The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

PAGE FOUR THE AMERICAN THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 105-1 r t u i : \ u s kockfok ij ciia i ’ iii , j 10:00 fu n . Fam ily Service i 1030 - 11:30 a-m. Meeting for | Worjihlp I A . * f ST, PAUL CATHOLIC ! Itev- John A n to iy , pastor. | Ssiiniay MaS-Scs, 7:30 anil 10:001 a.m. j S aturday. CVinfessloiw ni 4:30 lo j ,v,:io and 7:30 (o 8:30 p.m. | Regular week-day Masses. '<30 |, ! - • — • } CENTRAL CHAPEL A. M, K. j Kcv. Isaac it. I-oudeii, pastor j 0:30 a n i , Sunday School 1 10:10, Devotion* 1100 a.iu., Mornl^jr Worship e F IR ST BAPTIST Rev. Win. L. Williams, pastor 10:00, Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m- Preach{nr Service CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a-ro. Morning Service BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor 030 am., Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Junior Sunday School 10:00 a m., Church Service BETHEL LUTHERAN 0:30 n,ro„ Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service METHODIST Rev. Thom as B. Sm ith, pastor. 0:30 C hurch School. 10:40 a.m. Worship service. PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Buckley S, Rude, pastor 10:30 a.m., C hurch School 1030 a-m., Morning Worsliip-*‘Why a r t> we Presbyterians?" EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) 8 00, First, Sunday of month, -’««.... C H IT O N PRESBYTERIAN Rev. R ichard S. Smilic, pastor 10;00 a m,, Bible School 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship ...... • ■ ■ ■ CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Jam e s D. Taylor, Supply Elwood Sliaw, organist i a.m. S abbath School Eighth Graders Find The Flea Bryan High School was the scone of the Eighth Grade Party last Friday, March 13, Activities for the evening consisted or a Scavenger Hunt, relay races, dancing, and refrcshmnts. Three groups of pupils Joined In the hunt looking for such things ns a mustache cup and a live flea. (Usually reliable sources report Unit the flea was easily found.) The balance of the evening was spent In dancing. Refreshments, in­ cluding soft drinks und cookies, were served, The cookies had been mnde by the girls of the 8th grade. Supervising the party were Miss Paulino Phillips and Mrs. John Cochran. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Halchln, Mr. and MVs. Glen Blackwood, and Mr and Mrs. Stanley Wfic. Are You Registered To Vote? Greene County voters who have moved from one precinct to another or have changed name by reason of marriage or divorce since regis­ tering with the Board of Elections mast notify the board of those changes by March 24. Newcomers to the county, persons who have attained the age of 21 since the last election, voters who have previously registered but have failed to vote at any election in the last two years or persons who never have registered but expect lo vote at the May 4 primary, must sign up with the board before the March 24 deadline. Persons may register nt the board's office in the Court House basement, which is open dolly from 0 a.m, to * p.m. on Monday. Tues­ day, Thursday, and .Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednes­ days and Saturdays. Beginning Monday, and continuing through March 24. the office will be open fiom 9 a.m, to 9 pm. A branch registration office will be set up In the Yellow Springs Town Halt on Wednesday, March 24. It will be open from V a.m. to 9 pan. to service voters In this area. Mi/ Mary Dice, Xcniu. entertain. | ed with a birthday lunch Monday in honor of Mrs. Ella Humphrey. ! AUCTION To The Highest Bidder or Bidders For Cash ! Subject To Our Regular “Terms Of Sale” Afternoon Sat., March 20, 1 :30 p. m., Evening 7:30 This Is The Sale You’ve Heard About. This Is It! BANKRUPTCY STOCKS Free Valuable Door Prizes House Furnishings and All New Merchandise ALL MUST BE LIQUIDATED Anyone Can Bid. BARGAIN NITE MUST GO A t Your Price Radios, Sewing’Machines, Dinette Sets, 9 x 12 Rugs’ Electric Fans TO HIGH BIDDER Electric Food Mixers, Dishes, Silverwear, Electric Sewing Machines, Toys, Appliances, Radios, Clocks, Electric Household Appliances, Bed Sheets, Bath Towels, Dish Towels, Waterless Cookware Sets, Pots and Pans, Hardware,'Electric Drills, Electric Coffee Makers, Hair Clippers, Electric Fans, Furniture, Vacuum Cleaners, Hand Tools, Dinette Sets, Floor and Table Lamps, Table Cloths, Tarpa, Paint and Many Other Bargains offered for sale. AUCTION—^Come One, Come All, Fun For Everyone At——AUCTION T E R M S — C A S H The Opera House On'Highway Route 343, In Clifton, Ohio Willo-Merchantile, Chicago 14, 111. RAY GEVELINGER, Auctioneer L. FRANKE, Cashier WE SELL Furniture, Machinery, Fixtures, Inventory, and Appliances AT AUCTION. RAIN OR SHINE Marriage Perfomed Hosket —- Dellinger Marriage vows were exchanged by Miss Winifred Hosket of Yellow Springs and Mr. Phillip A. Dellinger of Fairborn In an informal ceremony in Yellow Springs Mottiodist Church Friday, March 8, at 7:39 p, m. I Ttie bride In the daughter of Mr,] and Mrs, Carl Hosket, 321 N. Wal-, nut St., Yellow Springs. Parents' Of the bridegroom are Mayor and Mrs, Harry A. Dellinger of Fair-, born, | Rev, Thomas B, Smith, pastor j, of the church, officiated at the] single ring service at which mem­ bers of the immediate families and & few frlends .were present. A 30- minute program of organ music was presented by Mrs. Trenton Judy of Yellow springs, Mrs. Charles S. Lucas (Irene Hosket), 913 N. Detroit St., at­ tended Iter sister as matron of hon­ or and Mr, John'Wirhart of Fair, born served as best man. The bride wore a blue taffeta dress with white accessories and a white orchid corsage, Mm. Lucas appeared in a blue printed silk dress complemented with, white ae- /csories and her flowers were jink and white carnations. , Following the' service 80 guests of the bride’s brother and sister- in-law, MY. and Mrs. Robert E. Hosket, 143 S. Walnut St., Yellow Springs. Hostesses a t the recep­ tion were Mrs, Robert E. Hosket, Mi's, diaries Hanket arid Mrs. Jack Hosket of Yellow Springs, sisters* In-law of the bride, and Mrs. T. S. Holliday of Xenia. For her daughter's wedding and Lhc reception Mrs. Hoeket chose a navy blqp c rep e^ e ss with white accessories and: .Mrs. Dellinger, th j bridegroom's mothfer wore an aqua crepe dress with gray acces­ sories. Both hatrb&rsages of white carnation/. M.\ and Mrs. Dellinger left Fri­ day night on a^jtrjp to the South Upon their return next week they will reside at 609 E. Xenia Dr„ Fairborn. Anthropologists To M eet A j^ n t lo c h The twenty-third annual meeting pf the American Association of Phy­ sical Anthropologists will be hold March 26, 27, a f t M at F»ls Re­ search Instltute-^o r the Study of Human Development 'a t Antioch College, 1 About 80 members, representing colleges, universities, hospitals, and research institution in 20 centers, are expected to attend, j This Li the first meeting of on* anthropological association at An­ tioch College which formed a new department of Sociology and An­ thropology last fall. Coincidentally, the conference comes toward the ; close of Antioch's Centennial Year observance And also marks loo years since the field of anthropology ' started in this country. ] Papers reporting on a wldfe variety of research projects will be sub- ' mitted, with the emphasis expected to be on fossil man, growth, and population trends. Baldness, here-,' dltary blood factors, and obesity also. Will come in for sohic security. Principal speaker at the annual dinner scheduled March 27 will be Dr. Paul ejos, research director of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc,; of New, York City, { Other prominent guests include William L, Strauss, professor of * physical anthopology at Johas Hop-' kins University, Baltimore, Md., one ’ of the country's leading experts on the great apes, who is retiring presl-; dent of the association: T. Dale Stewart, head of the section of physical anthropology of the Smith- j aonian Institute, Washington, D, c.; , Mildred Trotter, department of an-| atomy, Washington University, St. 5 Louis. Mo.; 'Sher { {£,. Wash- > burn, departmbent of anthropology. University or Chicago, Charles Snow department of Anthropology, Uni­ versity Pf Kentucky. Annual election of officers of the association Is slated Friday night of the conference week-end. Albeneri Trio At Antioch | i A program of chamber music by. Beethoven, ITaydp, and Ravel was, presented by the Albeneri Trio at'1 Antioch College last Tuesday. ! Selections included Beethoven’s Trio In B, Flat Major Haydn's Trio In E. Flat Major, and the Trio in A ■ Major by Ravel. \ Now In Us sixth season, the'1 Albeneri Trio Is well known In th is. country, having given cycle jx/rfor- iniinces of all the Beethoven trios IS’. New York, Chicago, Washington, sivi at Princeton and Stanford uni-r versifies. I Erich Itor Kahn, pianist, was born In Germany. He took up residence in the United States In 104t and, In 1948, was awarded the Elizabeth Sprague Coolldge medal for "emin­ ent services to chamber music." The violinist with; the trio is Italian-born Blorgio Clomp!, who mnde his debut in this country hr 1938 nt the age of 20. ; Benar HcUetz, cellist, launched hi:; career in Russia when he was 12 years old, ITc has lived In the. United States since 1937 and is a member of the NB7 orchestra where ho plays under Arthur Arturo Toscanini. > Save Soil—- Save Water— Plant Tree* Your Election Laws ! ■ Since lhc ballots used nt various ■elections in the ''odd-numbered” and •■even-numbered’’ years are differ­ ent, we believe that it Is a service to many voters to acquaint them with the bo.1 iota with which they will be conifiSUiu! in 1934, The Primary Ballots for )954 will contain the. following ol flees: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of Stale, Treasurer of State, Attorney General, United States Senator (for the uncxplred term ending January 3, 1057), Judge of the Sumww Court tFull term commencing January l, 1955), Judge of the Supreme Court (Full term commencing January 2, 1955> Judge or the Supreme Court (Uncxplred torn ending December 13 195G), F '’’v.vjentatiV(‘ to Congress. Judge of the Court of Appeals, Mor. bers of State Centra) Commit,c/ (Man), Member of -late Central Commit­ tee iWcmant, Slate Senator, iiep- reenta'H'e to Genetr.l As/cmbly, Judge of the Court of Common >Jeas rin some r*auH.c->/ Judge or tii" Probate Court un some coun­ ties), County Commi-noner. Coun- •y Auditor, end .Member of County Central committee. Mm. Lewis Gcgncr, Livermore St. who has been confined to her home for the past two weeks with pneu­ monia Is now able to be back on her job at Antioch College, Save Soil— Save W a t e r - Plant Tree*- ASBESTOS SIDING / FAMOUSCHEAPSTORE Jackets to match .......— ......... ................. $2.59 Boys' western dungaree* .......... ........... ......... $1,95 Boy’* overall pent* t o * . Sanforised.... ....... $1.59 Children** cotton slips. . . . . . . . . . .... . 89c and 70c Children*' dresses....................................$1.18 to 1.95 ■FAMOUS CHEAP STORE X nk t, Ohf* We Deliver / HOME LOANS TO BUY • BUILD • REMODEL Check With A Specialized Financial Institulion PEOPLES Building1& Savings Co. 11 Green St. Since 1885 Xenia, 1 H 3 M Jehns-MoBville Smootfuftam It transforms the appearance of your home and save* you money on upkeep. Never needs painting to preserve i t White or beautiful colors. Ask fer free estimata. YellowSprings LumberCo. Phone 7-7429 J O H N S M A N V l t l E B U U D l N G M A T E B I A t S & U C K E Y £ WOODWORKING CO. CABINETS Aai FORMICA LUMBER — MILL WORM ROOFING — RIDING JMFBOVEMENT LOANS 158 Menree Phene MM Xenle, Okie If Yee Want Te Bay er Hell Yew Farm er Terns Property CALL Or WRITE LEON H< KLING M cS a v a n y A C o , Leaden, Okie FI m m Si We Speetaltae la Fane Leans at 4(4 percent la te r a l Year W tttfe h Guarantee . . . Strongest Eve r ! waroH iho *4M »5: U rc « « / - ! & \ m . I K ' "^tSL. ' / t v . d s r M i / f . sr ' f r • ' % f f . ■ ; j *| J a ■ < ^ o ' 1 * ^ ^ ” 1 * 1 1 iiu*? i } ^ i l 4 i r : I 4 ' m k I ? V J 1 - / ■V■>. t ■'A tharoh red i a re hulk with •air# geerfiafeeafele th#7 are NOWh4»cfcedri»yHi* T^wvffteaLfiar< wit<88* »«rS<IT W r l » f « » O u a r a n l * * thorobw ® For suFM>*r *• "'**• l a vr. ' Written Guarani** v 4 ^ ' * ' % v % * k * e * " * * , * * * f * " " * *■ I S m onth* nneondW e"*1 Written Guarantee C&L SERVICE,