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provides the proper foundation for all knowledge:

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;

fools despise wisdom and instruction.” 1 Corinthians

1:20–25 tells us that man’s wisdom is foolishness to

God, putting our ability to reason in proper perspective.

As a result, Cedarville’s

biologists begin with a

distinctive foundation

that most scientists do

not recognize.

Cedarville professors

also critique evolution

me t hodo l og i c a l l y by

teaching students the scientific method of pursuing

knowledge within the framework of revealed truth in

God’s Word. The presupposition of the Divine Designer

helps scientists because they are much less likely to

explain things they find, but do not understand, as

“junk” or “relics of evolution.” Rather, when they start

with the idea that there is a purpose to everything in

nature, they are unlikely to dismiss what they do not

understand. Starting with the right presuppositions and

asking the right questions allow students to critically

analyze what is conveyed as “truth” in a textbook or

scientific article.

More importantly, students recognize how scientific

research itself provides much evidence against

evolution. Emphasizing the proper starting place for all

knowledge — Scripture and the proper limitations of

science — and that the scientific method cannot prove

origins, allows students to gain a more comprehensive

education at Cedarville than schools that do not believe

in a literal, six-day creation.


In the study of history, professors at Cedarville also

start from the foundation that God exists and that He

created man in His image. Secular philosophers of

history have long grappled with the meaning of history,

and their conclusions are really quite sad. Some throw

up their hands and decide there is no meaning. They

study the past because they find it interesting, or they

use it to support a political argument. These approaches

are not always bad, but if they are the only purpose

for studying history, then humans simply become

pawns for larger and more powerful forces, rather than

meaningful beings engaged in purposes governed by a

loving and wise Sovereign.

If man evolved in a chance system like evolution,

there can be no meaning for his existence. He is the

product of chance, or “dumb luck” in today’s vernacular.

Whether he lives or dies is of no eternal, cosmic

importance. But in God’s economy, man was created in

His image. The very act of creation endows man with

meaning. If there was any question about that, it is more

than addressed by the love He expressed toward us in

sending His Son to die for our sins.

As a historian studying

the past, I know the

historical endeavor matters

because the human actors

were valued by God. As a

Christian historian, when

I evaluate the actions of

humans in the past, I do so

recognizing that while they carry meaning because of

their created nature, they are also sinful and, by nature,

reject the truth. Students studying history at Cedarville

leave the classroomwith an understanding that ultimate

meaning in history is found not in the events or role

players, but beyond the actual events themselves within

the counsel of a Creator who causes all history to flow

toward His intended purposes.

While science can corroborate

the truth of Scripture, how the

universe began will never be

proven by scientific method.

Cedarville Magazine
