The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961

TI-IE OHIO I DEPE DE T BAPTIST Good Preaching Characterized Our Annual Meeting • Tl1ere \\' asn' t a Poor ermon D elivered Our Thirt)r-fourth A11nual 1eeting o f the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches b egan auspiciou sly !vf onda)' e, ·ening of October sixtee11th. F rom t\vo o'clock on\vard the mes– sen gers b egan coming b )' ones and n ,·os from the churcl1es to the hos– pit able doors of I1n1nanuel Baptist Church i11 west Columbus. The firs t to arrive \\ 1 as Ch ai1man H all D autel from the T emple Baptis t Church of Portsn1outh, and b y three fi\ 1 e of the members of the council of T en \\'ere the re to begin their b oard meeting-th ey and the edi tor. By the time they adjot1med at 5 : 30 to hu11t a restaura11 t , several p astors and messengers h ad come from vari– ous parts of the state; a1 d by 7 : 30 some 110 had regis tered and joined ,vith o, ,er 100 local Baptis ts t o fill the auditoriu1n fairlv well for the , first service. E,,erv one \\ as in a mood for ,, united singing after sh aking h ands ,vith doze11s of old friends, and si11g they did u1 der the dynamic leader– ship of Pas tor Hov.i ard G. Young of Gallipolis, \\'ho \\ as chosen as song leader of the conference, and t111der the insp iration of the music furnish ed by Pastor Kemmerer of F indlay a t the p 1a110 a r1d Mrs. \ illi am Brock ,1t t l1e orgar1. If that did 11ot p t1t every 011e i11 a good mood, tl1e h t11norot1s re1narks of ~hair1nar1 Dau tel and the \\ 1 elcorne fro1n tl1e h c>s t pas tor, \\ 1 il– lia1n 13rc,ck, clid. Aft er s \'eral c:011- gr gatio11a] so11gs, (t11d a ~c)lo, " \ Vl1 11 I Surv }' tl1c \ i\/or1d1 Otts Cro!)s," l)} })astor _J lare11ce 'l"ov, 1 11se11d of l10\,·l– i11g ( ,r "e11, 11otl1i11g rnore could l1a\ c 1) ...... 11 c]c)11e tc, IJr >IJ,trf> <>t1r )1 ,a1 l s to re c -> j,,:. t l1e .111 ·ss,tg ) c,f })itstc)r J <>1111 13:1l)'C) c,f )dr1r ll il l JJ,11Jtist ( ~l1t1rcl1 of ;J") \' lt111cl. Jt \\ 1 t1s s111Jpc>se<:l tc) lJ tl1 .. e~ 1 11c1t acltlr )ss, IJttl 1t \\ 1 as 111c>l'(} ~l s :;.r111c111 tc) 011 r <,,,,11 }1 arts frc,111 1'sal1r1 73 <)11 "'1"'11e I) ->ril <> l S ·Jf- l)itv." " A kt )'-1,ot< ,tcltlr ss is ~lll)l)OS< d l<> sc.\ t t]1 tl1 111< Jc>r tl1 r st <Jf tl1 cr,11- f, r ..11c< , l,11t tJ1is ~ct tl1 111<)<>(1 for CJt1r 11 , 1 ls, ,, J1icl is lJ t t < r . J t ,,,as l,<,t 11 ] art-ec>11\ ic·ti11g a11cl )" "l t->nt rt:1i11j11g iri tl1 lll st 11se oJ t)1~l tc r111. ]3rotllf ) ]3dl) () })(Ji11lerJ ()lll tl1at a1,J1 11( ld fii r11l} t<J tl1e faitl1 t11 ~ t _,o l i g{Jod lo tilt 1111allt1lterttlc.)cl i11 ] ec; 1l , lJ11t i11 J,is lf-1)il)' }1 t) 11t1 )j()t .) )10,, tJ1c1( fit iil ,,itl1 tilt.. ar>– J)aJ .. 11l l1&1JlJ)i11 ss ,t11d J)lO IJ rit> (>1 tJ (-> \\it} d. ]] f .. ]t t:lS jf ]1j 0\\11 co11secration had b een in vain , but did 11ot d are to say so publicly fo r fear it vvould hurt his t estimony. It \\'a too p ainful to think ab out- he \vas jt1st ,vom out with the problem of it. H e was U TIL h e went i11to the sanctuary and found an ans\ver to his problem. That is ,vhy p eople go to ch t1rch today- to get ligl1t on their problems. There ,vas no prob – len1 of injustice \vith God ,vh e1 h e sa,v the latter end of the wicked , for ,,,h o wot1ld be jealou s of a pri on – er's last meal . There i11 the san c– h 1ary h e b egan to b e h o1 e t , vith himself and confessecl h e h ad "pt1t the vinegar in his own h eart ,'' a1 d h ad b een a fool . Most p eopl e are not that h on es t-at least publicly. They say, "P astor I 'm 11ot 1nad, bt1t I 'rn terribly hurt; 11 but they act th e ,, ray worldl y p eople act \\ 1 h e11 they ar e mad . "An all ergy is an extre1ne sensitivity to something that sh ould not bother us. 11 After his sp ell of self– p it y and his h onest confession , the Psalmist b egan his d oxology with tl1e 23rd verse. He h ad wh at the \\'icked did not have-God and h ea, ,e11 . o h e was able to end ]1i p salm exactly as h e b egan b y co11fessi11g the goodness of God , only this ti1ne he made it perso1 al c1nd said , "It i good for me to dra,v 11ear to God ." It \Vas a good message tha t con – , ,icte cl tis all , for ,v110 1 a 1 ot b ee1 gt1ilty of sp ell s of self-p it)'-tl1,1t a\, ·ft1l \\ 1 cak1 css of the a i11ts tha t c~1t1ses n1ore trou l)le i11 ot1r c:l1t1rcl1 th,111 ,111 tl1e op1)osi tio11 of Co111n1t 111is 111 or (~a tl1olic·is111? T JE I) Y f OltN I t (; ' I 't1cH,;cl,1} 111c>r11i11g cl,1,, 11t:lcl 10 1 tis l>rigl1t a11cl t·l .. ar. a11cl l>) 9.3(} llt'H l - 1)' a l1t111tl1 ·cl 11a(l gn tl1t"tlcl fc>r tl1 J)r,1,,er SC!)!) J<>11 l<·cl l>, I>tt"tor I le)\\ ,1rcl 0. \ cld] "'lllHll C>f <>l tl l')t(le· 13a1) l l', l , J ,1111tt. ] l ,, r1s l1is f 11 \t t i111t"\ o f 1 ·l– l<)\\1sl1i1> \\rit J1 <>lit' a~\Oll,tli<>ll , l>tt t l lt" s 111 "tl lo I> lla1>1>)' ,, 1tl1 \\ l1al l1L' ',1el\\ a11cl ,,,c ,,, :1 r<· · t: rtaitd)' ,, c~ll in11)1 c•\\t~cl ,, 1 itl1 l1is SJ)ifit <>f cit ,,(,t ic>t1. I It· 1 c·acl 11 _,, J 1 rtn1 . 7: 1.r=i, L .. l I kc 1 : 1 , 1 , r11 t ss. ,5: 17 ,t11cl J~J)l1 . 6: lb as 1>ra) < r 1>r<>111- is s ,, 111igl1t Ill< tltl t111<l tl1t 11 sug– gt ~lt cl !i , t: ral 111atlc 1s lcJr ,,,]1ie ]1 ,,,r, sl1< >11 l<l J)r~1 . \\ t nrt gln<l l1t· cli<l 11f>l 101 gc t tllt () I Ii ancl ~<,1)1t <>1 c, 11r 1),1s– t or l< s t •l111r,·]1 , t11 Ji11a11c·ial 11t l '>tl~ of ()111 <)f lHJr 1t1i iu11ari , 11cl < 011ti1111ed on paoe 5) -- " The Ohio Independent Bapt ist Published Monthly by THE OHIO AS OCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTJ T CHURCH E Publication Office 153 South J efferson, Berne, Ind. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUNn 586 Maple St reet Fos toria, Oh io Circulation 11anager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 45 19 W ellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription .Rate · - Pe r single copy ___________ $ .15 Per Year ___ ---------- __ $2.00 DEADLI E FOR N EWS: 15th of each month Advertising Rate : Per column inch ___________ Per half page _________ __ Per full page -------------- $ 2 00 $27 00 $50.00 Second class postage paid at Berne, Indiana. Postmaster : Please send form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Bapc1sc, 45 19 W ellington Ave., Parm2 34, Ohio. --- -- OU CIL A D OFFI ER Cha Irtl'lan D r. Ho,vard G Young 150 Third t . Gall1pol1s, Ohio t:c.retar} Rev John trong , 2.... lentor Ave Pa1neS'\ Ille, Oh10 "I rea,11, ttr Rev L) nn Roger 8'5 t Bo)dtn orrl1t 1eld, Ohi<.> \l11.1io,1,1r) ( J,1rt . Rt:\ Dt>n.ild ~lof ( \ 1llc, ()111<.) ) < .,,,!., J) rt'tlvr Rt, lJltnn l,rctC\\\l'\ l l) 1'.Lns1ngt() t1 1)1,Llt' ~ (') r l ll C, t 1L 1d, Q hi() 1 .. ,l11c(1tic · ~011t. Rt. , . }~ lv. l l rr II, Jr. • ..,!() 1\ v.dl )11, l~ _ l~ '-lfor l, )hi< OtJJ r 111e,11bers l{ . K l• • 1 l'•,--1 l l ~r 11 1 1 ~ Fl I .. .J \ l{ l 1 I~ "r \V/ l l~ I) J )} l .. 11, \ L .. )'0 1\ l..l . l~. l. l• \'\I I L 1 A 1 111 1 1~)'