The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

I Father Antony Injured By Fall; Condition Consideried Good The YELLOWSPRINGS E R *’W1 #vf. -1 1 by Alls Anthony T hat fumllmr and Ixdoyed Yellow Springs citizen, the Rev. Fr. John II, Antony, pastor of St, Paul's Catholic Church Jn Yellow Springs mot with 111 fortune early Tuesday. Father Antony nftcr leaving the offices of the AMERICAN, went to Father Antony's eomlttlon was listed ns "good? early Wetinmilny by HI, Elizabeth Hospital nltaelies In Dayton, He was admitted there Tues­ day for a (rartured hip, Two of Ills parishioners, Misses Josephine and Hilda JUeclardl, visited him Tuesday evciing. the Orecne County Printing Co, of- flcts in Cedarvllle, where lie nlleg- erly fell in the press room a t about 10 M l, Dr. Donald Kyle dlngnosed a pos­ sible hip fracture, and summoned Earl Yoder Memorial Home, who re­ moved Father Antony to St. Eliza­ beth Hospital in Dayton, According to press room personnel, Father Antony was knocked down by a mechanism of the press, which hit him In the right leg. Father Antony, who has been at St. Paul’s since July 1047, Is an al­ umnus of the University of Dayton where a number; of years ago he co- founded the National Mathematics Honor Society of Secondary Schools with Dr. K. C. Schrout. In 1048, a t ills Sacerdotal Jubilee (silver anni­ versary of bis entering the priest­ hood), Society officials of the Uni­ versity presented him with a cita- ton for his work in the field of math cmatics. On June 7, 1800, Fatltcr Antony was bom to the now lntc Dr. and Mrs. Hugo J. Antony of St. Rose (Mercer County), O. In 1013 he graduated from high school In Sid­ ney, where he and his father op­ erated a German language weekly for several years. I t is interesting to note that he mnde the final de­ cision concerning his profession while recuperating from a knee in­ jury incurred white operating the press there! St. Joseph College, Rensselaer, Ind. and tiie seminary of Mt. St, Mary of the West, Cincinnati, were attended EDITOR'S NOTE: The story of Father Antony was orglnally written u our weekly feature However, due to th l Father's mishap, we have re-written it info a news story, using the feat­ ure material os bockgrotind. by Father Antony for his college ed­ ucation and priesthood preparation. He was ordained on May 23,1923, in the Old Cathedral of St. Peter In Chains, also in Cincinnati. He did post-graduate work a t lnstilulum Dtvi Thomae, the University of Cln- natl and M»e University of Dayton. Slice if* an ill wind th a t blows no­ body good, according to an old adage perhaps Father Ahlony can take wane im p u re of comfort from knowing the type of rare Iwll re­ ceive while in St. Kllaabcth's He cer­ tainly la in h position to nhtlcttmt* the finest in tm plnt care, since he a t one Umc served as chaplain of St. Mary Hospital In Cincinnati am! Our -afjBW U( iwtdsoit XaJ«W jo Xpert rnont, Also, the prest of St. Paul** is for­ mer chaplain both of the Mnther- I kmsc of the Slater of Charity, Mt. S t Joscph-on-the-Ohio, and St. Theresa's Home, in Cincinnati. Other ecclesiastical appointments of Father Antony's includt Uie pastorship of Holy Angola parish In Sidney, and assistant pastorship of several Cincinnati parishes, namely St. Lawrence, St, Catherine, St, Al- oyslus ami SI. Clare. Geting back'to omalftcmdtlcs his chief avocational love, Father An­ tony was head of Uie mathematics department a t Roger Beacon, Elder, and Furcell Schools, oil in Cincin­ nati. Following In the' footsteps of fils raher, also a successful teacher, F ith e r Antony taught for 15 years. Although lie claims math to be .fi 0 ? from all indications music run parallel; or very cioae, iecdndi in F i t t e m m y * himself td s ig h ts arieji. as Father Antony a t one time trained a choir of the buff-fenthcred birds to sing such songs as "St, Louts BliiWi", and such classic composi­ tions as Unchmnninlff's "Prelude in C Sharp Mino”. Ifc has a pet canary in the rectory now who shares a popular breakfast food will) him. Father Antony tins supervised n complete renovation of tiie parish, finished last year, since his appoint­ ment here, An interesting anecdote of ids is Uie discovery of tiie true identity of an oil painting which has hung In Unit church for over 00 yr«. It is a reproduction of Charles Andre Vim Loos "Madonna of the Loreto Adored by Two Pilgrims", the Origi­ nal of which hangs In SI. Augustine# Church, Rome, An Italian, Caravag­ gio, painted th t reproduction, ’ Despite tiie fact that his many spiritual, cultural and intellectual activities are very time-consuming, Father Anton nocthcltss Is an active member of the Yellow Springs As­ sociation for Civic Action, and was- the Greene County Printing Co. a principal promotor In organizing Fnlber Antony lias grown to love the Yellow Springs community dur­ ing the last six years, and proof of a mutuality of feeling Is evident not only in the number of parishion­ ers who live In Yellow Springs, Clif­ ton, Cedarvllle, Goes, Oldlown and Huolead, as well as Greene and Clark Counties, but also among his numer­ ous Protlstaut and Jewisii friends, ous Protestant and Jewish friends. 7 6 th Y EA R — NO . 34 Yellow Springs, Ohio, Thursday, August 27, 1053 10 cents per copy 200 Frosh To Arrive At Antioch REV. FR, JOHN II. ANTONY, SEATED AT TIIE CHURCH ORGAN *Career - Minded Girl j, Visits Whitehall r} A young woman whoso picture ;J lias appeared in, “Seventeen", nnUon- p ally-famous fashion magazine. Is visiting in Yellow Springs, «, Miss Lynn Whllclaw of Charleston S. C., New York City and Boston. ' together with her sister, Anil, Is visiting a t "Whitehall' with her ^unt, Mrs. Stacy 11. Rankin, Their | jparcjtla, Mr. and Mrs. Robert WhMc- i 'law of Charkv.ton, are guests of Mm. ijSvbHolaw's father, George Poos or ;^Livermore St. Lynn is attending ballet school Sand college In Boston, and has work- d as a model in New York, Miss Carol Turvy Photographed At Fair Miss Carol Turvy, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Bryant Turvy of Springfield, Route 4, formerly of Yellow Springs, was n runner-up hi the Clark County Fair's annual 4-H Club Style Review last week. She was photographed for the Spring- Held Sun with six of the seven first place winutrs and the other runner- up, Emily Ballcntiuc, ill, of Spring- field, Route 2. Both girls won awards in the “complete costume" division of the Style Review, which was the biggest ever held in Clark County. 'ilipino To Visit Yellow Springs o See Plays ThisWeekend Personals Miss Carolyn Braley of Springfield Is 111 at the home of her nephew, MV, and Mrs. George Braley, Yellow Spr­ ings Rd. • • • . Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Evernmn, Clif­ ton Rd,, have ns their guest this week Mrs. Evormnn’s sister, Mrs. II. D. Strickland of Tulsa, Okla, 0 0 9 9 Mrs. Howard Knlioc, Mrs. Lyle Goode, and Mrs, Charles Melllnger attended an Antique Show a t Vnn- tlnlla last Tuesday. 0 0 9 • Following the marriage of her youngest daughter Mary Anne Hup- rnaij to Mr. Charles M. Spink on August 18, Mrs. Fowler Huprimn, Jackson Rd.. visited her elder daugh­ ter, Mrs. Mlchoal Knsticr in Cleve­ land for a few days last week, v « • * • Miss Gabriele Knecht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Waller Kncclil,, Sh iw- fice O r, and Miss Shirley Miller, da­ ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mil­ ler, Dayton Pke., returned home Sim day front the Drum Major and Drum Majorette Camp near Wheeling, W. Va, H ie camp was sponsored by the Oglcbay Institute, 0' » • Mis* Dorothy and Carolyn Bittner, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joint F Bittner, 215 W. Whiteman, attended the 4-1! camp n t Camp Clifton last week, Dorothy received an award of ltonorable mention for being a good camper. Dorothy was the only dele­ gate from Yellow Springs to receive lids award, ♦ * * * Hob DcWirie and Harry Morgan returned recently from a vm a rin lour of the east While in New Ham­ pshire, they vMied Mm, Stone, a former Bryan Iffgh School leather. * * * * Lt and Mrs Richard E Alien are located a! Long Beach, California ♦ #. * •# Mr. and Mrs, C, C, Bailey of Lake- wood, Ohio, were Saturday night guests of Mias Rita Bailey, Xenia Ave. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Johnston, Allen St,, attended tiie Kearfolt family rctmion a t Bellefohtaine last Sunday. • V * * Mr. and MVs, Victor Anderson, Bryan Rd.. had As weekend guests, Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Deekard of Greenfield, Ohio, v * * • Mr. and Mrs, Richard jfthddrson, Alien St., entertained a t a dinner Sunday night. Guest* were Mr, and Mrs, Walter Deekard of Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Markm Orinriefl and son MikiCi arid Mr, and Mrs. Victor Anderson and' diifcfiter Unde, Jeanrie AfexandcrVdaugHter of Mr. terlatncd a t a picnic a t thch* home Sunday evening. Guests were Mr, and Airs. Orville Randall tuid. family. * • «r Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Linkhart and children, former residents oi Yellow Springs, are visiting nt the home of Mr, Llnkhnrl's mother, Mrs. Mary E. Linkhnrt, Springfield Pke. Mr. Linkhart Is the nephew of Afr. Brice Lhikliart, Davis St, v * * # Jean and Jay Gibbs arc visiting their grandparent* in West Liberty Kentucky for a month before school starts. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McNutt have returned recently from a weeks va­ cation spout with Mr. AleNull’s bro­ ther nt Cellim, Ohio ntnl Mrs, Mc­ Nutt's aunt nt RmssMls Point. § 9 * *■ Mickey ami Jerry DcWi n an : pending a th te e /e ck s lae.ilimi Willi their aunt ami uncle, Mr, and M r, < ■ ■- - - — Ivan Amstuzz of Rivrria Bern h, Fla t lnflt^ hy Mr. Evermau, t * * * Results of the meet include: , Mr. and Mrs, Ladley H ants am i; Men's target: F irst Place, E. J, daughters, Barbara and Janie, are i Everntnit, C07; second, Jos Farrl* of spending a two weeks vacation In ! Dayton, saw, und third, B'Tnie Holt*. Georgia and Florida, While In Geo- j <D', 805. rgla they will visit Mr. Harris' father J Women's target: First, Myrtle Kv- and mother, Mr. and Mrs, George ernmn .732; second Virginia Hcreh With her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wells and family. The Baileys ret­ urned by way of the Smoky Alt*, and stopped In Lexington tl visit with their cousin, Afr. and Mrs. cC E. Gray. They nisi stopped in Car­ lisle, Ky„ to visit with her brother Mr, Leonard Alexander on their way ARCHERU ROTES E. J, "Red” Everan of Yellow Springs placed first In Sunday's target and clout archery ctmmpuui- slilp held a t Antioch Archery Range. The Evernmn family also carried off honors with Mrs. Evernmn whi­ ning the women’s ta»ret elmhipioi.- ship and son George copping f i r ' place hi the cadet shoot. Thev a l.t won the family tropbv. All riiootuv |equipment used by the family was Harris. ♦ * * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funderburg have named their new :#>n Dmmt Le.;>. » 4> * Mrs, I j C s II c Lasky of Raleigh N C., was guest la l week ot Ahnc Win gtield ; t*«k rat •»! H‘*l i mM Mr. and Mrs. Howard Md'-r and daughters Bldrjey srtd Becky. Dnj ton Pke , are vhiin-* fik>*:ds II,t weft in Flint. Mkli * # * Mr ami Mr* Rti •* if H .... ^ , son Kteth and W lb- }' ,n '^ landed the Dowmg run ttm in N-w L #-l Garliale, Sunday. ’ ♦ # * Mr* It. E. i-fupman and rlttldm t, Jackaon R d. apant a few days l o t ! week with Mr, ami Mr*. John G Peterson of Wrctlzt, Ky, ■X * * . ■ Mr, and Mrs. Nonimii Thomas and Jan e t and Stevie, 135 S. Walnut St., returned recently from a wtek* vacation a t Atlantic City. * *• * MYV>and Mrs. Robert tl. Bu(t*i>. 140 W. Davis St., have returned' frim a two weeks vacation in D e west. Mr, Butters, who until recently Wn* a Lt. In the Air Force, has joined the staff of the Yellow Spr­ ing* Instrument Co. Mrs. Butters Is a research asistant working for Dr. O. S, Adams. < * ■ ' * * Ann WUigtlefd, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, r , W, Wingfield, plan* it leave Friday to visit her sistof GSfoiyh m Ph 1 ]ada 1 phfat Sfio will tlien stop in New York bn her tin? home a t the Unftfersfty in Rooliester H. Y« where she IS SUidyihihMamicii-l , ' ■ V' -jT:* W rD), S30, and third, Edna Owen of Newark. 519, Cadet larget: First, G r o w Evrr- man. 490; second. Bill Hockey of Middletown, 170, mid third, Curtis Abbolt (N», 121, Men’., clmii: Fiist, E J. Evertnan 313-an on*l Judy Oekerman or F«S - born 184 and third, li,* Barr of Yel­ low Bp 11 ;i 114. W« n m - rUnt »U<J v-mts*. Find p lu r r. , DiHetHLId v * 3M; Wo- mr t n *'jtt >. i** Fimt place M i« ti *r i 'N* '.’IS t '■'it *140 iard*t Find ’i- ■• **rman -Ft, 278 TAi *Wmt>M»*iiTtp trotd’W** r ,»v*-dw w«rr made a t Uw Visitors to the Antioch Area Tlic- itre's Shakespeare under the Stars ’estival are as diverse as lliepJays lemsclvcs. Coming to Yellow Springs this (cekeml is Narcise PUnentel a lead- ■ilg director and produclr from th t Rhjillippines who is visiting this Country through the courtesy of the Utatc D"partmcnt to study Ameri­ can theatre. Scheduled for a five dav stay In Yellow' Springs, Pimen- iel'was sent by ANTA tThe Ameri­ can National Theatre and Academy) with the explanation that "we fetl Mr. Pimentel's trip would be in- ‘complllc without the opportunity of Vicing Antioch and Shakespeare under the Stars'*. During his stay lie will see five of tne seven Greco-Roman productions visit tiie company members and stu­ dy the organizational set-up of this College-sponsored but professional theatre group, / This week, tiie Area Theatre wax v sited by Holmes Alexander, svn- d*“ated political columnist for the fSsuaught SyiidlcaU, and Shakes­ peare devotee, whl will wlrile a »p. “- lal ftatu rl on tiie Antioch produc­ tions. Most utilqut visitor last week w.i: Mrs. Vida M Malik, wife of a Detroit surgeon of the AtoM'in fnlih. Writ­ ing In advance for season reserva­ tions, Mr*. Malik explained: “My husband Is a Moslem from India, a Detroit surgeon, who Is a t present on his way home to India, doing the annual pilgrimage ti Mecca enroull. Antioch will be my Mecai*' MVs. Malik, writing her Masters thesis on tiie Sonnets and Medieval Courtly Love, is currently working on a study of Shakespeare criticism th India, Arthur Lithgow Speaks In Dayton Arthur Lithgow, managing direc­ tor of the Antioch Arta Theatre's Shnkcspernre Festival, was featured speaker a t a luncheon meeting, Mon­ day, of the Mercator Club in Day- ton. Basing his talk on “People like Shakespeare more than they think,” lithgow explained the program of lhe Area Theatre’s currtnt season, and gave readings from “Macbeth, "Julius Caesar and "The Taming of the .Shrew, The meeting was held a t 12 naan in the Gold Room, Van Clcve Hotel. To Attend School Wcndcl Grimes, engineer for the Miami Township Volunteer Fire De­ partment for the last three years, will attend the Ohio Btate Fire Scho f>[ in Columbus Sept. 8 through 11, it was announced Tuesday Students From 33 States And 7Foreign Countries HereForTests Village Council Calls Mctting \ special meeting of Village Coun- ( l will take place a t 8 p.m, Thursday 1 the Opcba House for th t purpose of raising a resolution to put two village chapter amendments on the fall ballot. Tiie amendment* in question are: <1) Permission for the village to bor­ row money under a State law, and ( 2 ) a proposal to change the village charter to permit the council to ap­ point a mayor to fill uricxplrcd term* Under present conditions, the presi­ dent of Council serve* unexpired urn yor terms. home of Mary and Lena Ost'T. where the Yellow Spring* rlub h e ld : ' lt» annual picnic following the s I kki *. y c * B n c u l o n f The award* also included: - 1 j U t ’ 1 Improvement trophy: Jo* Ferris I S M J l f T I C u <rnem, Myrtle Evermftti *women*; , Kenhelh Sanford Dallev, son of consolation trophy: Bill, Bryson Mr. and Mot, O It. Dallev of‘Yellow m*rtf, Lena Osier <women•; Bare Spring* wa* married Aug 1 to Mlwt bow «bow without sight), DFfe Pa - Lol* Fay Farley ,n the College Hill toil tmvm. Tie- isverman* and th« Ockrrman rpect to compete in Die Ohio wpte Target Shoot to be hold 8 <pi 5 8 ’id 7 at Rooky Rlvot - i Olovehtmi. , 2 4 , Reformed Prcsliylenart Clnireh. Be­ aver Fails, Pa, Parents of the bri ie aif* I lf. Adi MV* Fehtoli If, l*V»tJ-y cf Ujy*)Ci(er. Rroeva' o N, Y. The Rtv. Dr Frnnk tl Lei he i unde ol tiie bride, a wed by the Rev Dr. John It. CRridfier Of RW** ‘fmrrh - Zcnfa Theoloffleal Btntlh* f , oBi-iatcd dm lb" the 7:30 p m- nu. * (mi rites. * Aiter decoration* com Ulerl of rib *t turn fern, lighted by tefr*# Hi f(Wif seven branch candelabra. The bride, given In iw rrisge isy , her father, wore * while enflti and }Chantilly lace gown wit** long ifleete* land a sailloiwd lac" ti* k'ino wpjrfh* quod on an llluslm yoke. An t Mat *n •veil, made from the bride's wedding veil, cascaded from ft Time oap. She wore pearl earrings, a gift of the bridegroom, and cairied a cb #- sadc bouquet of fleur d’amour and stephanotlsi Maid of honor for her cousin was Ntts* Joyce J, Gcmge of Tnrkio, Md„ who wore a flow-length p i® fflf ro»e taffetn, and a star ruby velvet coronet with long streamers. Her fetttitds bouquet was of rosel aw t iff, MW BetievlVe CastrodaTe 0 Rb* elsfstlf ttm tiie Miss Jessie Dailey of YelldwSpB«i*»; w qm i m hrideitnsids In ttffifi of dogwood pink Mid f f l t pltffc jcspcdErveJy nftd carrfed cos* g "Boulittetg 8 ? rcise* and i was B a rfly f . : brethir Wi®M< ......... P.T. A. Board Convenes Tuesday The following board members were announced a t the first organization meeting of Uic Yellow Springs PTA Executive Board Tuesday In Mills House, More than 200 hewstudents, Resh- meii and transfer*, wilt arrive in Yellow springs tbfe week-end for a four-day period of get-acquainted social events and guidance exaffttna- tions. They will be arriving from thirty three states, Austria, German, Haw—; ,, ,, , ................ , all, Mtexlco, Switzerland, Venezuela, VkC,«nd West Africa. Sixlen of them are children of alumni, brothers or sis- prcsldent, Mr*. Albert Johnson, see rotary, Mrs. John Parks, and treas- rer, Mrs. Robert Beak Standing committee chairman in­ clude M'rs. Guy Varner, membership Mrs. Kingsley Fogg, publicity; Mrs. Ed Carlisle, social; Mrs, Ed Lot. ways and means; Mrs, Clyde Adams, clot­ hing; Mrs. Tilton McDaniel, health; Mrs, 'William Toughman, education. M'rs, R. H. Whitmore, magazines and bulletin; Mrs. Harry Berlcy, room mothers; Mrs. Charles Wil­ liams, community council represen­ tative, and Mrs. Leo Hughes, alter­ nate council representative. Ex-officlo members of the board are John Halclitn, school superin­ tendent, and F, A, Jackson, Also nt Tuesday’s meeting, It was announced that the annual PTA Festival will be held Oct. 3, and that future executive board meet­ ings will be held a t 7 p.m. preceding regular ETA sessions. Accident* Guests All In One Day Hosts to visiting relatives and vi­ ctim* In an automobile accident wert the roles played Sunday by the James Dalrymplcs of 115 Glenn St. At about 9:45 n.m. Fire Chief Dnl- rymple’s car collided with one driv­ en by Mr*. Alice Rabson of 512 Xenia Ave, a t the comer of Phillips and Limestone St*. Passengers in the Dahymptc car, Mrs. Richard Gross and her Infont ^daughter, iNanittte)< both of Dayton, sustained bruises nmt shock. Chief Dalrymple and Mrs Rabson, alont in her car, were un­ injured, Chief Datrympic's car was extensively damaged. Mrs, Goss, sister-in-law of Mrs. Dalrymplc's and her daughter were visiting in tiie Dalrymple home Sun­ day, Other guests for the day were Mrs. Dalrymplc’s sister and brother- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Boyd of Springfield, and their three daug­ hters, Kartn, Leslie and Linda. In addition to the Sunday guests, Mrs. Dalrymple and her mother, Mrs. Mable Gross, also entertained Canadian relatives who had stayed tor tiie weekend, Mr, and Mrs, Char­ les O. Ludwig ahd son Kenneth of Tllberry, Ontario, and Mr, and Mr*. Floyd Ludwig of Merlin, Ontario, were unable to visit with the Dalry­ mple children, Sharon And Carl, who arc expected back this weekend grandparens, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Dalrymple of Lansing, Mich. tors or present students, or relatives of faculty members. All day on Sunday, incoming new students will cheek in a t the main building where a welcoming desk wilt be set up in th t first floor hall. The day ‘3 program Includes two af­ ternoon guided tours or the campus, especially for parents mid friends of the new students; a Book Store Op­ en House from 2 to 4 and a tea on the Norment House lawn in the late afternoon for parents, new stu­ dents hnl advisors and faculty mem­ bers. First general meeting of new stu­ dents is scheduled for 0:30 to 7:30 p.m, lu the Theatre Arts Bldg, At 7:3ti they will attend their first hall mtetings in thetr Individual dorml- ory halls Parents will be Invited to nttend the Area Theatre’s production of "Antony and Cleopatra. All day Mondny and Tuesday new students will be taking guidance ex­ aminations. Monday evening a fresh­ man dance will lie given In tht.Cof­ fee Shop and Tuesday evening fresh­ man halls will meet socially with faculty adylsors. Wednesday Is registration day for new students. There wll be a special Vespers for them in Rockford Chap­ el early th a t evening, when the Rev, Edward Miller, college pastor, will lead the service and Walter Anders son, will direct the singing. Classes” . will begin on Thursday,. ,ftfin!#Addlti<m^ tatlon days, freshmen wilt coniine for 20 weeks with special orientation meetings on Thurnday evening pre­ ceding hall meetings, This entering group is for Division A and C, About 75 additional new student* will come to Yellow Springs late In October, for entrance in Di­ vision B, Two Yellow Springs students are Included in the group, John Dawson, boh of Mr. and Mrs, J. Dudley Daw­ son, mid one of last June's gradates of Bryan High School, will oner with this weekend's group, Giles Blxlcr, son of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Blxlcr, and a sophomore Inst year a t Obrr- lin Colcgc, will come to the campus with the Division B. Student*. He will spend tlw first division on a co-op job as copy-boy for the Toledo Ohio, Blade, CARS REPORTED BROKEN INTO Police Chief Russell Bradley re­ ported till# week th a t thieve# have been breaking Into cars of Area Theatre patrons. Valuable# woftri between 5700-RKJ were taken from two ears parked oh No, College 8 ! on August 30. Both car* were owned by out of town people hero for the Shakes­ pearian play*. Ii':r reported th a t one oar was *i■ ?*!“! but entry was gained by foro- tesr ft window, Mem ofdUdffg Shaving ktl and a target pistol were among the items taken. FFJBNDLY GARDENER’S CLUB M i Ernest Colins and Mrs. Wil­ liam Punch are to b” co-hostesses with Mrs, Howard Mlicr a t a meet­ ing if the Friendly Gardener'* oil Wednesday, Sept, 2 at the home of Mrs, Miller on Dayton Pike. Mrs, Ro­ ger Bair wll have charge of the dc-* votlongr and Roll call response will be exchange' of ptrennials, Ttm topic Is "Perennial Magic for Your Garden'’, wldeh will be presen­ ted by Mias Ella Fogg, Election of officers will take place and there will be an appointment of delegate* to thd state eonverif'lctf which will be a t the Nethdriahd Plaza Hotel in Cfheimiail on Sept. If ¥ifd 12 , - ’n ils Is a, very important meeting and all membtrs are urged to 'at­ tend, ■ T btslL, t&liiMI cl in' domocraejr bscaumf it Btmiri Horse To Act At Legion Fair Special feature# ot the fourth an­ nual American Legion Faff will be a free act each of the throe night# «(Sept, 10, II Ahd 12) by "Sun Cloud* The ntoe-yoar-oid equlnenadB « well-known stunt horse owned by Chris Robbins of near Dsyton, and a "penny urcmlc", , "Sun Cloud" and Ida owner were the subjects of a recent article In the Dayton Daily News Sunday "Camerica' section, Tlw nine year old equine of dubious amenity has a repertoire of tricks ranging from balancing himself on a stool to as­ suming a human stance nt the din­ ner-table. General chairfnti for the fair, which will be held at the Post Home fold elementary school) on Dayton St„ IsRalph OftSho, post commander, The following have been named as various activities chairmen: Non-co- mmcrclal exhibits, Mrs, Dortftld Shl- nkle; commercial exhibits* John Nlokoson; refreshments, Raymond Dlhrkop and Harmon Slftnc®, co- chairman; rides, Edward Carlisle’; conseaslons, Wcndel Grimes, and adult game#, Riehard Betscher. Ja­ mes Dalhymiile will act as eletolclbn Msehftnfofti rfdes will InciOdS the Ferris Wheel, Kiddie Kar and Hbat Ride, Flab* aftb ate brihg modi for another rfde, fair official# In* Kouftced, MIAMI MEN'S CLUB The fttofiEhly nteetfjfg of Che Miami M tm c iab i >i ...