for tJ1eir parocl1ial sch ools ,,·ol1lcl clestro~' t l1e historic _A.111erica11 pri11ci1)le of sep– aratio11 of C l1l1rcl1 a11d State. ' ' Re1Jeal of the 1ne11t. t!1at g i\ 1 es Co11nall,, A111e11d- • Oltr cot111tr\ 1 tl1e ; ----- sa111 ' r i~l1t.s :1s tll llS l <l tl1c' r <'<>1111trir·s ,l\ \L' t ' l l <l t\tr11 (l e>,, tl tl1 ' r\tliJ1gs c>f tl1c' \\ cltl cl ( ..,<lttrl . ,, ,,, s t1 c>11gl, O])l1<l'-.C'(] . l 11 t l1c' , .1111( , 1111 1 t lll <:' a(' l 1, , t t t'S c>f t l1 r· l l <> tl \l' l J 11c1 111 ' rt ·~111 \ c·t,, 1lics ( :c)r11 - 111ilt ('<:' ~111cl it s fil111, ()11c:\ r,1tio11 1\l >c>li– t i<>11 . ,, t~1 t' 1)1 ,11~ccl. \ \ 'itl1 tr11 r· l)c;1tri– t i, 111 , tl1c \ C ... c:c: is ;.1g,1i11"t n11 i11ter11a– l1c>11 ,1l1 \ ti c\ ,1 t t <.' 1111) ls to , \ ea ke11 <)t1r fr0t ' )111 ,111cl fc> r ,111 tl1,1t is l) \ing cl c>11 r t c> s,1ftl-gl1,1r(l tl1~1t fre clo111! '"fl1 c 1110 , ics a11cl tclc\ isic>11 ca1nc i11 fc> r tl1e ir \\ ell-clcser,·ccl cr11st1rc, l)t1t ,, t~ gc> 011 to tl1e la t resolt1tio1 , \\ 1 l1ich l1~1cl to clo \\ itl1 tl1e An1isl1 s it11a– t 1c>11. 1,l1e CCC appro\ eel of a ]Jill i11trc)cl t1cccl i11 cor1 grcss to gi,·e tl1ese 1)e1sect1ted p eople the rigl1t lo l)e ex– e111ptecl fro1n la,\'S tl1at go cot111t er to tl1cir relig iot1s b eliefs, b11t n1,tcle it 1)la i11 tl1 ,1t it cl icl 11ot n ecessarily sl1are tl10. e b elie fs . Tl1e case of \ 7 ale11ti11e B 1· ler, of Te\\' \\ 1 ilmi11g to11 , P a ., \\'as citecl, ,\·110 h ad his plo\v l1or ses seized l))' feclera l age1 ts and solcl t o p ay l1is ocial Sect1rity t ax . H e r efusecl to p ay' it b ecat1se the Amish b elie\.'e that Cl1ris tia11s sh ot1lcl h elp 011e a11otl1er a11cl not b e clep end e1 t l1pon the gov– e r111ne1 t . Th e ACCC of Ohio dicl n ot tl1i11 k tl1at b elief or tl1e prac tice of it shot1lcl b e a crime ! A QUIET j\1IND By 1\.my Car1n ich ael \Vha t room is there for troubled f ear? I m o,v my L ord, and He is n ear ; And H e will light my candle, so That I may see the ,vay t o go. Ther e n eed b e 110 b e,\Yilder1nent T o on e \vh o goes \\·h ere he is se1 t ; The trackless pla i11, b y night and d ay, I s set ,vith sig11s , lest h e sh ould sb·ay . ~I y p ath 1nay cross a \ \rast e of sea , Bt1t that 1 eed ne\·er frigl1t en m e; Or river s f t11l to \ 'ery b r im, Bt1t tl1ey ,ire ope11 ,va)'S to I-Iim. 1y p ath 1nay lead throt1gh \\ 1 ood s a t night , ,\.l1ere neither moon 11or a11y ligh t Of guiding st,1r or beacon shii1es; H e "'·ill not let me miss my signs . Lord, grant to 1ne a c1t1iet 1ni11cl , Tl1at trt1sting Thee, f or Thou a1i: kind , I may go on \\'itl1out a fear, For Thou , my L ord , art always 11ear. - The ,var Cry ------.---- SE1 D I N E ,v S EVERY ~IO~TH! Gen eral n e\\ 'S to editor , \\'Omen's to Mrs. Milner , youth to Da\.·e Go\ver. ,.1'l1c• ,.. clil<>l' \ \'OlJJ cl lik le> tna kP :t fr·,, 'C)111111 ·11ls aft "r re J)<>rtirlg t]1 ' S<.; l'( 'S<1] 11 ti c_1 11S. r[•]) C)SP \\ 1 11<) cl 1sagr<; • \Vil i1 l1i111 ,1 rc:\ fr ' ' le> lt s c; tl1c· J) ag ·s c>f t11 () IIJ I ( ) })l'(!SClll tl1c Jll( )Cl :. r11 v ie,, 1 ; })lll cloc'\ 11 o t t 11 ' lre,1l1r1 n l <>f t11 rnish i11 l1o tl1 01110 a11 t l I) 1111s) 1 l, 1 ,111ic1 11rc>v<1 t l1a t 111ocle111 I ., il)c1 ,1lis1n is 11 c>l ] il)er,11 , a11cl tl1 (1l e\\ -l) c,11 <;oc·ialis1n i~ just ,111 scJc;ialis1n C5sc·1 liall v clic lt1lo1 i,11 ? ., \,\Te h ave 11C'ver ca1 eel 1nuc l1 fc>r res<>- lt1tic)11s or t11,1t sense of g reatn ss tl1at c;o1nes f r c>1n p assing l1igh-sot111 clir1g resol t1 tio11s tl1a t arc 0111y clesti11ed f c>r tl1c \\ 1 ,1s le-p,1per baske t . Tl1e 011l y ex– c·t1se for them i11 gosp el preaching g rot1p5 tl1,1t \\ 1 C l1t1ve l1eard is tha t 11e,vsp ap e rs , vill print tl1e1n a11d so tl1ey l1ave prop aganda valt1e. \\ 1 e s till tl1ink that , alt1e is almost nil , b L1 t ~ 'e are rep orting these resolt1tio11s b e– cause ,,,.e f ear our O\v11 consti h1e11cy m ight n eed themr H o,v man}' of ot1r O\\TI p eople ha\Te con,ic tion s along tl1ese lines? Ho,v can ,ve influence others if our o,vn p eople vote for the very thii1gs that , vill finally pt1t our cl1ildren under a p olice st at e? It is high time our O\VTI p eople ,~lake up to the h-uth that f ecleral aid t o e, ,ery– thing means f ed eral co11h·ol of every – thing ! HITCHHIKIKG Hitchhik ing, the effort to get some– thii1g for n othing, to b eat on e's \vay alon g, is pre, ,alent i11 this cow1try. Tl1e other day, as I drove h\renty miles into the counby from Memphis, fol1rteen p eople jerked their thu1nbs for a ride. I am glad tl1at eight Stat e legislatures ha,·e passed la, v·s mak– i11g hitchhiking 11nla \\rful. It ,vould b e good if somethi11g could b e done to rid the church of hitch – hikers or get them c o11\.·ert ed-those ,vh o ride a t the exp ense of others, recei\ 1 i11g the b e1 efi ts of the ch t1rch \\'ithout assuming any of the obliga– t ions . If an automobile h ad as m any useless p arts as the average chw·ch it \\'Ot1ld no t 1-un d o,vn hill . - Rob e1t G. L ee ---- ----- A BAG OF TOOL T o each is giv'"e11 a b ag of t ool£, A sh ap eless m ass, and a b ook of 1ules; And each must 1nake, ere life has flo,vn, A stu1nbling-block or a st epping - s tone . - R. L. Sharpe .