Inspire, Spring 2000 - page 16

Alumni Profile: Beth Lutz)
...But the Lord Determines her Steps
(Proverbs 16:9)
t is amazing to see the many directions in which the Lord
takes people. Beth Lutz's path is no exception. Beth
graduated from Cedarville in 1993 with her bachelor of
science in nursing. During her clinical experiences as a
student at Cedarville, Beth was assigned to an adolescent
unit. She begged to be moved to any other unit, however,
Dr. Lois Baker declined her request, believing that it was
best to leave Beth where she was.The Lord worked on
Beth's heart and gave her a real love for adolescent health.
Upon graduation Beth accepted ajob working on the teen
unit at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis,Indiana.
She worked at Riley for three years on both the teen unit and
the burn unit. She was able to witness to her patients and had
a unique opportunity to share Christ with a teenage cancer
patient. Beth states,"My education at Cedarville prepared
me to have a worldview of nursing that incorporates biblical
principles and actions."
In 1996 she graduated from Indiana University with her
master ofscience in nursing and pediatric nurse practitioner
degrees and was immediately offered ajob as a nurse
practitioner for Kids Plus in Anderson,Indiana. Kids Plus is
a nurse practitioner clinic for the indigent, Medicaid patients,
and patients with no insurance. Beth has now been working
at Kids Plus for three and a half years and has encountered
manyjoys and challenges along the way.
"We have to live 100 percent where we are," Beth says,
after writing about how she was able to work with a 17-year-
old who came to the clinic. The teen was quickly spiraling
downward in a life of drugs,sex,and alcohol. After working
with her,Beth excitedly
announces that the girl
has been drug- and
alcohol-free for
three months,has
earned her GED,
and is working on
her EMT license.
Beth decided to return to school in 1997 to do post-
graduate work in family practice at the University of
Indianapolis. She graduated from the University in May
1999 and has accepted a teaching position in the graduate
nursing program at the school. She says she enjoys her
teaching interaction with students and the opportunity "to be
salt and light in a dark world." Now Beth teaches at the
University one day a week and works the other four days at
Kids Plus.
During the summer of 1999,Beth had the opportunity to
go to China for six weeks.She and a friend planned to spend
one week ofthe trip teaching English, but left the rest of
their trip in God's hands."[We]arrived in China with hearts
ready to serve and learn," Beth recalls, but she didn't know
what the Lord had planned for them. Since her friend had a
background in special education and Beth had a background
as a nurse,the two were asked to come to the town
orphanage and do a developmental assessment on special
needs children.They were allowed to enter into this town
orphanage only by the Lord's will, because this was
something Westerners were not permitted to do.They visited
the orphanage once a week and were able to set up a plan for
each orphan's care. Another incredible opportunity was the
chance to visit a remote village and minister to the people
there. Beth's experience with burn victims allowed her to
clean and dress an elderly man's burned arm.Because she
was able to give this man medical attention, she and her
friend were able to share their faith with the people in this
Beth is thankful for Cedarville's nursing program and the
professors who helped her learn how to serve the Lord
through nursing. She is back in Anderson,Indiana, working
again as a professor and a nurse, but she's so glad "that
nursing has provided many incredible opportunities to serve
the Lord."
16 Spring
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