The Yellow Springs American, Volume 2, Numbers 1-14

The Yellow y j American VOL. 2, NO. 12 YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO', THURSDAY, MARCH 25 ,1964 7 CENTS P E R COPY Democrat Women Plan To Continue Fight Against Antioch Gang 1IMNNIIM OPPONENTSRNED PROGRESSIVEPARTYPETITION { J . ' « *■ . A new angle developed In the dis­ pute regarding the right of Donald W. Brannum, a lifelong resident of Yellow Springs, to be candidate for the non-salarled position of Demo­ cratic Central Committeeman in Miami Twp. The right of Brannum to be a candidate has been chall­ enged because he Is said to have voted in a Republican primary two years ago, Antioch Senior To Present Paper Many of the country's leading chemists will listen to a 23-year-old Antioch College senior next week. - - « . . . Among chemists presenting sclen- A TJenWBUn W. Katon was listed ! tUks p ^ r s at the semi-annual among the signers of nominating' meeting of [ the American Chemical petitions for the pro-Conununist. Society (AC8) will be Ted Xuwana, .Wallace) Progressive Party a few Antioch student of chemistry. The f»*» Seen As Evidence of Bi-Partisan - Move to Rid County of Red Taint The embattled Democratic women of Greene County p la n to continue their fight with the Antioch'gang, the "American" learned today. At the regular meeting of the Greene County Demo­ c r a t ic Executive Committee Wednesday evening in Xenia, the ARCHERS PREPARE TO ROVE ON "ROVER”—The Yellow Springs Archery Club Rover will be held April 4, at Bryan Stale Park and archers throughout Greene County are expected to rove. Archers are shown planning scoring on a running ilecr target. Left to right: Ira Barr, target chairman; Lena Osier, food chairman; Bill Bryson, publicity chairman; Marion Barr, coffeemakcr and Mary Oster, regis­ tration, chairman. Archery Club To Hold Rover !John Drake Rites Held years ago. Among those circulat­ ing those petitions was Edith Stein* berg>wifeKof Arthur Steinberg, for- meeting Is scheduled In Kansas City, Mo., from Match 3tth to April 1st. The papfer, to be given during a symposiums on inorganic lsoqprism. mcr A n tioch ,fa^ ty member. Stein- b UUed andProper berg was recently In tlw headlines ^ as "Mr. X” and he was also named ties of Some- Nitrite and Nltro J iva&ion of an attempted or- tfon meeting of the Greene County Federation of Democratic. Women by a Yellow Springs group was "a topic of discussion. . On slarch IN, an intend**! organ­ isation meeting, open only to mem­ bers, was broken up before any bust His opponent for the position of, in the Gouzenko Communist spy committeeman is Benjamin W. , case before^he came to Antioch and Ka.oa the Fels Institute. Jaycees Plan Local Organization For the purpose of finding out April 4 is the date for Yellow Funeral services for John E Springs Archery Club's Annual (Jack) Drake, 51, Mud Run Rd„ Rover shoot. It will be held nt Bryan Route 1, who was killed when his State Park, with the Lodge ns head- ear struck a stolen automobile Mon­ quarters. Registration begins nt 9 a. car was struck by a stolen nutomo- m,, scores must be In by 4 p m. Lunch bile Monday, were conducted at 10 will be served ut noon. Twenty a.m. Thursday In the Yoder Memor- elght life like animal targets seat- ini Home by the Rev. Buckley S. tered thru the woods will be shot Rude, pjistor of the Yellow Springs at. Groups of four will go out. Three Presbyterian Church, arrows will be shot at each target Burial was in Glen Forest Ccir.c- and counted for score according to tcry, spot hit. There will be several VA.anwhilc, a Chicago salesman, classes for Junior shooters based who Xen)a m vaa drlvlng on age. If you can not shoot come lhc sto)cn car pkftded gunty any way and take a look at the secend dCRtcg, njapslaughter and growing sport of archery. Awards<dnink drlvlnB chnrgM ,n xenla end Door Prizes will be given, r „!in Archers as usual are expected from ;M, f „ ,.J Die defendant, Raymond D, Murray, 34, was fined $100 and all over the state of Oitio, also some from neighboring states. Last year , , , .. there were around two hundred “',d v'as « ven * thrce-ycar shooting in a snow storm. , d,,vcr “T ™ l _______A______ _ , days at hard labor on the drunk 1driving count, j He was bound ever to the Greene 2County Grand Jury under *5,000 bond on the manslaughter charge S i , ., . . ,, , , was remanded to Greene County A large gathering of the parish- }m ^ ^ M ^ Jufy oners he had served for close to action. Father Antony Honored at Dinner Speaker# Heard At PTA Meeting: Speakersat'the monthly meeting how much Interest there Is In form- j of the PTA held last Thursday, were ing a local Junior Chamber of Com- ! Dr. Lester Sontag of Fels Research merce In Yellow Springs, there will, Institute, and Dr. Harry Williams, be a meeting on Thursday. April Dentist. 1, at e pan. The place will be an-J Dr. Sontag’s topic for the even- nounced., J ing was ‘“Your Child's Personality The Jaycees are a non-political' and What Deteriignes It?". He organization of young men inter- J discussed the tests that are given ested in bettering their own com- : a t the Institute and showed charts niunity. The age is limited to 21- J 0n the results He pointed out that to 35-year-olds in order to insure • these teste are not conclusive, and young leadership for the organize- j Mid that a child’s I.Q. Is affected tlon. The Jaycees are known for | to a great extent by its parents, their active participation in com- j D f wilUams spoke ^ munity life. They get swimming hygiene for children, emphasizing pools built; they work with teen-j thc need for inlning of ^ chUd agers;-they help spruce up their - ,n proptr care. He pointed towns; they do things that need Compounds of th e Pentammine and nes* had been considered, The point to be done. But above all they or­ ganize, plan, and direct their own activities; they do not take orders from their national orgenlzation, though frequently they go to the national group for help and infor­ mation. I f there Is enough interest In gst- ting a r h a p f t r 5 ^ l s r f ? f h e p r e H # t inary work will be done at this April 1 meeting. If you would like to know more about the Junior Chamber of Com­ merce, call Rex Bargert 7-75*0, or Gordon Freeman, 7-790*. League To Hold Discussion Meeting's The League of Women Voters will ! hold unit meetings next Tuesday reven years paid tribute Sunday Police said Murray ran a r e d jHnr,' Wednesday, March 30 and 31, evening to the Rev. John H, An- light In Xenia Monday afternoon j T,1C topic will be 'Spending Public tony on the occasion of his trans- while attempting to elude Noble j ^ unt*s • How a Congressman Dec! fer from the St. Paul Church, He County Sheriff Donald Conaway! Members will discuss budget- left on Tuesday to take over the and Special Deputy Donald Thomas J ary Procedure and Its problems, pastorate of St. Benlgnus Parish,; when his ear crashed Into an auto- The Tuesday meeting will be lh the home of Mrs, Coulter DeKlyn at 8:30 pan. Discussion leaders will out the effect o f sugar on the teeth, saying that if possible, candy should not be allowed between the hours of 1:30 pan. and noon the following dey. This he said, would prevent the, harmful action a t the sugar for at least two-thirds of the day. Plans for. a group accident In- Tetrammlnecobalt (HI) Salts.’’. An invitation to address the ACS meeting originally was issued to Dr. Richard Yalman, associate profes­ sor of chemistry at Antioch. Dr. Yalman had directed a project spon­ sored by the Research Corporation of America in which the ACS was interested. When the society learned Dr. Yalman was in Europe, officials suggested that Xuwana, who bad been his research assistant, speak for him. The student prepared the paper and, with minor revisions by Dr. Yalman, will present It to the session. On hand to hear their pupil will be Dr. James Corwin, chairman of Antioch’s chemistry department, and Dr. I. Moyer Hunsberger, as­ sociate professor of chemistry, Dr. Corwin is an ACS councilor and o f­ ficer of the ACS division of chemical education. He will taka part in meet­ ings of the committee on college teaching. Kuwsna, a graduate of Idaho Falls, Idaho, High School, entered Antoch in 1848, He distinguished himself the night of Fib, S3,1883, when, aa chief, of tbs stadent firs d spaitaent, he Greenfield, O, Approximately 130 adults *mobile operated by Mr. Drake, who and „was killed Instantly children enjoyed ftn Informal din-® Drake was president of thc Drake be Mrs. Heinz Eulau, J*#s. Harold LilUUfCH CliJU/CU III* liliwiituij Ulir ..... ..... -- ---- -- --- ----- -k ner with Father Antony in thc Milling Machine Co, located dn thC| Wchllng, and Mrs, Richard Wtnwl. Church basement, each family hav- I airfield pike southwest of Spring-j Two meetings will be held Wed* Ing provided a covered-dish. *fWd, He lived and raised Hereford i nesday. Thc first a t 9:30 aon. at A puhtc, collected front thc par-® call,p on T>i" ecr 0 ft ^arm' ! « « home of Mrs, Harry Berley. lsh and two other monetary gifts Murray allegedly stole the car at Mrs, Rollln Brewer and Mrs. Thom- frarn the Catholic Tidies nt Coltim- Cln<*Innnlt. He has a record of prev-1 a5 Brown wlU be discussion leaders, bla a n ? u r s f l ^ u i r G u I l d wcre »«“ fonvictions for grand larceny be led by Mrs. Jerome Cohen and presented by Paul F. Hfutick o f. nnd BUto lhcft- Tobias Road, A Spiritual Bouquet; ^ ——— collected from Uie High School V i r i f i l V . M o r r i s Sunday-school class was presented j by Its instructor, Lloyd Monnln of; Jackson Road Buried Tuesday Wednesday’s second meeting will be lead by Mrs. Jerome Cohen and Mrs. Baxter Patrick a t the Home of Mrs, Carl Spier. Norwegian Visits Fels Institute Dr, Ase Gruda Skats! of the Unt. versify of Oslo, Norway, has been visiting the Fels Research Institute since. Sunday, Dr. Skard, who Is associated with a unit at the Oslo school which Is patterned to a certain extent after Play and Poem Read at Club The husband of the former Mls-s Margaret Anderson of Yellow] Springs died Saturday in Springs field, Funeral services for Virgil! ^ Shakespeare Club will meet V. Mtorfls were held Tuesday In th e ( Apr,i 6 at the of Mrg r , 0 , Littleton Funeral Home. Burial was. W(?ad ln Xenla. "The Boy Shake- In Glen Havea Memorial Gardens,; KIWarc.r>. by Mrs. Wm, Cherry of Mr. Morris, 59, Isas been active xenia was read at the last meet- most of his life In thc newspaper jng 0f cjuj , play showed business, as ft printer. , tw0 scenei! the boyhood nf the regular buMnem meeting of the jj*_ * j evening. This program, to which "J*** parenu would submribe would pay * * « “ T * 1*1* s^ ' for children Injured while coming lh* and going to^achooL It w u voted **” * * * to take Uie plan before the S ch o o l,,n ' , Board and to offer to handle any hu “ S * * * * * * co-op *y»um, cleric! deUIte that would be e n - ' ^ f ?* '*?}* tailed If the Board accepted the ^ ' taj“ oom ^ Plan | 33 state*, Kuwsna la this week com- ’ _ pletlng a ffve-month assignment as The Executlve Comm.ttee on- resetrcb Mslitaait a t . the Armour nounced that It will rend three de - ' Reannh r o ta tio n , CjUcago, 111. legates to the Southw ct District ( Qn vnyiom ^ ^ worked „ ; Confereiwe of the Ohio PTA, being ]kboralory 'M u tan t at the Detroit held in Cincinnati on April 13, ' In April, the monthly meeting of the PTA will be held on the 22nd, I* would normally be held on the LibraryAssociation Elects Officers The newly elected officers of the Yellow Springs Library Association who will take office in the fall are pres, Mrs. John Birch, vice presi­ dent Mrs. Charles Kohler, secretary Mrs. William Schaub, financial sec­ retary Mr*. Charles Meltingtr and treasurer Mr*. Ed Miller, Chairman of the ways and means Committee is Mrs. A, W, Llddle, Edison Company and the Oxford' Miami Paper Company of W e t Carrollton, Ohio, He served earlier as assistant to the director of the third Thursday of the month, but,-Dayton, Ohio, Public Library Mu- because of Holy Week, has been moved to this date. Election of offi­ cers will take place at this time Music will be provided by grade school children, and reports will be read by the CommitteeChairman, at issue was solely the insistence of the Yellow Springs group that mem­ bership cards be issued to all mem­ bers of that group thereby giving them the right to vote. A check at the Board ot Elections revealed that only two of the Yellow Springs non­ members were registered voters. At the executive committee med­ ia a member of any subversive or un-American organization or acti­ vities.? To clarify this constitutional sec­ tion, Mrs. Mildred Pruitt of Yel­ low Springs, who was recently ap­ pointed County Organizer by the Greene Co. Democratic Central Committee, had announced that “There is no room in our club for subversives or for persons associat­ ing with subversives." While spokesmen for thc embat­ tled group were quick to point out that there-are many good Demo­ crats In Yellow Springs and Miami Township and that they are wel­ come in all Democratic activities, ing on Wednesday, March 24, the; it was also pointed out that the women’s federation issue was dis- j evidence pointing to Communistic cussed. The following Is an excerpt; and fellow-traveler Infiltration at from the Springricid “Dally News,' Thursday: Antioch College made It desirable to set up protective measures for "A man who identified himself, the Intended women’s club which as Voldemar Carlson of the Antioch was broken up on March ISth by the 4 College staff appeared at the meefc- j tactics of Yellow Springs women ing with the assertion that ‘I am ; whose leaders Included persons boiling mad.’ closely connected with Antioch. “He said he wanted to protest “We don't know that there was that in many quarters it had been ono Communist or one fellow-trav- lnferred that the group described ; eler in the group of non-members as 'outsiders’ was In some way sub-1 from Yellow Springs and Antioch versive or disloyal. J wjro broke up our meeting,” one “He said tha charges were a ’Re- j Democratic woman said. “However,” publican plot to split the Democratic; gbo added, “In view of the cloud of Party In Greene County.’ j suspicion which has been hanging “His protests did give rise to a ; over Antioch College for some time, discussion of a loyalty clause In- J we fcci that our protective action rerted In the proposed constitution Was completely Justified and we bc- of the women’s organization." Spokesmen for the proposed fed­ eration pointed out \h a t the loyalty clause was not even discussed at U m March Itth meeting. Evidence is now being accumula­ ted for presentation to county De­ mocrat leaders. Tills evidence is ex­ pected to justify completely thc con­ troversial provision ln the consti­ tution and by-laws for thc now- licve that we can produce evidence which will justify tour action when It is considered by the patriotic Democrats of (Greene County,” The plan to continue the battle by Democratic circles which flared Into the open on March 18 Is re­ garded by many local observers aa further evidence of the grim deter­ mination on the part of both De­ mocrats and Republicans to rid disbanded Greene County Federa- j GrcenC County j>f the red-tainted tion of Democratic Women, It read»group which has operated so arrog- as follows: “No toman shall be permitted to obtain or retain membership in this club who does not swear allegiance to the Flag of’the United States of America, or wh6 participates ih or antly in the Yellow Springs vicinity for several years. Further details regarding the ac­ tion of the Democratic Committee will be made known in the near future, it was said. scum. His work with Dr, Yalman also was under the co-op plan, Kuwana will continue his study of chemistry following graduation from Antioch this June, Word was received last week that he had bean granted a 11400 scholarship for graduate study a t Ihe University of Minnesota, Plane Crashes On Local Farms Two Air Force fliers were killed Sunday afternoon when their Jet trainer sliced through a Navy fight­ er, then 4xplotted and tumbled in flame* onto a farm near Yellow Springs. Kilted W*r* Capt, Frederick F. new memben 'are Mrs. Jack Drake StegmusRl| Jr., M, and First Lt. and Mrs, Tom Carlton, hold overs] John W. Floss, 28, lo th stationed ar* M*s, J, D. Mitchell and Mrs.‘ at Craig Air Force Base at-Selma, Herbert Wise. The ways and means! Alabama. committee, have raised money this The pilot of the Navy Corsair, L # Born In Wapakonetn, Ohio, he Shakespeare. The sonnet in It wSt d been employed nt various times 1 In Yellow Springs, Xenia, Washing year to help with the painting at ui l t i ti ] written‘ by Mrs. L. W, Sontag. Foi-{th* ouUkte tri*1 4,1 ^ I^ br*ry’ rt VAlIntu Cme*l+treer Vanin U f ^ V^ . . r u,.. 1 Fels is In this country on a grant I . springs, xenia, wasnmg-, ]owing the pi*y Mrs Ralph Wead] r e » m in inu country on a grant court House, and Greenville,i ih* wru i ,n bv her “The! to study psychological research cert- ; .... ’i read tne poem written oy ner m e ter* At Fels she has conferred with! and, was astl asSOCflt«d with th e , jjorse and Buggy Days”. It told of ter*. At Fels she ha* conferred with. gpr ngncld Dally News and Sun. j her happy yout^ to Yellow Springs He was a member of Springfield j wber8 Rhe lived With her family In Dr, Lester Sontag, director, and members of the psychology depart­ ment', STAINLESS STEELS An appreciable proportion of thc 1983 production of chrqmium-nickct stainless steels was required for the defense programs. As nickel be­ comes available in larger quantities for civilian uses, there are indica­ tions that manufacturers of prod* Typographical Union, No. 117, AF Of L, Achievement Day .Set for April 20 Tire Greene County Home De­ monstration council wilt hold its Achievement day at the Second United Presbyterian church in Xenia on Tuesday, April 20, The uete for the architectural, appliance j date was set at the council’s Marclf and utensil fields will return to thc | meeting. Achievement day, an annual nickel-containing types of stainless J thc old brick house at 130 Glen St, Mrs. Humphrey mid she was a member Of the Yellow Springs B i­ cycle Club mentioned in the poem nnd that 50 poung people belonged. DURABLE MO n I l EOOF When 'ijbw York** Penasyirenia' Station waS built, Mtontl, a topper bite#, w a r wwd for ttia MnUle roof over the main waiting ream and arcade except for the skylight frames. These frames gradually die. integrated from atmospheric eoro- New truSteee are Mr*. F. B , Wing­ field and Mrs. 8 D. omterdonk, re­ maining trustees arc Mrs. Robert Hollister, Mrs. Hreiry Federighl, Mrs. Kingsley Smith and Mr*. Ira Barr. The trustees meet at the Li­ brary the first, Wednesday in tire month, The Library AaMeiatlon meets at 1:28 at mVjUkmt the' Bret Wednesday ot ttie.immth Oet. thru April. An #ww^!B?;'wtB be for the U rnm be of Mrs, W, W W M ig ig a te e n ltd event sponsored by the council in ,slo n . But ths Monel roofing shows jdeie!^ steels because ot their good fabricate i wjtj, .Home D c -; no sign of eorriskm, pitting of « n - ! laets tar*} • tm i k f'lWielaht iron, ing characteristic* and other w t* j monstrallons will, this year, feature! britttement after'moro than 41 years’ terial A i n standing pfopertiee. the theme, "You Mold the Key.” of exposure to the same eondifteire.! weeks, * I- , . * . n P"-.,-WiV ' * Mrs. John Mills Honored At Reception Mrs. Jane E, Mills recently ap­ pointed. Grand Representative to new Hampshire for the Grand Order of the Eastern Star was honored a t a reception on Wednes­ day evening, March 17, given by (jp ,) John D, Turner, was baldly injured but given a good chance^ to live. He wae taken to Wright-Fat- teraon Air Force Beat hospital out. faring from shock and with |iwth legs mangled, It was reported late Sunday night •that his left teg was amputed. The crash occurred in the area of L , . . West Kncn Rd. between Herr R d . | ^ 106,1 Ch,pter' Rt Mason!c and Moot Enon Rd. Paul Fjtetlck,} Templ’ who live* on the West Enon Rd. was One hundred guests and members one of the first to reach the wreck-, ot the Order of the Eastern Star age, Places of tire plane fell attended the reception, o u t of town the firm* far more than a mile *ueete were from London, spring- aiona wbet Enon Wd. Included New Carlisle. Mt. Sterling, were the f*mw o f Jaaree Fulton and I S*<taUa, Xenia, Jamestown, South Ralph W, Dtekman,' Cherleeton, Yellow Springs and Sabina. planned the $ * it Matrosts was a cw p let* surprise to Mrs, Mills, Mrs, Edwin Buff, acting, as Moderator reviewed Mrs. Milts life from childhood to the present. As t h t .iteiff was told pictures were ! screened and persons having hod WMter and h t Arthur P ltetkt, a ocuiln of Paul. The largest ptecee fell on the Pitstick farm, Save S a il- Sere WateMr—> Plait Traaa> some part of her life appeared. In conclusion Mrs, Bull wished for Mrs. Mills future the best of everything and presented her with the script. Registration Book, the films, gift from the Past Matrons, and a piece of luggage a gift from the chapter, Mrs. Mills, also, received many gifts from the guests, - Following the program, the guesti were invited to the dining room for a Social hour. Mrs, Mills, a Past Mbtron, has been Secretary of the Cedarvllle, Q.E.B. Chapter for the past nine years. She is a member of th<s ded- arviile Methodist Church, and is currently serving as president of the Women' Society of Christian Service. She also, is a member of Manlto Shrine No, 27 in Springfield, in which she has hefd several ap­ pointed offices,