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animated video that showed a small dinosaur running

across the ground. As the dinosaur ran, it grew feathers,

and then wings, and then jumped off a cliff and flew,

and eventually evolved into a bird you might see in

your backyard. This evolutionary belief has become so

widely accepted that birds are now classified as reptiles!

The video represented the changes that had to occur

in dinosaurs over millions of years. Although it looks

“simplistic” on the screen, reality is very different. I

look at the video as a geneticist and know that for every

physical change we see in the dinosaur, hundreds to

millions of mutations would have to occur to make

that possible. These mutations would have to add

information about how to make new structures like

feathers — something that has never been observed!

Consider the following analogy as we try to visualize

the problems of mutations for evolution: You are

standing at the far end of your backyard and you want

to get to your house, but you must

walk a straight line (you can’t circle

around the earth) and you can only

take steps backward (away from

the house). Even if you are given

millions of years to accomplish this

task, will you ever reach your house?

No! The same is true for evolution.

Evolutionists can have billions and

trillions of years to make evolution work, but it will

always fail because there is no mechanism to make the

types of changes in organisms that evolution requires.



Genesis 1 is clear that God’s original creation was

“very good” (Gen. 1:31). There was no death, suffering,

or disease, nor mutations, that could lead to such

outcomes. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve sinned, and the

punishment for sin was death (Gen. 2:17; 3:19). After

the fall, God no longer upheld the world in the same

way, and mutations began to occur, bringing death,

disease, and suffering.

The Bible says that God created animals according

to their “kind” (Gen. 1:11–12, 21, 24–25), which most

creation scientists believe is around the family level in

modern classification schemes. For example, at Answers

in Genesis’ newest attraction, the Ark Encounter, we

showcase the dog kind, horse kind, and cat kind. The

inference from the creation and flood accounts is that

animals were to reproduce according to their kinds

(Gen. 1, 6).

What we observe today is consistent with the biblical

account of creation. We see variation within kinds (e.g.,

multiple species and breeds of dogs in the dog kind/

family), a few of which may be caused by mutations

(e.g., fur color changes in dogs), but we never observe

the types of change that will cause a dog to evolve into a

cat, or anything else for that matter. And we never will,

no matter how much time passes, because there is no

genetic mechanism for this type of change.




The Bible gives us certain biological principles,

even if it doesn’t specifically mention the terms “DNA”

or “genetics.” Our observations about what mutations

can and cannot do is absolutely consistent with biblical

creation and absolutely inconsistent with the idea of

evolution over millions of years. In the church today,

there are many who compromise on God’s Word in

Genesis and choose to believe inman-made (andmade-

up!) evolutionary ideas. Does it really matter? Is Genesis

really that important?

It is. If God didn’t tell us the truth concerning how,

when, and why He created, why should we trust what

He says about anything else? If we just evolved from

some shared ancestor with the apes, Adam and Eve

weren’t real people made in God’s image, and the fall

never happened; then what is sin, why are we sinners,

and why do we need a Savior? Ideas have consequences.

As Christians, we need to uphold the truthfulness

and authority of the history of Genesis so that we can

effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ based in

that history.

Georgia (Hickman) Purdom ’94

is a speaker, researcher, and

author for Answers in Genesis. She earned her Ph.D. in

molecular genetics fromThe Ohio State University.

We see variation within kinds (e.g., multiple species and

breeds of dogs in the dog kind/family), a few of which may

be caused by mutations (e.g., fur color changes in dogs),

but we never observe the types of change that will cause a

dog to evolve into a cat, or anything else for that matter.

Cedarville Magazine
