The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1961

)\la11\ t)t , <.lll 11.1, t~ tl()t l1 e,1rcl fro111 111t 11c1 ,t111~1ll, 111ce 111) ,lrri, al 011 tl1 f it"\l<.l . tl1t1" , 1(1 tl11 letter I'll tr)· to l r11tg , 1 ot1 all lll) to elate. It tlot 11 't ~ee111 I)O~, ible tl1,1t t l1ree 111011tl1 l1,1s .. },·c,1 ...~, p,l~ eel i11ce 111 1· arri,·al 111 ~ 1,1111 '" , , ,111 c.l , et it i trl1e . . ,, l1e11 ,,·e 1 ec,111 tl1c grai11 ,, a jt1 t pt1 hi11g tl1r<)ltgl1 tl1e grot111cl ,, l1e11 ,, e arr1, cl. n11cl 110,,· 1t is ti1ne for tl1e l1 ~1 r, e t . Tl1e11 too, ,,·e ,,·ere i11 tl1e n1id t of tl1e r,1i11)' ea 011 a11d no,,· \\ e are h,1,·i11g t)·pi(·al October ,,·ec1ther -hot a11 1 tick,·. bt1 t bearalJle heat. • Dt1ri11g m)· fir. t fe\,. \\'eeks it ,vas nece ar,, for 111e to li,·e at ot1r guest- • hot1 e. _-\.t the e11cl of July I 1noved i11to ... ·ia111e}' to,\111 , ettled i11to my apartn1e11t and began 111y ,vork again i11 the Field Office a ecretary. I ,,·ill remai11 here until ot1r Girl's cl1ool open and there ,,·ill b e a place to li,·e on our propert)' there in Dosso . \, 1 e feel confident that many of you folks ha\.re been faithft1lly reme1nber– jng me in prayer. The Lord has honored and ans\,,ered your prayers in many different \vays. I have had some thril]ing frightening experi– ences alread)' this term, but the Lord has protected me. The missionary children \\ 1 onder \\ 1 hy Beth Odor has all of the thrilling experiences on the mission field. Some of you recall my frightening experience vvith a spitting cobra-ho\v I almost met it head on h\rice in fifteen mi11utes. That old, long snake still looms up before me in mv dreams, and all • praise goes t o the Lord that H e pro- tected me from being spit at or bit– ten b,· thjs snake. Last ,veek I we11t , to Dosso for a fe\v days. The day I \\·as to return to ~ia1ney, we \\'ait– ed all afternoon and evening for the bus to pass through Dosso. The next n1oming \Ve learned it " 'as broken do,, 1 11. So then ,,·e had to find an– other means of transportation to ! "iame,~. .~n African chauffeur ,vas , loading up hIS sedan car ,vith pas– sengers and baggage, a11d he told me he , 1 ould gi, 1 e me a front seat and quoted a real reasonable price for ~111E I) c mlJcr, l 961 - - BETH ODOR ASl<S PRAYER FOR GIRL'S DORM \\ C)t l c'r ~l l 1,111,c,, ' 1g ' r 1\f I ic:1, I~, ,t11gcl1(·a1 13nplt~l 1issi<>11s, ,16 i . 7tl1 " t. , P:ltf't\011 2, . J. tl,c tri1) . ~ <> I l't'nclil,, ,l<'C'<'t) lccl, 11<>l ~i, 111g tl1c' t1r0s tl tl1c>t1gl1t . \\ C' l0ft .. l)os. <) ,, ell 1onclccl ,, 1tl1 p ,1s, c·11gc~1 s ,ltl(l l),1gg,1ge al l lrOllJ1Cl Olll' f ec l a11cl ~c)rllc> ticcl to tl1c to1) of tl1e car- lypi– c·n l 1\fric,111 l) J of trcl\' li11g. \\ 'c C\ c11 aclcle<l tl cl1i t·kc,11 to tl1c l) 'lS- 11ger Ii t ,,,}1ich sqt1n\vked all of the ,, n, tc) ot1r cl sti11a tio11 . Tl1e cl1at1f- • fet1r clro, ·e a good pe d l,1y·ing on the 110111 to 11,1, ·e tl1e a11i111als aet ot1t of tl1e roacl. 11 of a s11dclen ,1 10L1cl 11oi e l)iercecl the air, scari11g tl1e ,, l1ite ,,,om,111 (me ) ot1 t of l1er ,vits. \\ 1 c l1acl ,l real blo,,·ot1t. Tl1e dri,,er ,,·a. able to bri11g the car to a halt , , itl1ot1t an}' mishaps. The pare tire l1e ll eel dicln't eem like it \vould ]10Icl up 1nore thc111 te11 111iles, bl1t it clid. I ,, ,1s tha11 kful to the Lorcl that I arrived l101ne i11 011e piece. 'l ,J1c r> r1 fc>r 111v trip to J)c)5\0 \\ as lo sc tl1c 11c\, l1 ,111g~1 fc>r <>11 r ;irl,s c·l1ool clor1n. vVhat a thrill 1t ,, ,1s lo sta11(l ,111cl g,1zc ~il it- the firs t stc1J tc)w,1rcl 1naki11g ot1r project ,l rc,1lity . ,.fl1is ha11ger i<; j11st the roof a11cl it cost $24.'3() . \Ve l1av $1286 to bt1ilcl the 1nt1cl vvalls. Bt1t ,ve need f11n cls to co1nplete the bt1ilcl– i11g. Doors, \vindo,,,s, bG1throom facili– ties, cement floors, a co11cess io11 \Vall or fence are 11ecessarv for this clormi- ~ tory. \,Von 't you stri ve \Vith 11 i11 )'Ottr pra),ers that tl1e Lorcl ,vill se11d i11 $3000 more to help tis bring this project to a complet e reality. ,\ 7 e are a11xious to get it star ted. If the Lord should so lead yot1 to help lIS i11 otu· need , mark yol1r gifts, "Dosso Girls cl1ool Dormitory" and send it to ot1r home office in Paterson. ___ .__ _____ MISSIONARY BRIEFS ROBERT CARD reports from Iexico after three mo11ths of using his plane in the , vork of the Bible Mission in Chiht1aht1a State . H e says his fir t impressions of Mexico made hin1 thankft1l h e h ad 11ot come for the land but for the p eople. Five air– strips have l1ad to b e cleared but they have had many helpers a11d curiosity seekers. One strip was 900 feet long and it took three long, hard days to clear the rocks a,vay. Already the plane is helping the missionaries to hear the gospel. The first time at one place they had 200 out. MAE ALLE had to co1ne home from Africa because of the illness of her mother. Let us pray her mother may soon recover so that she can re– turn to her work at Kembe, Central African Republic. CALVI BURTOt , B.M.M. work– er in West Virginia reports that the schools are open for the most part to their vveekly Bil)le classes. They are praying that one that has b een closed to the1n for two years will soon open up . The parents are asking for it. It is a two room school with 40 chil– dren. He also repo1ts that last sum– mer they ,vere able to give out tracts and \\'itness in hvo count), fairs and many confessed Christ. JA1 GAZDIKS I CA ADA. After serving in France under Baptist Micl– Missions, they are ,veil fitted to be missionaries to the French-Canadians. They are located at 2934 Boulevard St. Louis, Tlu-ee Rivers , Quebec. Ho,,, needy the French Canadians are can b e seen from the fact curious neighbors \.vanted to know what kind of a new religion they vvere bri11ging, and confessed they had never heard of Baptists! The local n ewspaper played up their coming in order to ,varn p eople against them, but it helped to advertise them and led to inqt1iries. Tl1ey h ave started a Bible class, vvitl1 three interested Frencl1 Canadians attending, and is busy dis– h·ibt1ting tracts from door to door. PATSY KI G ,vrites from Bangui, Central African Republic, that they are h aving ' 'big meetincrs'' to see ho\v r11any of the 90,000 Africans in the area they are reachii1g. So they have divided the territory in the Kina side, V\rith its 27 villages and 5 churches, and into the Bobongo side, with 24 villages and 7 churches. Each month the village leaders report on attend– ance, professions of faith, number of meetings held, etc. The total chw·ch attendance has been about 5,000 each Sunday. MISSIO ARIES TO PRAY FOR For the last 18 months ,ve have listed the missionaries who belong to our Ohio churches and asked our readers to pray for them. By 11ext month vve will finish the list. This month we might especially pray for the follo\ving from Emmanuel Baptist of Toledo: Rev. and Mrs. \,Vilbur Barnes, Algeria; Rev. and Mrs. Stan– ley Holman, Philippines; Mary and Katherine Kasler , ministering to Spanish-speaking p eople in Phila– delphia ; Doris Porter, Liberia; Rev. Edw. Schlegel St. Vincent, \V.I. , Rev. and Mrs. Douglas tarb\reather, Puerto Rico; Rev. and Mrs. Richard Teachout, Central African Republic; Marilee See,ver, Liberia.