Inspire, Spring 2000 - page 20

Alumni Events
Boston, Massachusetts
November 17, 1999
A group of professors from the College along with
area alums enjoyed a dessert reception at the
home of Doug and Julie Buckley Macrea '93.
North Carolina
January 27, 2000
As the winter storm moved through the Carolinas,
it didn't dissuade six families from getting
together for dinner at the Golden Corral
Steakhouse. This event was hosted by
Tammy Fausnight Koontz '93.
Dearborn, Michigan
February 10, 2000
Laurel Yates Perrigo '90 hosted an alumni event
that welcomed 40 people for dinner at Bill Knapp's
Restaurant. Following the meal, the group enjoyed
a men's basketball game as Cedarville College
took on University of Michigan, Dearborn.
Columbus, Ohio
November 20, 1999
Alumni and their families were delighted with
Young's doughnuts and enjoyed a day of family
fun at Magic Mountain Fun Center. The event was
hosted by Mike '92 and Tracy Justice Boyes'93.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
January 29, 2000
Forty people enjoyed a potluck dinner hosted by
Bryan '98 and Holly Peterson Miller '98 at Virginia
Beach Alliance Church. The alumni association
provided the main dish and the alums brought
salads, side dishes, anti desserts.
Greenville, South Carolina
January 22, 2000
With close to 40 people registered for this event,
plans quickly changed as the winter storm moved
in. Eight fearless travelers made it to the home of
Kim '83 and Lisa Jenerette for a dessert reception.
20 Spring
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
February 5, 2000
Fifteen alumni enjoyed an appetizer reception
before the Cedarville College vs. Geneva College
men's basketball game at Geneva College. This
event was hosted by David '90 and Susan Hock
Ostlund '89.
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at 1-800-837-2566.
Upcoming Alumni Events
April 14
April 29
May 19-20
June 10
June 24
June 25
July 14-15
September 7-10
October 20-21
Dallas, Texas
San Francisco, California
Grand Rapids Blitz
Grand Rapids, Michigan
South Carolina
Quad Cities, Illinois/Iowa
GARBC Conference
Ames, Iowa
Cincy Blitz
Cincinnati, Ohio
Alumni Stratford Trip
Stratford, Ontario
Homecoming 2000
New Face, Same Place
Cedarville, Ohio
I...,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,...30
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