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In Genesis 7, we read that the waters rose and

eventually covered the whole earth. So on top of The

Great Unconformity, we should find marine layers

that cover the continents. In geology, we refer to a

sequence of rocks that represent a rise in sea level as a

transgression. That is exactly what we find on top ofThe

Great Unconformity, not only in the Grand Canyon but

on all the continents.

This is not just any

transgression; it is a

worldwide marine

transgression! What

better evidence for

Noah’s flood could

we expect to find?

Marine rocks that

extend across all of

the continents are

rather unexpected by

conventional geology. Continents are made of relatively

lightweight rock compared to that of the ocean floors,

and that is why the continents are above sea level. It is

difficult (if not miraculous) to make the ocean come

on top of a continent, let alone all of the continents at

the same time; yet, that is what we find. As you look at

the layers of rock above The Great Unconformity in the

Grand Canyon, the layers are marine, and many extend

across the entire North American continent.


When sediment is deposited on the ocean floor, it

is deposited as flat, horizontal layers. However, in the

Grand Canyon there are several places where the flat

layers have been contorted into what geologists call

“folds.” The sediments that make up the rock must have

folded when they were still soft. If they were already

hard, they would

have shattered when

forces were applied,

d u e t o b e i n g

brittle. We find

such folds in the

Tapeats Sandstone

in Carbon Canyon,

a s i d e c a ny on

deep within the

Gr and Canyon .

The conventional

story is the Tapeats

S a nd s t on e wa s

formed about 525

million years ago in the bottom of an ocean. Over time,

this layer was buried deeply (more than a mile!) by

other layers causing the Tapeats to turn into solid rock.

Then, about 50 million years ago, as the story goes, the

whole area was lifted up, and that is when the folding

took place, about 475 million years after the original

sandstone was formed. The problem with this theory is

you cannot bend hard rock; it breaks instead of bends. A

better explanation? The uplift happened soon after the

Tapeats was deposited, not millions of years later. In this

scenario, the sediments would have still been soft and

folded easily, as the field evidence indicates. This more

reasonable scenario eliminates hundreds of millions of

years of Grand Canyon history!


I have discussed just some of the evidence that I

see in the rocks of the Grand Canyon that support a

young earth and the story of Noah’s flood. Evidences

such as these led me as a young, Christian geologist

to eventually accept the biblical account was true. So

why do so many people not accept the biblical account

as truth? In 2 Peter 3, Peter prophesies about the last

days, saying men will “deliberately overlook” (ESV) or

be “willfully ignorant” (KJV) of two truths: the fact that

God created byHisWord (v. 5) and the fact He destroyed

the earth with Noah’s flood (v. 6). Ignoring the Word

of God or compromising what it clearly says is nothing

new; Adam and Eve were the first to do it in the Garden.

Today, we still fall for the same temptation, even in fields

like geology. As Christians, we need to heed Peter’s

warning and encouragement when he says “… take care

that you are not carried away with the error of lawless

people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace

and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”

(2 Pet. 3:17–18).

John Whitmore

is Professor of Geology at Cedarville

University. He has been at Cedarville since 1991.

He earned his Ph.D. in biology with a paleontology

emphasis fromLoma Linda University. He developed the

Bachelor of Science in geology and Bachelor of Arts in

geoscience majors at Cedarville — the only evangelical

Christian school where these majors are offered from a

young earth perspective. In 2015, Whitmore and three

co-authors, including Cedarville Professor of Physics

Steven Gollmer, published

The Heavens and the Earth


the first college-level earth science textbook from a

young-earth perspective. Whitmore has made numerous

trips to the Grand Canyon and partners with Answers

in Genesis and Canyon Ministries in guiding raft trips

down the Colorado River.

Continental Core

(mostly granite-like rock)



Ocean Crust

(mostly basalt)

All of the continents are covered with a

thin layer of marine sedimentary rocks

The Great Unconformity

The general construction of a continent. All continents have

a granite-like rock core that was originally formed during the

creation week. Early in the flood, the continents were eroded

(making The Great Unconformity) and then a thin layer of

marine rocks was laid down on top of that.

Folding in the Tapeats Sandstone in Carbon Canyon, a side

canyon of the Grand Canyon. Note the people in the lower right

hand corner for scale.



Cedarville Magazine