The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961

1 Cl\ c rn IJ '1', 1 9 ] H .art to Heart Among the Women li\' ~lrs. 11,cz ~lil1, ' t ' .l...,79 \\ 7 arrt'11,\.ill ~ J{oaci . • 1\i>t . 15-1). , 11ale1 II igl1ts 22. ( l1ic> ( \\·t, lt'"ir(· tl, 1, \lagt.' tc 1, !I'''',. tJ,1~<.'' Il e),, ll)O\tt 11e,, s ite111s co11cer11111g 0 \1r soc· i t y, Do yot1 11a\-t' sp c ial prayer I qttt t for tl1c l'ra,,er c>r11 'r. c)1 cit•< st 1c>11s? J>erl1«tIJS ,ve shot1ld have a Qttc tio11 Box Korn 1. Plea'ic let Mrs . Milner lie~\r trc 111 ) 0 , 1 l)tt>ti1r,tl , , ll, tl1t. 1 Otl1 of e.1c.'h 111c)11tl1 "O it can appear i11 tl1e 11c t month' iss t1e.) 1 1 \ L~l 100 ' ' t.1lt' n 1()\ fttl 11oi.. c· \t11tc) tl1e l.,tJrd, ,111 , t.' lt111(l ..... er, tl1 Lord ,,·itl1 gl,,d11t's,. co111e before Hi. pr , - 'Ill'C ,, 1tl1 si11g111g. 1':.110,, , e tl1at tl1 , Ll1rcl I l e 1. .od: it i He that l1~,tl1 111,1<.le tts, ,111d 11ot \\.'E' ottr el\ e~; ,, ..1rt' H1.. l)C<)ple. a11d tl1 he p of Il 1~ l) .. 1sh1re. E11ter into Hi gate ,, itl1 TH. \~1: C I\ 7 I . . a11d i11 to H 1 cot1rt.. ,, 1tl1 prtli, e: be thrtnkful t111tt1 H i111. , 11d ble H1 l1ol)r 1 a1ne. For tl1e Lord i good; Hi n1erc) i , erla t111g. ,111d Hi trt1tl1 e11dt1reth to all ge11eration . · ------ ~0111i11g aero an arbcle on Tha11k - gi, i11g. the headi11g read 'Thank living' a11d th ~ thol1al1t truck a chord ,vith– iI1 111e. \\.,bile it ,,,,l a t)rpographical error there ,, 1 a trt1th to it. Thanks– gi,1ing i 11ot 0111}· lip- ervice but the dail} li,·ing out of truly grat eful heart ot1r prai e and thank giving unto our Heave11l}· Father for His suf– ficient pro, 1 ion for our t emporal and eternal need . "\,\,.hat a vvonderful a,·1our i Jesu ID}' Lord." " orne ha\~e gone forth with the story so old, Reaping a Harvest more precious than Gold, Are y·ou. too, faithfully doing your share, HelpiJ.1g together by Gifts and by Prayer?'' ----- 11R . VIVIA1 HARVEY ~1 .t\KES REPORT The outh Bethel \ Vomen's Mis– sio11a0 Fello,,·ship 1net on Tuesday September 19th at the Emmanuel Baptist Church~ e11ia. A grot1p of more tha11 100 ladies e11joyed the ses– sions of both morning and after11oon. ,£-\t noon a bountiful lunch ,vas served in the basen1ent of this lovelv ne\\ 1 , church. The ladies of Emmanuel also pro, 1 ided much appreciated nurser}' facilities for our mall children. This program ,, as centered t1pon the theme of ·ci,ring' and a panel dis– ct1ssio11 on '(,i, 1 ing' \\ as the highlight of the mon1ing se\sion. 111 the afternoon, a skit entitled ".t\unt Tillie Lean1s to Tithe" ,vas gi, 1 e11 by tl1e Blessed Hope ladies from Springfield. ~frs \ Villiam \ "'ander- TI-I , 0 11 ft1rlougl1 fron1 frica, gave 11 ~ a , ·e ry i11teresti11g n1e age from the \\' ord and al o told tis about the \\ 0111 11 i11 frica. Mr . I-Ierbert 1il– lcr ga\' ti a ocal olo a11d Mrs. Robert Humprui played an organ olo. Ot1r ladie give a hearty thanks to ~Ir . Gle1111 Green\vood, our out– going preside11t , a11d a welcome to Ir . R. D . ~IcCarthy, our new presi– dent for the comb.1g year. In March 1962 v. 1 e will be entertained by the Grace Bapbst Church , Cedarville. ------ CLE\ 1 ELA D AREA AL O 1EETS rfhe Berean \ Vome11's 1'1issionary F ello"'' hip gathered for its semi– annt1al 1neeting September 19th, in the Grace Bapti t Church, Rocky River , at 10 o'clock for the morning session. Mrs. George O'Keefe pre– sided, Mrs. Gerald Smelser directed the singing a1 d, with Mrs. Herbert v ebber extending the \velcome, we were off to a good day. Mrs. George Huff111an conducted our devotions. The ladies trio of Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland, consisting of Mrs. Roy Clark, Mrs. Lester Hassink and Irs . Benjamin Hill (who also rendered a solo ) sang for us, with 11rs. Paul vVithers as accompanist. "Introducing Cleveland Missions" was the subject of the morning. The speakers were Mrs. Allan Metcalf, representing Hebrew Christian So– ciet)1, 11iss Geneva Fox, the egro MAKE THE MOST " OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ-Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE~*, MUSIC • offering majors in Bible, Music, History and the Socia l Sciences, English, and Physical Education. ••offering majors in Physical Sciences, Bio– log ical Sciences, Christion Education, and Business Administration. Also a vailable : Psycholog.y and Ed ucoti"" courses. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY work t111der Baptist 1id-Missions~ Miss F lorence I-Iagan, the Cleveland Hebrew Mission, "vith Mrs. C. Pigna– tore giving her testimony as a trophy of their , vork. Rev. Ted Win1er, president of the Baptist School of the Bible, gave the main n1e5sage and prese11ted Irs. W. Means and Mrs. M. l--Io"vard, who ga,,e their testi– mony and sang. After the morning offering and Roll Call we adjour11e<l for lunch. All the ladies ( about 100 ) brought their sand\viches. The ladies of Grace Baptist furnished love– ly relish trays, dessert and beverage. The State Projects \vere presented in the afternoon. 1,Irs . John Kautz, circulation manager for the O.I.B. presented the magazine and urged st1bscriptions; Mrs. George 1i1ner spoke for Cedarville College by means of a poster. A sp ecial offer– ing, c,Penny a Pot1nd," ,vas received for the school. Mr . John v ilk.ins, missionary on furlough from Assam, gave the main message '\Vith pictures of tl1eir work with Baptist Mid-Mis– sions. Other , ,isiting missionaries ,vere presented- tl1en the benediction. ------ Regarding Betty Crocker coitpons> please get them to Mrs. George S. Milner as soon as possible regardless of the expiration date on the coupon. They are honored by General Mills for silverware. ---- ' 'Keep your home near heaven. Let it face the Father's house." Cf DARVILLE OHI O JAM ES T JERfMIAff, President