The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992

l l.,t~ \,t t "' th\.' ,, ,,n,\.'ll ,,t l·ar, t 1, ,,phst ~~&~~ ,,t l ,,u,,, ,Ill· h,1 then ()\\' 1l f p1r,1cct ~itt ,,t ,,\\.'t '\ ( ) l n Jul the ,v,kcd t, t l l ) qu.111c1 ~., , c, !\ .u1J lill"·d thl·m .,II b, the f,..._, ,vcck ('f .. ,,,hc-r' Havin lmpac Ohio a11 on Larry Fetzer State Representative A new year i a good time for all of u Lt1 re -evaluate our mini try . It i a time for re-e an1i nation of vi ion and priori– ll . Thi i true in our per onal live , as \vell in our mini trie . I per onally have been going through lhe proce wilh regard Lo our OARB and my po ilion \vitl1in the as ociation. I remind you of our vi ion for mini try in the OARBC: Visio,i Statement "We are lhe Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche . We are dedica ted to lhe building of New Te tament churche throughout tbe \vorld . o one of our churche can accompli h thi alone. We draw together to trengthen and harpen one another through mutual encour– agement and edification. A a fellow hip we will impact our tate and the world for Chri L." We will be plowing new ground in 1992. I am reminded of the phrase of Jo hua 3:4 , " ...Ye have not pas ed tbi way before." We do no t know what the new year hold for u . But the very next verse in Jo hua continue : " ...Sanctify }Ou~elve , for tomorrow the Lord wil l do wonders among you." A we pur ue our vi ion, formulate our goal~, and work our plan , depending on the power o f God Lo work in and through u , v:e can do great things for God in each one of our OARBC churche . ') ._ Cedarville College News Speaker for tl1e Winter Enrichment nference at edarville College January 6-10 will be Dr. Bruce Wilkin on, pre ident and founder of Walk Thru The Bible Mini trie in Atlanta, Georgia. TI1e conference meeting are at 10:00 a .m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Jame T. Jeremial1 Chapel . They will be broadca t al 11 :00 a .rn . and 8:00 p.m. on WCDR FM 90 .3 . More than 1,000 Walk Thru The Old and New Te tament eminars are given each year in churches and schools across the United States, as well as in 30 countrie and 2 1 languages around the world . Toe 199 1-92 Artist Series continues with performance by the Dayton Philharmonic Orcbe tra on Friday, January 24, and the Ohio State Men 's Glee Club on Friday, February 28. Admi ion charge for the e programs is $5 . Seating in the James T . Jeremiah Chapel i re erved by row. Tickets may be obtained by calling the Campus Acti vitie Office a t 513-766-2211 . Performance begin at 8:00 p.m. Otl1er up-coming event include Li'l Sib Weekend Feb. 7 & 8, the Christian School Recruitment Conference on February 17, the Staley Foundation Lecture hip, featuring Dr. Ron Nash, February 18-20, and the Mu ic Showcase Concert, February 21. Serving Churches Across the State State Representative Larry Fetzer 4221 Wallington Drive _ Dayton , OH 45440 513-299-3128 ~ongrntulntions lo Perry llaplisl hurch, anton, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in December . .Kenneth Floyd has past red the (~anton church incc 1984. Ct1urch Plantin in Ohio Layin the Foun ation Editor's note: God is continuing to bless the work of church planting at Good Sliepherd's Baptist in Sidney, under the leadership ofPastor Earl Shaffer. The church began on October 2, 1988, as the result of a two-month county-wide telephone carnpaign. The following is excerpted from the Sliaffers' prayer letter. ' 'G od' s Spirit bas been graciously working in the live of our people. I would not yet call it revival, but the embers could spark into flames of God– sent revival . Much of it, I believe, bas been because of prayer meetings! One example was our Deacons ' Night of Prayer . None of us bad ever participated in one before. In fact, we weren' t even sure bow to do it. But God graciously met with us and led us . It was as if God sent fue from heaven to consume our sacrifice. I bad planned on fasting, but the free donuts and coffee in the lobby the next morning were too tempting. The spirit of anticipation the following Sunday morning was so thick you could cut it. And God again met with us. Eight of the las t eight Sundays we have had public decisions for salvation, baptism, church membership, confession of sin, and renewal in devotion to God! Pray the Spirit blows these sparks into full-blown revival !' Wapakoneta ProJect Takes Name T be new church planting project in Wapakone ta bas adopted the name, ' Harvest Baptis t Church ." With 80 people in their core group, services are now being held in the Wapakoneta Middle School . •