The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 2002

liJliifflliiJliii r Deadline for December 018 November 15 emai l address: or write 327 East Drive Dayton OH 45419 Post-Moderns, continued Po t-modern ,, 1 ill re pond to the Bible as story - as ,ve show it to be His tory. Let' ren1e111ber the ki nd of literature we ha e in the Bible approx in1atc ly t\\ a- third of it i ,vritten in tory fonn . We rea lize that the Bible i, not 'ct up li ke a textbook "vith outline , rnain point and ub-point . It i an ex tended tory. Accordingly, ,ve can learn to pre ent the Bible in tory fo r111. Thi is not imply telling Bible stories Lo our congregation . Thi i about re liv ing the Bible storie belore your p,eople. Take the pa11 of one of the participant in the tory and te ll it i idly in your own word . The tory ,nay fom1 the entire cnnon or may in1pl y be one eg,nent within it. Take the role ofone of a major or minor character in the lo1y and te ll it fron1 hi or her icwpoint. Tell the tory in fir l or econd per on. Tel l it ,v ith feeling and ali cne · . Project your e lf back into thee en t and en1otion... of the lory and feel the,n keenly your e lf. Then expre thern all to your audience. ince the role of a tory i. to co1nn1unicate one 11ain point, there i , no need for detailed outline on \vhich to hang your poin t . U e the tory to n1ake a "' ingle point. Alliteration can actually detract fron1 the i111pact of the tory. Po t-n1oden1 kno, that li fe doe not rhyn1e any,vay, o ,vhat ' the po int of n1aking it look I ikc it doc in a crn1on? There is no need for prop or co tu1ne . unle you pa1 icularly want to u e the,n. Audience · can rnentally vi ualize the to1y a it unfold before then, in your \vord . And it i that \ i ual izing that rea lly grab the po t-mode111 per on. But i it Biblical to adapt our rnethod of preaching on occasion in order to reach a particular audience? ote ,vhat Pau l ay in I or. 9: 19-23, '" I have beco,ne all thing , to all men. that I ,night by all 111cans a e on1c. ow thi I do ror the go ·pcl' s ake, that I rnay be partaker of it '-" 1 ith you)' (9:22-23 ). Paul the apo tle wa · n1ore than just av, arc or the ariou people group in which he 1no ed~ he adju ·tcd hi · n1ini try ,n cthod. not hi . 1nes~age- to enhance the gospel' , effcct i cncs · a1nong then,. In I orinthians 9: 19-?J he identifies no le than three groups he '-"'a diligently seeking to win to hri t - the Je'-" <.> '-"ho "''ere under the law, tho e \\'ithou t la\v, and the weak . Paul u ·cd a variety o f "1nean~ ' ' to get through to ari ous peop le grou ps. Simil arly. we \vho c lain1 to be Bible-be lic\'ing , runda ,nenta l Bapti .. ts 'AiOul d be \i i:c to cn1ulate Paul ·~ a"' arcne~s o r people groups around us and to eek to reach thcn1 c f'fecti, e ly . . o ... '-"' C arc not as f~lr out of touch , ith the people of ()u r day as ,ve ,nay tend to think . We have a story to te ll our O\Vn jou rney or l:-1 it h and . even n1orc irnportantl y. the great truths of' . cripture that arc a lready cast in story ro r n1 . The ·to ry ,~ one of lhe "any 1ncan~" \\ie can u~c to ~a, c sonic( Max's Hea1·t, c ,,nt1t}(/(.'l' I )r. rt 0 111 Y oungc, . \\ ho ha', let! lhc \\ Hy 1n chu rc h pl anting and ha~ probabl1 hecn rc~ron~ih le 10 1 pl anllng n1ore churche" than any othe1 "> tng lc pc r ">on 111 our ll'l l o\\ ship, once lo l<l n1e. '"M ax,\\ e n1u ') l lead the \\ a) 1n ">HCI I licc " Speaki ng of ')HL' t lf icc and con1 n1i tn1enl. \\ II l Y()l 131 '1111 l{l ·., A t the ( •h lU l h r Jl \ c ') l n le11 l 13 a 11 q LI c l , t\1onday n ight , S 00 p n1 < )c tubc1 21 at the oll ingha, n li a plt "> l ( huH . h dut ing uur con le, encc'! 1 n add, t 1011 to 11 1) report. \\ e \vi 11 1 ntroduce ) ou to "0111e ne,, l~i ce"> and let you hL·ar the hea rt or our church pl anter" and pr:,> li.)r thL' II pt llllary CO ll Cl! l'll ", 111 th1 -; \\ a) ' \ \ c ;\I L' l ll coordinat e, not di c tat e \,\, e are to connect ll C\\ plant " and plHnl t: r'I \\ ,th r a', l () I .., a 11 d L' h ll I L' he~ 11 J O ll \ \ l) l ii d I I k L' to 1eg t"> le 1 for th e banque t< >I{ ha, e , t ··on e u 11 - 01h.: " ,, 1th ll lL' du1111g the con l e, e11<.:c. c a 11 or c tnd ii 11 1e• .1 11d , , L' ,, ii I ll ) lu 11 Hth l' 11 happen. 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Yes . the whol e family 1n the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension I Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6;Teen/Adult For 1n forn1at1on cc1II Ken Dady at 937-092-2358 (Kdady @ clubs wol. org) WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Farrllly ' '