Cedarville Magazine Summer 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 - page 2

Cedarville Magazine
Thank you for the quality of your new magazine. The level of intellect and
depth of information is awesome. It is a great resource for sermon illustrations.
Rev. Paul Eye
/ Potosi, Missouri
Captured My Imagination
Congratulations on the new
Cedarville Magazine
. It had relevant content
effectively communicated in an innovative yet simple and understandable
format. It capturedmy imagination in such a way that I read the entiremagazine.
Daryle Doden
/ Fort Wayne, Indiana
Is a Moral Case Biblical?
Mr. Brooks (“Making the Moral Case for Free Enterprise”) made one direct
reference to Scripture, but provided no biblical basis for his argument. When
did Jesus ever preach the pursuit of happiness? He did say in this world you
will have tribulations, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world ...
take up your cross and follow Me ... and to the rich young ruler, sell all your
stuff, give it to the poor, and follow Me.
Corban Garcia ’02
/ Lihue, Hawaii
Can Land Be Owned?
Lisa Sharon Harper (“God’s Economy in Perspective”) asserts that private
individual ownership of land does not exist. This seems inconsistent with the
practice and teaching of the law, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and Jesus. If
land is not privately owned, how can it be coveted (Deut. 5:21)? Her leap from
stewardship to communism is not supported by the text.
Lane Sattler ’02
/ Warminster, Pennsylvania
Bring Back the Reference Section
I noticed that there is not a reference section in the new
Cedarville Magazine
such as there had been in
. This was a most valuable page, as it offered
readers a means to access resources that would allow for deeper exploration.
I would like to propose this page remain part of the magazine. Thank you for
your consideration.
Esther Diastello
/ Columbus, Ohio
Thanks for your feedback! Beginning in this edition, we’ve asked featured authors
to provide recommended resources for further reading and exploration.
Giving Is Crucial to Stewardship
Thank you for the articles “Get Your Financial House in Order” and “Why I
Teach Financial Literacy.” I especially appreciated Patrick Oliver’s perspective
on the importance of financial education in a society where financial illiteracy
is so pervasive. We were disappointed that only one of the six professional
financial planners referenced in the “House in Order” article mentioned giving.
It’s a crucial piece of our stewardship and should be a crucial part of “getting
our house in order” no matter our stage in life.
Lamar ’06 and Grace (Gebert) King ’06
/ Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Summer 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2
Joel Tomkinson ’03
Managing Editor
Carol Lee ’96
Creative Director
Chad Jackson ’05
Graphic Designer
Michael England
Scott Huck
Thomas White
John Gredy
Senior Vice President for Business
and Chief Financial Officer
Christopher Sohn
Vice President for Academics
Thomas Cornman
Vice President for Advancement
William Bigham
Vice President for Christian Ministries
Robert Rohm ’68
Vice President for Enrollment
Management and Marketing
Janice (Warren) Supplee ’86
Acting Vice President for Student Life
Kirsten Gibbs ‘93
Cedarville University is a Christ-centered
learning community equipping students
for lifelong leadership and service
through an education marked by
excellence and grounded in biblical truth.
Cedarville Magazine
is published spring,
summer, and fall and mailed free of
charge to alumni and supporters of
Cedarville University.
Direct inquiries and address changes to:
Cedarville Magazine
, Cedarville University
251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314
Tell us what you think of material
published in
Cedarville Magazine
Please include your name, class year
(for alumni), city, and state. Anonymous
letters will not be printed. Printed letters
may be edited for space and clarity and
may not necessarily reflect the views
of the University. Submit your letter to
Cedarville Magazine
, Cedarville University,
251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314, or
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