Inspire, Spring 2000 - page 18

Alumni Profile: Sandy Hayward )
Full Circle
hile nursing alumna Sandra Pratt Hayward'86
always suspected that one day she would serve in
the military,she never thought she would end up
teaching. God has opened a variety of doors for her, and
ultimately she has found herself back where she first started
her nursing career.
Shortly after Sandy graduated from Cedarville College,she
entered the Air Force."I wanted to experience an adventure,
and I wanted to be part of something in the military," she
shares."I thought that it would be a good career move."
In hindsight, it was,according to Sandy."I got to do
administrative things that I probably would not have had the
chance to do in the civilian world," she explains.
Entering the military as a nurse had an advantage: basic
training for medical officers is shorter than regular boot camp.
It was more like an orientation."We did march,and we
learned the customs and courtesies, but I certainly wouldn't
call it boot camp,"Sandy says."I thought it would be much
more intense." Sandy was stationed at Wright Patterson Air
Force Base in Dayton from 1987 to 1990.She enjoyed the
three years she served in military nursing and says that the
leadership training and skills that go along with being an
officer have really helped her.
While at Wright Patterson,Sandy started a master's program
at nearby Wright State University. When she got out ofthe
Air Force,Sandy worked as a graduate assistant in the nursing
program at Wright State. She earned her master's degree in
nursing administration in March of 1992. Shortly before Sandy
finished her degree, Dr. Irene Alyn,chairman of Cedarville's
18 Spring
nursing department, discussed a part-time teaching position
possibility with her."I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after
graduation, or rather what the Lord wanted me to do,and so it
was a surprise," Sandy notes."I hadn't even thought about
teaching at Cedarville College, but it certainly interested me."
Sandy was offered the position. It became a full-time
assignment the following quarter. Since then,Sandy has been
teaching nursing students and feels the education side of
nursing is where she belongs."Ifound through my experiences
as a preceptor that I really enjoyed the teaching aspects of it,"
she says. She adds that while working as a graduate assistant,
she learned that she likes the academic setting. Cedarville
College is a good match for her. That sentiment is echoed by
Dr. Alyn, who says,"Sandy is an outstanding faculty member
who loves the Lord and has many interests in nursing and
ministry. These interests have enhanced her many
contributions to the College and to the department of nursing."
More than just from a practical perspective, Cedarville
College prepared Sandy to be a Christian nurse.She says,
"This involves a lot more than providing safe and adequate
care. It involves having the same love for patients,families,
and co-workers that God would have and caring for their
bodies, minds,and souls. This kind ofcare was modeled for
me by the faculty members I am now fortunate to work
beside—and they are still challenging me and teaching me."
Sandy is now pursuing a doctorate at Syracuse University.
After she finishes her education,Sandy would like to
complement her teaching with more clinical practice.
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