The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 2002

01 ,~ Hearts To Yoi rs Dave and Pat Warren State Representative Support Systems Jll C ~. \\,hO'? Ila, c vou ever ., tried to , ca le a ,, a ll ? Tha t \\ 3S one of 111 y personaI cha llenge. thi un1n1er. With a lot Of upport I v\'a able to c lin1b ucce · full y thi 40-foo t \\'a II , ho Id i ng tenac iou ly to hand and toe ho ld . At the age or 59 I ,, a ()Il 111) \\ ay to,\ard hca ,·en. To ca Ie a \\ a11I i kc th i \\·a a fun challenge that produced a joyful en e of accon1p li hn1ent once con1pletcd. But ,, ithou t the rope and a tea n1 o f ·upporter I couldn't ha, e n1ade it.The rope did not ··pull" n,c up. Rather it teadied n1e ,,·hen I needed to - - Max and Phyllis Tucker Church Plant ing Coord inator A Message Worth Hearing and a God Worth Knowing ··.A \1cc.,~age Worth 1-l ea ring and A C.1od ~ ~ \\ orth Kno,\ ing" de cribc th e heart or ..... the grea t \\ cl~h Re, i, al of a century ago. \\'e could probabl y plan t churche toda~ ,, ithout adhering to the Bible ·s n1c':>~age, but 1t ,, ou ld no t introduce - 1nncr-., to a God ,, orth kno,v ing. I an, in ..... .... hock b 1 the churches that arc being ~tarted throughout the country. bragging that the, do not tah.c a doc trinal ta nd. and are. thcrcfore. u~cr rriendly churche". In Grand Rapids. ;V1 ichigan. .1-., r\!port~d 111 th\! 0rc111cl Rc1JJicl, Pre.~\ la 1 n1nnth. '-lo-ca lled e, angelical . tatcd .... thc 1 \\ nu ld nc, er think or n1enti oning thl! - rc~t al ong lhc ,, a . and it pre cntcd a l~tt n I ll ll I. I had to expend the cncrg and c~ tend n1y reach and pu. h ,, it h n1y legs. Ithl)ugh I re l t qui tc a lone on the trip. I \vas encouraged by the ·ur rort sy. ten, bcncath n1e . The point is ob, iou. \\ c all need a , u pport sy ten, to . insure our UCCC ' .At thi · ··,\'a ll" the re "' ere th ree part · to the upport y ten1. The in tructor told u · j u t what to do and ,vhat not to do; they ga e u the '"comn1and word ' ' v e hould u e to con11nunicate what vve needed to tho e back on the ground . The rope ho lde r worked with u each tep or th e way giving guidance and in tructi on, ren1inding o r "''hat we had heard mon,cnt before on the ground . The ob e r e r ·/chee rer on the ground pro ided the needed encourage1nent and pre ure to he lp u ucceed. How couId I quit when they wa nted n1e to ucceed o n1uch? Becau e o f that upport y ten, I , ord " he ll " though they n1 ight mention fron1 tin1e to time there are tv\'Ode tini e~. Bre thren, the OARB mu t pl ant churche that pre e nt a 1ne age wo rth hearing and a God worth kno,.v ing. With tin1e, a a gift of God, ,nay ,vc a lso eek v\' i dom to redee,n the ti1ne, le: t ou r day · o f opportunity be lo l. We encourage pas tor and church n1en1ber to exe rcise fa ith and becotnc pa1iicipant in a chu rch plant ing mi ni ·try . Thi i a "Mu t Do"orour opportunitie. ,,i ll din1ini h. Fa ith i not on ly an a umption that end in an a urance. bu t a l ·o an experin1cnt lhat end n an experience. Th i 111ean that wc ,nu t te t ra ith out in ou r li fe, ,vhich in c ence i da ily cu lt i ating the ai ntl y li fe. Mo c di d not ,vant to let go or th e rod: it ,va hi ecu rity. li fe and dignity, bul by gi ing it o er to God it became a . ymbo l or the o e reignty of God and the a . ura ncc o f victory. Pa. tor- coul d you gi vc a, ay church mc,nbcr '. ay a la,ni ly or . even, or n1ore: coul d you curtail a building progra1n by 7o/o. o r n1orc, to plant a ne"" chu rch? Church 1nen1bcr coul d you give a,, ay a n1adc it! In a s i,n il ar way every pastor need. a good support ystcn1. I I c docs need peopl e who arc on hi~ team ra th er than on hi s case. That ' the genius behind Dr. Ja1ncs Dobson of Focus on the Fan1ily dec laring October as " Pa tor Apprecia ti on" n1onth . It imply let pa tor knO\J that ornconc i holding the ir ropes and cheer ing them on to uccc . W c who a re leade rs in the O RBC are attc1npting to be a igni fi cant pa rt in the pa tor ' upporl y te rn , but the li on ·ha re o f it mu t co ,ne fron1 the church 1n en1ber then1 e l cs. Wha t a re you do ing to e pre )'Our uppo rt? Thanks for a ll owing u to be part of thi upport y tern . We recogni ze thal the Lord i our ulti,nate ' ' upport y tern ." and that famil y and fri end (both within and beyond our local churche ) a l o pl ay a ital role in folk ,naking it to the top. We ha e n1any good pa tor who are trong c li,nber in the ir own right. and we count il an a ignmenl and a pri vil ege fro,n the Lord to be upporti,,e of the,n all ! Together, let ' ho ld the rope and cheer them on to the top. [The re e r e i a l o true. Pa tor , in turn do thi fo r the ir peopl e.] umn1er aca tion. a new patio, or a new ca r to he lp pl ant a ne\v church? Re1nember, to hare rapturou co1nmunion \Vith God \Ve mu t ma ke the e kind o f con1m itment . Brethren, I am not ugge ting here ome thing that I ha e not done. frie nd or our , Continued. pl1ge 3 How To Reach Us... State Representative David & Pat Warren 360 College Hill Drive Cedarvill e OH 45314 937-766-5913 warrenoarbc@j Church Planting Coordinator Max & Phyl lis Tucker 9163 Steamboat Way West Chester, OH 45069 513-942- 1295 pltucker5@j