The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961

·ovember, 1961 THE OHIO I DEPE DE T BAPTIST Page Fifteen FIRST BAPTIST, MEDINA, HAS GROUND-BREAKING SOME 01 B BOOSTERS Picrured in column ~ ·o is Pastor R . Kenneth Smelser turning the first shovel of dirt in preparation for the educati onal un t now under construction. Looking on is Boyd Berry, chairman of the Expansion Committee. The building by now is well under way. It will be a three story brick veneer building added to the northwest co rner of the present building, or on the rear where the church has maintained a small parking lot. It will accommodate about 150 pupils and relieve a serious shortage of class room space. It will cost S80,000. Pastor Smelser is 10 his eleventh year at Medina and has seen a steady growth in the work. This addition will make possible further growth, since Medina is rapidly grov.1ing in p opulation and in in- dustry. BOOK REVIEWS BREAD UPON THE WATERS , by Bernard N . Bancro ft , S2. Order f rom autho r , Box 188, J ohnso n Cicy, N . Y . Rev. Bancro ft was a m1ss1onary in the Philippines befo re and after the war v.•irh J apan and so has been able co write a novel tha t is as he says a composite of several tre e stories. It is indeed a g ripping tale that illus trates that when the gospel bread is cast upon the wa ters of human ity, it will return to us with dividends. No one cou ld start thi s story of 8 5 pages at 7: 30 P .M , and no t stay up until it was fini shed. He could no t sleep for curiosity if he laid ic down, and he might no t sleep after all that thrilling reading if he f 1 n1shed ic! Mr. Bancro ft is now secretary of As– sociated Missio ns and traveling in the in– terests o f fundamental missio ns all over the wo rld. Every book sold will be a help to the cause. - The editor ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, by August Van R yn , 253 pp., $3.50 . Lo1seauz Bros, 19 West 2 1st St., New Yo rk 10 . W 1th carefu l attention ro practi cal va lues, a round the theme of "The Un– f inisl1e<l W o rk o f C l1r1sc, · the aucl1o r has, in the fi rst pa rt, called co che reader 's 11ot icc many signif icant thougr.:s f rom tl1e events o f the Scr ipture record. The :;ryle is crisp and concise and tl1e com- 1nencs 1,crtinenc to rl1c: tl1erne. The: f irming up of the nacic>nal rejection o f C l1r isr l1y Jsrael is specificall y no ted. In the la tter l1al f of cJ1e volumt: 1 1 })ar ticu la r events are given ex tended trea tment. ome of tliese selecti<)r1s may sur1)ri:se tl1e reader, hue all a1e v. 1 ell treated . ' fhere is room for the reader to develop sC>Jllc of h is ov. n ideas under good leading. l t is rc- omn1ended as a guidebook for f u , cher tudy and presents real insigl1t in t<> v.•l1ac may have be-en taken as 01 dj nary events. - llevJev-.,ed by ~- 13. ut l1erland, Akron. \TA J 1 LJ 11 AN !) rj •}! E Q \ TER - J 1 TI,. Or; OD, l>y J. I . 1>a ke1, 126 Pl'· 1.25. J11cer-\ 7 ar~ir:y l'ress, 1519 N A ror, h1cago 10. J 1. J> cker is , n oucsland1ng l va11- ge)i al scholar in the hurGll of l· ngl nd , ho kno,, s 110 , co say chings int resting- )) lie l1as Ji>ack d d e1, rheology nd on11non sense advJee on .., angel1~1n int> •• • ~ 1 • • \ . ~ \. ) .... a very small book. He is as strong an Electio ni st as Lewis Sperry Chafer, and yet not condemnatory of mass evangelism, but only asks us to be careful that our way of evangelizing does not violate New Testament teachings of grace. To him ' 'evangelism is just p r eaching the gospel, the evangel. It is a work of commenica– tion in which Christians make themselves mouthpieces for God' s message of mercy • H to sinners. He insists that God is both Lord and Judge. As such he orders all things ac– cording to his will and yet commands us to preach the gospel. Even the elect cannot be saved without faith in Christ , and they canno t believe without our preach– ing. G od not only chooses some to ever– las ting life, but he elects to use u s co bring them salvation . He believes that faith in the sovereig nty of God should m ake us bold, patience and prayerful in seeking ro win the lost . And r.e 1s r ight! - R eviewed by the ed itor H allelujah, everybody isn't lying down on the job of getting the OIB into the homes of their church , where they wiil enlighten, inspire, and instruct Christians to live better and do more for Christ– and help them to support their pastors better too! THE AMBROSE BAPTIST CHURCH of Fayette has subscribed for all their 15 active membership families . THE NORTHFIELD BAPTIST CH URCH , with Mrs. Glenn Hotchkiss as captain, has put on a wonderful campaign according to Mrs. Kautz, our state Sub– scription Manager. CALVARY BAPTIST at N orwalk a– gain has almost all its membership homes on the list . FOSTORIA BAPTIST REACHED 83, or only two less than last year , in spite of two strikes in the two largest factories just at the time when the campaign was on. Many of the members were out of work just then and some still are. They expect yet to get 85, which is 90% of their homes. MAY WE REPORT YOUR VICTORIE NEXT MONTH? O n our b eautiful campus overlooking San lc"" ra11c1sco Bay, high school gr ads can o b t a i11- IIRI "TI ED Tl OR Ll}"E D ER I ' 1':. B. . nt1d B.'fl1. ti "'gr es; Bi ul 1r1ajor ~ ith 111inor ~ i11 'l ' heology Pastot'al ~dt, atior1, "' l11·is tia11 l~clttcatic.,n, issi<>ns, 111 ic, Gr 11 i.k, ' oc1al '•.ience, •du ation- Psyc.·holog , or the llu111aniti . o - 01>e1 ati,, 11rog,.. J111s leacli11g to 11. • a11tl R . • c.leg rees, al o B .1\ . ~ 11tl M.8 . . or I .S . d ~gr e i11 lJusi11 ss tl11'imistratio11. Wri t for f r catalog, Dnpt. I A 'l{~Dl'l"ED: AAB \ ' F.,S 'l ' l~l{ • ll l'Tl 'l ' llllll,, i' 1,1"1!~( : J I~ , .. 11. . 1 a11 Cild r , D.D., Pa· sirle11t llill anti l~l1n ~ t1·e .. ts, El rrito, al.