The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

Mr, and Mrs, Richard I', Kughn are announcing the birth of a T lb, 9, ox. daughter! Suzanne, on Monday June 8, ° THE LIVE WIRE By Jack Cochran This Is the season of the year that the merchants and industries are asking themselves how they ever got along without the valu­ able aid of Bryan High School stu­ dents, The service stations around town seem to employ more than their share of high school students and recent graduates, Hon Williams is the boss of his shift at the Soldo Station. Dave Hull and Har­ old Gibbs are employed at Beal's Marathon station. There Is always a friendly business rivalry between this crew and Morrfswisc and Bee Johnston who are employed by the Pure Oil Station. Harold Black­ wood are rsponsible for the trim­ med hedge and other maintenance jobs at Carr’s nursery. You can not go into 'Furay's drugstore without Seeing the smiling faces of three sophomore girls, Marcia Olesiager, Sldrley Miller, and Evelyn Garmen. Jolly Bixler is helping at the Col­ lege on the maintenance crew. Ron­ nie Bingo is I<anting the carpentry trade from his father ns he is help­ ing him in his father ns he is help­ ing his father landscape houses. If you are wondering what these people are doing In their spare time you might go into the mills house on the second floor. There you would see the makings of a teen canteen. It will lsc ope* very shortly for all high school pupils and receint graduates between the ages of twelve and eighteen. It con­ sists of three rooms where the ac­ tivities will range from ping-pong, pool, and Other competitive games to dancing to the music oof a juke box. The plans now arc for the painting to start Monday. A few more things along the carpentry line arc still needed to be done, Pat Sayer reports that four couches have been donated and any furni­ ture, magazines and labor would be appreciated. The senior girl scout troop con­ sisting Of Gabriele Knecht, Eleanor Wise, Elisabeth Whitmore, Dtantha IVliitiii#ref L o u i s a Rothermund, Xarifa Sallume, Joan Schfckcdantz, knd their advisor, Mrs, Bonham were finally rewarded for all there: hard Work trying to raise enough funds for a trip to New York City. They left Yellow Springs by train at about 5:39 A, M., Monday and arrived in New York at 6 A, M., Tuesday. They saw all the sights of j New Y o rk including the tf. N,| Building which greatly impressed them. Their trip was highlighted by attending the hit braadway play, The King andw I, They left New York on Friday evening and arriv­ ed in Y e llow springs the next morning, tired but safe, More teen news Over the Live Wire in two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKnlght and family of Cincinnati were Sun­ day guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, M- K, Rltonour and daughter,' Susan, I OHIO TRAFFIC DEATHS - HOLIDAYS.PEAK DAYS,WEEK-ENDS Houoav QgaTH TOLLlfr Mr* V sa F* teriJwHi-ur osuat mmomu . o*r (w , sck.iv souatM or julv ------,* las os o r r tu n .i)^ d » —1 ia»~ T r ^ ‘* peak m m, hKBiTM'- I CMstSS ■i-r auMots or oearw ,to,«i <s«t. s « , um |— - - - - - - taauAst is.ia.tT < y > i ,*•<,««•) UASICM 1.Z.S <S»f,S<m.M«*>. SPOIL A.B.S (Frl,»•!,»*•) mat SO.St Jyg| ju E ma J W - - - - , ------ - - - - - J Prl,9«l,Sv*|.----------- »» S.ta (Fjl.C»t,Sw)___ __________ -2* BCRB.B.IO(S s I.S m .M m )------- - - - - - - - - — S» : ’OCCCVBCR B.24.U JTvs.Srsa.Oiiwi---------------- . . - . a t ’ Joe Zeller Hurls 3-Hitter As Yellow Springs Edges Lewis Corners Tuesday Behind the stellar three-hit pitching of Joe Zeller, the Yri- low Springs softball squad eked out. a hard-earned 1-0 decision from the Lewis Corners nine in a regular Clark County open league game Tuesday evening to bring their season’s total tip to four wins and two losses, Fritts, the opposing hurter also did a sterling job by holding the Kenton Leach Is Among 925 Youths At Boys * State ** Kenton Leach, son of Mr, knd Mrs, Howard Leach Is one of an es­ timated 625 selected high school juniors, representing communities throughout Ohio, who will arrive at Camp Perry Friday, June 12 to become citizens of the 16-day Buck­ eye Boys’ State, operated by the state American Legion organiza­ tion, W. L, DeWcese, long-time dean of the mythical "49th state/’1who said the young men will spend the first week end learning the know­ how of political politics and en­ gaging in campaigns fo f offices in the 20 cities, four counties and the state government*. After the elec­ tion on Monday, ait will become elective or appointive offlcei's or enter such occupations ns lawyers, newspapermen, and members of the BBS highway patrol, locals to three hit, but a 4th inning three-bagger by ‘'Beacon" Dolwlck brought home Sam Icluda with the winning tally. For the locals it was the season’s second win over Lewis Corners. In the opening encounter Of the 1653 season, Yellow Springs declsloncd them, 8-3. C'arl Knoedei and Icluba Were the only other local players Tues­ day to his safety, each garnering a single. Last Friday evening on the local diamond a reshuffled Version at the local aggregatioon Succumbed to Bugler’s Radio by a 6*4 margin although they outhlt the winners, 10-4, Costly errors In the 3rd and 7th innings when the visitors scor­ ed three markers each, was the Contributing factor to the club's downfall. Top hitters for* the” lo ^ s "F r i- day were Don Shinkle, with 2 for 3 and Bob Van Pelt With 2 for 4. I’erry Stewart Went the route for the losers and allowed Only the four hits, but ragged support marked the defeat, Yellow Springs will meet Steel Products of Springfield on the local diamond at 8 P. M* Friday eve­ ning, N»Xt Tuesday the squad Will play Buglers In a league game at Springfield Lagonda Park begih* rung at 8:30. Several members o f the James­ town Grange met With the Xenia Grange lost Friday evening. W E DO IT . . . CEMENT BLOCKS A WORK EXCAVATING AND GRADING -SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING; PONDS A LAKES W. B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY . YELLOW SPRINGS S T E A K S 4m I tm wMk 1 % 4m Cut From Prime Beef Prepared To Your Order » a > a ia « M s M M » usatadnais W 'T sn ua Breakfast— Lunch— Dinner* f, m WMJWWfwoiP i lK V lC E —NOW SERVING LlMONAD lW OPEN TILL, MIDNIGHT D ICK and TOM 'S Ph, 77211 Yelfo# Spring*, O. Velktw fz r iu s Aat«rfe«a J u n a n a Jnnra) CcSHrvIlIc U«raM cheesb c«wrrrfwim»« ca,^ y, June u Page • Girl Seoat Day Camp Is In Full Swing At Camp Greene: Parents, Friends Invited To Open House WA I y r Eighty Girl Scouts from six com­ munities attended the first day’s session of the “Younger Intermedi­ ate" Day Camp Which is being held this week at Camp Greene on Grin- nelll Road, The comp program, which runs from 9:00 A. M , to 3:06 P. M., each day, incudes flag rais­ ing and lowering ceremonies, set­ ting up and maintaining a “unit homoe" out of doors by each camp unit (12 to J5 girls with their lenders), nature study, nature hand­ crafts, outdoor housekeeping, camp cooking etc. Special events include a tour of Glen Helen with leaders familiar With the Glen; a tour of the camp­ ing area with Greene County Con­ servationist Jim Bennett, who will point out how to plan for and care for the grounds for their best use now and in the future. All friends and parents of Scouts are Invited to the “open house" on Friday afternoon (June 12) from 1 to 3 P, M. to see the camp and what the girls have been doing, YS, girls at camp arc Natalie Wright, Ann Johnston, and Susan Peterman, all of Troop 18. Next week (June 15-16) 4 similar Day Camp will be held for older intermediates of the six commun­ ities at Camp Greene. 82 girls have registered for this camp. The camp program will be similar to the first week, ending with an “ open house" Friday afternoon, June 19. Oiienillng skiff for this week’s camp includes Mrs. Marvin Birch, Girl Scout Executive Director for Greene C o u n t y , Director; Mrs. Fred Wilburn, CedarvUIe, smia- tant director; Mrs. Quentin Reipc Fairborn, business manager ; Mrs. W e n d e l l Carter, Beavercreek, nurse. Leaders for the period are Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Hart, Mrs, Morrell, Mrs, Matlock, alt o f Fair­ born; Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Patterson, of Beuwrcreek; Mrs. Beam, Mrs. Werner, Mrs, Glass, all of Belle- brook; Mrs. Schofield and Mrs. Bryant of Xenia. Janice Kay Wil­ burn of CedarvUIe is assisting as Senior Aide. Operating staff for the second week will Include Mrs. Birch, direc­ tor; Mrs. S t a n l e y Wise Yellow Springs, assistant director; Mrs. Mary Haiders, Fairborn, business manager; Mrs, Schloss, Fairborn, nurse. Leaders will Include Mrs. Jewell, Mrs, Hisey, Mrs, Hagen- buch, Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Altman, all of Fairborn; Mrs, Henderson, Mrs. Morningstar, Mrs. C l a r k , all of Beavercreek; Mrs. Jane, Mrs.Moore of Xenia; Mrs. Woodson, Mrs. Pierce of Wilber/orcc, Mrs. Sallume of Yellow Springs. MARSHALL Motor Company Chrysler Plymouth Dealer XENIA' OHIO Open 8 ’til 9 Except Wed. W ITH FAMOUS TRADE NAMES WESTINGHOUSE DUMONT— RCA Gas and Electrio Ranges Refrigerators Circulating Heaters Radios Electric Washers Sweepers Wster Coolers Ironers You can depend on Hoover —<Westinghouse, ----- Youngstown Cabinets-—Hotpdint “ J7te Best Costs So Little More w GRINNEL APPUANCE SALES Bscorstivs flooring 1 snsgsa. aa sshasM* glasses Hts-tiks n il, 6 As astitst aggitath is » M ltim l ali-gargss* R n i I r i yst dsvtlsgsd.Its«•!#«• i« Isas, ll It aaltsmaly m iliw ), »U1 n » * u slhtr lygt* si ttsiiisai flatHags. UaaMsnad by grasst sad ail, slfcslisa aitittsit sad mild scid talarisas. Cta Its ssMy IsM am ssasttlt llaan la dlrsst asalssi with ska yrtaad. Idas! hr aiHass, shags, IsMtlss, Itaagst, dray rtntr, hlwhsas, tMltsrsam, hshstiss, ntaalsnariag stats, sis. Isrily tad ttoaaulinlly uaiasalaad. CaU us tor sampks and lurthrr Information, SpriRgs Lumksr G«. Yellow Spring*, Ohio _ _ _ App i ov( ' rl JOHNS MANV1LLE F l o o r i n g C o n t r a c t o r